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English-German Dictionary

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conduit Zweckgesellschaft {f}
conduit Aquädukt {m} [auch {n}]
conduit Leitungsrohr {n}
conduit Leitungsschlauch {m}
conduit [also fig.] Leitkanal {m} [auch fig.]
conduit [fig.] Verbindung {f} [Verbindungsstelle]
conduit [fig.] Verbindungslinie {f}
conduit [water] Gerinne {n}
conduit boxAbzweigdose {f}
conduit box Verteilerkasten {m} [Baustrom]
conduit cable Leitungskabel {n}
conduit entry Leitereinführung {f}
conduit for water Wasserleitung {f}
conduit of pipesRöhrenführung {f}
conduit pipe Leitungsrohr {n}
conduit (pipe)Wellschlauch {m}
conduit systemLeitungssystem {n}
conduit wireRohrdraht {m}
conduit wiring Verlegung {f} in Rohrleitungen
conduplicatio [repetition] Conduplicatio {f}
condurango [Marsdenia cundurango]Condurango {f} [Kondurangostrauch]
condurango [Marsdenia cundurango]Kondurango {f} [Kondurangostrauch]
condurango [Marsdenia cundurango] Condurangostrauch {m} [fachspr. Rsv.]
condurango [Marsdenia cundurango] Kondurangostrauch {m}
condy [Condylactis gigantea, syn.: C. passiflora, Anthea gigantea, Bunodes passiflora, Ilyanthopsis longifilis] Karibische Goldrose {f}
condylactis anemone [Condylactis gigantea] Karibische Goldrose {f}
condylar kondylär
condylar axisKondylenachse {f}
condylar fracture Kondylenfraktur {f}
condylar fracture Kondylenbruch {m}
condylar joint [Articulatio bicondylaris] Kondylengelenk {n}
condylar luxationKondylusluxation {f}
condylar pathKondylenbahn {f}
condylar position Kondylenposition {f}
condylar process [Processus condylaris] Gelenkfortsatz {m}
condylar subluxation Kondylussubluxation {f}
condyle Kondylus {m}
condyleGelenkfortsatz {m}
condyleGelenkknorren {m}
condyle [Condylus]Gelenkwalze {f}
condyle [Condylus]Kondyle {f}
condyle of femur [Condylus femoris] Femurkondyle {f}
condyle of (the) humerus [Condylus humeri]Humeruskondyle {f}
condyle of (the) mandible [Processus condylaris mandibularis]Gelenkköpfchen {n} des Unterkiefers [Unterkieferköpfchen]
condyles Kondylen {pl}
condyles Condyli {pl}
condylobasal lengthCondylobasallänge {f}
condyloid kondylär
condyloid kondylenähnlich
condyloid articulation [Articulatio ellipsoidea] Ellipsoidgelenk {n}
condyloid articulation [Articulatio ellipsoidea] Eigelenk {n}
condyloid joint [Articulatio condylaris] Kondylengelenk {n}
condyloid joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea] Ellipsoidgelenk {n}
condyloid joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea] Eigelenk {n}
condyloid process [Processus condylaris]Gelenkfortsatz {m}
condylomaKondylom {n}
condyloma Condyloma {n} [selten] [Kondylom]
condylomaCondylom {n}
condyloma [Condyloma acuminatum] Genitalwarze {f} [auch: Feuchtwarze]
condyloma [Condylomata acuminata] Feigwarze {f}
condylomas Kondylome {pl}
condylomata {pl}Kondylome {pl}
condylomata acuminata {pl} Condylomata acuminata {pl}
condylomata lata {pl}Condylomata lata {pl}
coneInnenring {m}
coneKegel {m}
cone Konus {m}
cone Tannenzapfen {m}
coneZapfen {m} [eines Nadelbaums; im Auge]
cone Hütchen {n}
cone Tubus {m}
cone [of a pine tree] Bockerl {n} [ostösterr.] [ugs.] [Föhrenzapfen]
cone adaptation Zapfenadaptation {f}
cone antenna Konusantenne {f}
cone axisZapfenachse {f}
cone beamKegelstrahl {m}
cone beam reconstruction Kegelstrahlrekonstruktion {f}
cone bearingZapfenlager {n}
cone bearingKegellager {n}
cone biopsyKonusbiopsie {f}
cone bolt Konusbolzen {m}
cone brake Kegelbremse {f}
cone cap [Baeospora myosura, also B. myosurus]Mäuseschwanz-Amyloidsporrübling {m}
cone catchfly [Silene conoidea] Kugel-Leimkraut {n}
cone catchfly [Silene conoidea] Großkegelfrüchtiges Leimkraut {n}
cone cell Zapfenzelle {f} [Auge]
cone chest [organ building] Kegellade {f} [Orgelbau]
cone clutch Konuskupplung {f}
cone coffee filter [cone-type coffee filter] Kaffeefilter {m} [selten auch {n}] [kegelförmig]
cone collarHalskragen-Trichter {m}
cone crusher Kegelbrecher {m}
cone crusherKonusbrecher {m}
cone cutter Konusfräser {m}
cone dystrophy <COD, CD> Zapfendystrophie {f} <ZD>
cone flow pump Halbaxialpumpe {f}
cone flow pumpSchraubenradpumpe {f}
cone flow pump Schraubenpumpe {f}
cone flow pumphalbaxiale Kreiselpumpe {f}
cone flow pumpDiagonalpumpe {f} [DDR]
« condcondcondcondcondcondconeconeConfconfconf »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers