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English-German Dictionary

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condyleKondylus {m}
condyleGelenkfortsatz {m}
condyleGelenkknorren {m}
condyle [Condylus] Gelenkwalze {f}
condyle [Condylus]Kondyle {f}
condyle of femur [Condylus femoris]Femurkondyle {f}
condyle of (the) humerus [Condylus humeri]Humeruskondyle {f}
condyle of (the) mandible [Processus condylaris mandibularis] Gelenkköpfchen {n} des Unterkiefers [Unterkieferköpfchen]
condylesKondylen {pl}
condyles Condyli {pl}
condylobasal lengthCondylobasallänge {f}
condyloid kondylär
condyloid articulation [Articulatio ellipsoidea] Ellipsoidgelenk {n}
condyloid articulation [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Eigelenk {n}
condyloid joint [Articulatio condylaris]Kondylengelenk {n}
condyloid joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Ellipsoidgelenk {n}
condyloid joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea] Eigelenk {n}
condyloid process [Processus condylaris] Gelenkfortsatz {m}
condyloma Kondylom {n}
condylomaCondyloma {n} [selten] [Kondylom]
condyloma Condylom {n}
condyloma [Condyloma acuminatum] Genitalwarze {f} [auch: Feuchtwarze]
condyloma [Condylomata acuminata] Feigwarze {f}
condylomas Kondylome {pl}
condylomata {pl} Kondylome {pl}
condylomata acuminata {pl} Condylomata acuminata {pl}
condylomata lata {pl} Condylomata lata {pl}
cone Innenring {m}
cone Kegel {m}
coneKonus {m}
cone Tannenzapfen {m}
coneZapfen {m} [eines Nadelbaums; im Auge]
cone Hütchen {n}
coneTubus {m}
cone [of a pine tree]Bockerl {n} [ostösterr.] [ugs.] [Föhrenzapfen]
cone adaptation Zapfenadaptation {f}
cone antenna Konusantenne {f}
cone axis Zapfenachse {f}
cone beam Kegelstrahl {m}
cone beam reconstruction Kegelstrahlrekonstruktion {f}
cone bearing Zapfenlager {n}
cone bearing Kegellager {n}
cone biopsy Konusbiopsie {f}
cone boltKonusbolzen {m}
cone brake Kegelbremse {f}
cone cap [Baeospora myosura, also B. myosurus]Mäuseschwanz-Amyloidsporrübling {m}
cone catchfly [Silene conoidea] Kugel-Leimkraut {n}
cone catchfly [Silene conoidea] Großkegelfrüchtiges Leimkraut {n}
cone cell Zapfenzelle {f} [Auge]
cone chest [organ building] Kegellade {f} [Orgelbau]
cone clutch Konuskupplung {f}
cone coffee filter [cone-type coffee filter] Kaffeefilter {m} [selten auch {n}] [kegelförmig]
cone collar Halskragen-Trichter {m}
cone crusherKegelbrecher {m}
cone crusher Konusbrecher {m}
cone cutter Konusfräser {m}
cone dystrophy <COD, CD>Zapfendystrophie {f} <ZD>
cone flow pumpHalbaxialpumpe {f}
cone flow pumpSchraubenradpumpe {f}
cone flow pumpSchraubenpumpe {f}
cone flow pumphalbaxiale Kreiselpumpe {f}
cone flow pumpDiagonalpumpe {f} [DDR]
cone friction clutchKegelkupplung {f}
cone fungus [Strobilomyces strobilaceus, syn.: S. floccopus] (Gemeiner) Strubbelkopfröhrling {m}
cone fungus [Strobilomyces strobilaceus, syn.: S. floccopus]Schwarzer Schuppenröhrling {m}
cone fungus [Strobilomyces strobilaceus, syn.: S. floccopus]Strubbelkopf {m} [Strubbelkopfröhrling]
cone gall Kegelgalle {f}
cone gamba [organ stop]Spitzgamba {f}
cone karst Kegelkarst {m}
cone loudspeaker Konuslautsprecher {m}
cone mill Glockenmühle {f}
cone mill Kegelmühle {f}
cone monochromacy Zapfenmonochromasie {f}
cone monochromacy Zapfenblindheit {f}
cone monochromasy [spv.] Zapfenblindheit {f}
cone morphology Zapfenmorphologie {f}
Cone Nebula [dark nebula in the constellation of Monoceros]Konusnebel {m} [Dunkelwolke im Sternbild Einhorn]
cone of depression Absenkungstrichter {m}
cone of dispersionStrahlungskegel {m}
cone of fireFeuerkegel {m}
cone of light Lichtkegel {m}
cone of rays Strahlenkegel {m}
cone of shame [hum.] [Elizabethan collar]Halskrause {f} [Leckschutz]
cone of uncertainty <COU, CoU> Cone of Uncertainty {m} <COU, CoU>
cone pat Kegelbild {n}
cone peduncle Zapfenstiel {m}
cone penetration test <CPT> Drucksondierung {f} <CPT>
cone picker Zapfenpflücker {m}
cone pinKegelbolzen {m}
cone pitch moth [Blastesthia turionella, syn.: B. turionana, Evetria turionana, E. turionella, Rhyacionia turionana, R. turionella] Kiefernknospenwickler {m}
cone pliers {pl} [one pair]Konuszange {f}
cone plug cock Drehküken {n}
cone pulley Kegelscheibe {f}
cone resistance Spitzenwiderstand {m}
cone scaleZapfenschuppe {f}
cone sealKonusverschluss {m}
cone seat Konus {m} für die Befestigungsmutter
cone shell [family Conidae] Kegelschnecke {f}
cone shells [genus Conus]Kegelschnecken {pl} [auch: Kegel-Schnecken]
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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