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concentration camp barrack KZ-Baracke {f}
concentration camp detainee KZ-Häftling {m}
concentration camp guard KZ-Wächter {m}
concentration camp guard [female] KZ-Wächterin {f}
concentration camp inmateKZ-Häftling {m}
concentration camp internee KZ-Häftling {m}
concentration camp memorial KZ-Gedenkstätte {f}
concentration camp methods KZ-Methoden {pl}
concentration camp moneyLagergeld {n}
concentration camp prisonerKZ-Häftling {m}
concentration camp prisonerKZler {m} [ugs.]
concentration camp prisoner [female] KZlerin {f} [ugs.]
concentration camp system Konzentrationslagersystem {n}
concentration camps Konzentrationslager {pl} <KZs>
concentration campsKZs {pl} [kurz für: Konzentrationslager pl.]
concentration cellKonzentrationselement {n}
concentration change Konzentrationsänderung {f}
concentration coefficient Konzentrationskoeffizient {m}
concentration dependence Konzentrationsabhängigkeit {f}
concentration dependencyKonzentrationsabhängigkeit {f}
concentration deposit Konzentratlagerstätte {f} [auch: Konzentrat-Lagerstätte]
concentration difference Konzentrationsunterschied {m}
concentration difference Konzentrationsdifferenz {f}
concentration difficulties Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten {pl}
concentration disorders Konzentrationsstörungen {pl}
concentration distribution Konzentrationsverteilung {f}
concentration effect Konzentrationseffekt {m}
concentration effect Konzentrationswirkung {f}
concentration exerciseKonzentrationsübung {f}
concentration factor Konzentrationsfaktor {m}
concentration gradient Konzentrationsgradient {m}
concentration gradient Konzentrationsgefälle {n}
concentration index Konzentrationsindex {m}
concentration LagerstätteKonzentratlagerstätte {f} [auch: Konzentrat-Lagerstätte]
concentration level Anreicherungsniveau {n}
concentration level Konzentrationsniveau {n}
concentration level Konzentrationsgrad {m}
concentration level Konzentrationsstufe {f}
concentration levelKonzentrationspegel {m}
concentration of alcohol Konzentration {f} des Alkohols
concentration of alcohol Alkoholkonzentration {f}
concentration of authority Machtanhäufung {f}
concentration of banks Bankenkonzentration {f}
concentration of capital Kapitalbündelung {f}
concentration of capitalKapitalkonzentration {f}
concentration of chemicalsChemikalienkonzentration {f}
concentration of chlorineChlorkonzentration {f} [auch: Chlor-Konzentration]
concentration of corrosive gas Schadgasgehalt {m}
concentration of demandNachfragekonzentration {f}
concentration of denaturant Denaturierungsmittelkonzentration {f}
concentration of economic power Wirtschaftskonzentration {f}
concentration of efforts Konzentration {f} der Bemühungen
concentration of electrons Elektronenkonzentration {f}
concentration of finds Fundkonzentration {f}
concentration of fire Feuerzusammenfassung {f} <FZf>
concentration of fluorideFluoridkonzentration {f}
concentration of industries Industriekonzentration {f}
concentration of industry Ansammlung {f} der Industrie
concentration of ironEisenkonzentration {f}
concentration of millionaires Millionärsdichte {f}
concentration of oxygen in the blood Blutsauerstoffkonzentration {f}
concentration of phosphorus Phosphorkonzentration {f}
concentration of poisonGiftkonzentration {f}
concentration of power Machtkonzentration {f}
concentration of power Zusammenballung {f} der Macht
concentration of power Machtballung {f}
concentration of radonRadonkonzentration {f} [auch: Radon-Konzentration]
concentration of rays of lightBündelung {f} des Lichts
concentration of salt Salzkonzentration {f}
concentration of sulphur [Br.] Schwefelkonzentration {f}
concentration of testosterone Testosteronkonzentration {f} [auch: Testosteron-Konzentration]
concentration of toxinGiftkonzentration {f}
concentration of toxin Toxinkonzentration {f}
concentration of troopsAufmarsch {m}
concentration of troops Zusammenziehung {f} von Truppen
concentration of wealthVermögenskonzentration {f}
concentration of workings Abbaukonzentration {f}
concentration of zinc Zinkkonzentration {f}
concentration performanceKonzentrationsleistung {f}
concentration plant Fabrik {f} zum Eindicken von Flüssigkeiten
concentration pointKonzentrationspunkt {m}
concentration potential Konzentrationspotential {n}
concentration principle Schwerpunktprinzip {n}
concentration problems Konzentrationsprobleme {pl}
concentration processKonzentrationsprozess {m}
concentration profile Konzentrationsprofil {n}
concentration profile Konzentrationsverlauf {m}
concentration quotient Konzentrationsquotient {m}
concentration range Konzentrationsbereich {m}
concentration ratio <CR>Konzentrationsrate {f}
concentration scaleKonzentrationsskala {f}
concentration series Konzentrationsreihe {f}
concentration spanKonzentrationsspanne {f}
concentration stage Konzentrationsstufe {f}
concentration thresholdKonzentrationsschwelle {f}
concentration unit Konzentrationsmaßeinheit {f} [Konzentrationseinheit]
concentration value Konzentrationswert {m}
concentration variation Konzentrationsschwankung {f}
concentration-dependent konzentrationsabhängig
concentrationsKonzentrationen {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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