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coneyKaninchen {n}
coney [archaic, dialect] Kaninchenfell {n}
coney [Cephalopholis fulva]Karibik-Juwelenbarsch {m}
coney [in biblical use] [Procavia capensis] [Leviticus 11:5 and Deuteronomy 14:7; KJV] [(rock) hyrax]Kaninchen {n} [3. Mose 11,5 und 5. Mose 14,7] [Klippschliefer]
coney [Oryctolagus cuniculus] [European rabbit] Wildkaninchen {n}
Coney IslandConey Island {n}
confabSchwätzchen {n}
confab [coll.] kleine Besprechung {f}
confab [coll.] Plausch {m} [ugs.]
confabular im Plauderton [nachgestellt]
confabulation Konfabulation {f}
confabulation Plauderei {f}
confabulatorPlauderer {m}
confabulatoryin vertrauter Unterhaltung
confamilialzur selben (taxonomischen) Familie gehörig
confarreation Konfarreation {f}
confect [obs.] [comfit] Konfekt {n}
confectionKonfekt {n}
confectionEingemachtes {n}
confection Mischung {f}
confection Modeartikel {m} für Damen
confection Zubereitung {f}
confection Zuckerwerk {n} [veraltend]
confectionLatwerge {f} [breiförmige Arznei]
confection Damenmodeartikel {m}
confection of pastryMehlspeise {f} [österr.]
confectionary Konfekt {n}
confectionary Zuckerbäckerei {f}
confectionary {sg} [sweet pastry] Konditorwaren {pl}
confectionary artKonditoreikunst {f}
confectioner Konditor {m}
confectioner Zuckerbäcker {m} [österr., sonst veraltet für: Konditor]
confectionerKonditorei {f}
confectionerConfiseur {m} [schweiz.]
confectioner Konfiseur {m} [schweiz.]
confectioner Süßwarenhersteller {m}
confectionerZuckerwerker {m} [veraltet für: Zuckerbäcker]
confectioner [female]Zuckerbäckerin {f}
confectioner [female] Konditorin {f}
confectioner [female] Confiseuse {f} [schweiz.]
confectioner [seller] Süßwarenverkäufer {m}
confectioneriesFeinbäckereien {pl}
confectioneries Zuckerwaren {pl}
confectionersKonditoren {pl}
confectionersZuckerbäcker {pl}
confectioner's Laden {m} für Süßigkeiten
confectioner's knifeKonditormesser {n}
confectioner's knife Konditorenmesser {n}
confectioner's shop [Am.]Konfiserie {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
confectioner's (shop) Süßwarenladen {m}
confectioner's sugar [Am.]Puderzucker {m}
confectioner's sugar [Am.]Staubzucker {m}
confectionery Feinbäckerei {f}
confectioneryKonfiserie {f}
confectioneryZuckerware {f}
confectioneryZuckerbäckerei {f}
confectionery Süßware {f}
confectionery Süßigkeit {f} [Süßware]
confectionery {sg} Süßigkeiten {pl}
confectionery {sg} Süßwaren {pl}
confectionery {sg}Zuckerbäckerwaren {pl}
confectionery {sg}Zuckersachen {pl}
confectionery [shop]Konditorei {f}
confectionery art Konditoreikunst {f}
confectionery factory Süßwarenfabrik {f}
confectionery industrySüßwarenindustrie {f}
confectionery makerKonfektmacher {m}
confectionery maker [female] Konfektmacherin {f}
confectionery manufacturerHersteller {m} von Süßwaren
confectionery manufacturer Süßwarenhersteller {m}
confectionery products Süßwarenprodukte {pl}
confectionery shop Konditorei {f}
confectionist Konditor {m}
confectionsKonfekte {pl}
confederacies Bündnisse {pl}
confederacy Bündnis {n}
confederacy Bund {m}
confederacyVerschwörung {f}
confederacyStaatenbund {m}
Confederacy [U.S. history] Konföderation {f}
confederal konföderativ
Confederal Law [of the German Confederation, the early United States]Bundesrecht {n} [des Deutschen Bundes, der frühen USA]
confederateBundesgenosse {m}
confederateAlliierter {m}
confederate verbunden
confederate Helfershelfer {m}
confederateKomplize {m}
Confederate Südstaatler {m}
confederate Verbündeter {m}
confederateeidgenössisch [schweiz.]
Confederate Konföderierten-
confederate Föderat {m} [selten]
confederate [female] Alliierte {f}
Confederate [soldier, politician in the American civil war] Konföderierter {m}
Confederate flagKonföderiertenflagge {f}
Confederate States ArmyArmee {f} der Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika
Confederate States of America Zusammenschluss {m} der Südstaaten
« condcondcondcondconeconeConfconfconfconfconf »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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