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concrete microstructureBetongefüge {n}
concrete mixBetonmischung {f}
concrete mix Frischbeton {m} [Lieferbeton]
concrete mixerBetonmischer {m}
concrete mixer Betonmischmaschine {f}
concrete mixer Mörtelmischmaschine {f}
concrete mixer Fahrmischer {m} [Lkw]
concrete mixer Betonmixer {m} [ugs.]
concrete mixerBetonmischer {m} [Fahrmischer]
concrete mixerBetonmischlaster {m} [ugs.] [Fahrmischer]
concrete mixer Mörtelmischer {m} [Mörtelmischmaschine, Zementmischer]
concrete mixing Betonmischen {n}
concrete mixing drum Betonmischertrommel {f}
concrete mixing plant Betonmischwerk {n}
concrete mixing plant Betonmischanlage {f}
concrete mixtureBetonmischung {f}
concrete molding [Am.] Betonform {f}
concrete monument Betondenkmal {n}
concrete musickonkrete Musik {f}
concrete nailBeton-Nagel {m} [auch: Betonnagel]
concrete noun Konkretum {n}
concrete noun konkretes Hauptwort {n}
concrete noun konkretes Nomen {n}
concrete noun konkretes Substantiv {n}
concrete numberbenannte Zahl {f}
concrete objectrealer Gegenstand {m}
concrete paintBetonfarbe {f}
concrete pavementBetonpflaster {n}
concrete pavement [Am.] Betondecke {f} [einer Straße]
concrete pavement tile Betonpflasterstein {m}
concrete paver Betondeckenfertiger {m} [Straßenbaumaschine]
concrete paver Betonstraßenfertiger {m}
concrete paver [Aus.]Betonplatte {f} [Pflaster]
concrete paver [Aus.] Gehwegplatte {f} [Beton]
concrete paving Betonpflaster {n}
concrete paving Betonsteinpflaster {n}
concrete paving sett Betonpflasterstein {m}
concrete pier [e.g. supporting a bridge] Betonpfeiler {m}
concrete pile Betonsäule {f}
concrete pile Betonpfahl {m}
concrete pillar Betonsäule {f}
concrete pipe Betonrohr {n}
concrete pipeBetonröhre {f}
concrete placementBetoneinbringung {f}
concrete placementBetonierung {f}
concrete placementBetonieren {n} [Einbringen in Schalung]
concrete placement funnel Betontrichter {m}
concrete placement hopper Betontrichter {m}
concrete placing Betoneinbringung {f}
concrete placingBetonierung {f}
concrete placingBetonieren {n} [Einbringen in Schalung]
concrete placing plantBetoneinbringanlage {f}
concrete placing sequence Betonierfolge {f}
concrete plant Betonwerk {n}
concrete plant Betonfabrik {f}
concrete plasterBetonputz {m}
concrete platform Betoninsel {f} [Bohr- bzw. Förderinsel]
concrete platformBetonplattform {f} [z. B. Bohrinsel]
concrete platform structure Betonkörper {m}
concrete plugBetonpfropfen {m}
concrete plug Betonstopfen {m}
concrete pocket Betonnest {n}
concrete poetry konkrete Poesie {f}
concrete postBetonpfosten {m}
concrete pouring sequence Betonierfolge {f}
concrete preformStahlbetonfertigteil {n} [Tunnelbau]
concrete prismBetonprisma {n} [z. B. für Prüfung der Druckfestigkeit]
concrete processingBetonverarbeitung {f}
concrete propertiesBetoneigenschaften {pl}
concrete property Betoneigenschaft {f}
concrete proposal konkretes Angebot {n}
concrete proposal greifbarer Vorschlag {m}
concrete protectionBetondeckung {f} [Schutz]
concrete pryout failure Betonausbruch {m}
concrete pump Betonpumpe {f}
concrete pylon Betonmast {m} [Brücken- / Tragmast]
concrete pylonBetonpylon {m} [Brücken- / Tragmast]
concrete quality Betongüte {f}
concrete quality Betonqualität {f}
concrete rammer Betonstampfer {m}
concrete refurbishment Betonsanierung {f}
concrete rehabilitationBetonsanierung {f}
concrete reinforcement Betonbewehrung {f}
concrete reinforcementArmierung {f}
concrete reinforcement steel Bewehrungsstahl {m} [Betonbau]
concrete reinforcement steelBetonbewehrungsstahl {m}
concrete reinforcing steel Betonbewehrungsstahl {m}
concrete repair Betonsanierung {f}
concrete repairs Betonkosmetik {f}
concrete researchBetonforschung {f}
concrete restorationBetonsanierung {f}
concrete retarder Betonverzögerer {m} [Bauchemie]
concrete retarding additiveBetonverzögerer {m} [Bauchemie]
concrete retarding admixture Betonverzögerer {m} [Bauchemie]
concrete road Betonstraße {f}
concrete road finisher Betonstraßenfertiger {m}
concrete rolling techniqueBetonwalzverfahren {n}
concrete roof Betondach {n}
concrete roofing tile Betondachstein {m}
concrete roofing tile Betonziegel {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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