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conglomerate tumour [Br.]Konglomerattumor {m}
conglomerating verbindend [auch allgemein von unterschiedlichen Dingen]
conglomeration Anhäufung {f}
conglomeration Ansammlung {f} [von unterschiedlichen Dingen]
conglomeration Bildung {f} eines Konglomerats
conglomerationVermischung {f}
conglomeration Sammelsurium {n}
conglomeration Konglomerat {n}
conglomeration Zusammenballung {f}
conglomeration of races Rassenvermischung {f}
conglutination Zusammenkleben {n}
CongoKongo {m}
Congo [Michael Crichton]Expedition Kongo
congo [Panamanian dance music] Kongo {m} [Tanz]
Congo atrocities [1888 - 1908] Kongogräuel {pl}
Congo barb [Enteromius callipterus, syn.: Barbus callipterus] Prachtflossenbarbe {f}
Congo BasinKongobecken {n}
Congo bay owl [Phodilus prigoginei] Kongomaskeneule {f}
Congo (black-bellied) sunbird [Nectarinia/Cinnyris congensis]Kongonektarvogel {m}
Congo blueKongoblau {n}
Congo brown Kongobraun {n}
Congo buffalo [Syncerus caffer nanus, syn.: Syncerus nanus]Rotbüffel {m}
Congo buffalo [Syncerus caffer nanus, syn.: Syncerus nanus] Waldbüffel {m}
Congo coffee [Coffea canephora] Kongo-Kaffee / Kongokaffee {m}
Congo Conference [1884]Kongokonferenz {f}
Congo corinth Kongokorinth {n}
Congo Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus [Am.] Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}] des hämorrhagischen Krimfiebers / Krim-Kongo-Fiebers
Congo Crisis {sg} Kongo-Wirren {pl}
Congo ctenopoma [Microctenopoma congicum] Kongo-Zwergbuschfisch {m}
Congo dark-bellied water snake [Lycodonomorphus leleupi] Kongolesische Dunkelbauch-Sumpfnatter {f}
Congo dwarf clawed frog [Hymenochirus boettgeri] Boettgers Zwergkrallenfrosch {m}
Congo forest mouse [Deomys ferrugineus]Kongo-Waldmaus {f}
Congo forest mouse [Deomys ferrugineus]Insektenfressende Waldmaus {f}
Congo forest rat [Deomys ferrugineus]Kongo-Waldmaus {f}
Congo forest rat [Deomys ferrugineus] Insektenfressende Waldmaus {f}
Congo Free StateKongo-Freistaat {m}
Congo golden mole [Calcochloris leucorhinus, syn.: Chlorotalpa leucorhina] Kongo-Goldmull {m}
Congo gray parrot [Am.] [Psittacus erithacus erithacus] Kongo-Graupapagei {m}
Congo grey parrot [Br.] [Psittacus erithacus erithacus] Kongo-Graupapagei {m}
Congo ground-thrush / ground thrush [Zoothera oberlaenderi, syn.: Geokichla oberlaenderi] Oberländerdrossel {f} [auch: Oberländer-Drossel]
Congo moorchat [Myrmecocichla tholloni] Kongoschmätzer {m}
Congo moor-chat / moor chat [Myrmecocichla tholloni] Kongoschmätzer {m}
Congo music [West Afr.: soukous] Soukous {m}
Congo orange Kongoorange {n}
Congo pea [Cajanus cajan, syn.: C. indicus] Straucherbse {f} [auch Straucherbsenbaum]
Congo pea [Cajanus cajan, syn.: C. indicus] Taubenerbse {f} [auch Taubenerbsenbaum]
Congo pea [Cajanus cajan, syn.: C. indicus] Strauchbohne {f}
Congo pea [Cajanus cajan, syn.: C. indicus]Katjangstrauch {m}
Congo peacock [Afropavo congensis]Kongopfau {m}
Congo peafowl [Afropavo congensis]Kongopfau {m}
Congo puffer [Tetraodon miurus] Brauner Kugelfisch {m}
Congo puffer [Tetraodon miurus] Kongo-Kugelfisch {m}
Congo puffer [Tetraodon miurus]Kofferkugelfisch {m}
Congo red Kongorot {n}
Congo red-negativekongorot-negativ
Congo red-positiv kongorot-positiv
Congo rope squirrel [Funisciurus congicus] Kongo-Rotschenkelhörnchen {n}
Congo rubineKongorubin {n}
Congo (sand) martin [Riparia congica] Kongouferschwalbe {f}
Congo senna [Senna alexandrina, syn.: Cassia acutifolia, C. alexandrina, C. angustifolia, C. lanceolata, C. senna] (Alexandrinische) Senna {f}
Congo senna [Senna alexandrina, syn.: Cassia acutifolia, C. alexandrina, C. angustifolia, C. lanceolata, C. senna]Sennesstrauch {m}
Congo senna [Senna alexandrina, syn.: Cassia acutifolia, C. alexandrina, C. angustifolia, C. lanceolata, C. senna]Mekka-Senna {f}
Congo serpent eagle [Dryotriorchis spectabilis] Schlangenbussard {m}
Congo shrews [genus Congosorex]Kongo-Spitzmäuse {pl}
Congo signal grass [Brachiaria ruziziensis, syn.: B. eminii, Urochloa ruziziensis]Niederliegendes Palisadengras {n}
Congo signal grass [Brachiaria ruziziensis, syn.: B. eminii, Urochloa ruziziensis] Kongogras {n}
Congo snake [genus Amphiuma] [coll.]Aalmolch {m}
Congo snakes [family Amphiumidae, genus Amphiuma] Aalmolche {pl}
Congo snakes [family Amphiumidae, genus Amphiuma] Fischmolche {pl}
Congo tetra [Phenacogrammus interruptus] Blauer Kongosalmler {m}
Congo two-headed snake [Chilorhinophis gerardi]Kongolesische Wühlnatter {f}
Congo violet plantain-eater [Musophaga rossae] Rossturako {m} [auch: Ross-Turako]
Congo violet plantain-eater [Musophaga rossae]Hauben-Schildturako {m}
Congo water civet [Genetta piscivora, syn.: Osbornictis piscivora]Wasserzivette {f}
Congo water cobra [Naja christyi, syn.: Boulengerina christyi]Kongo-Wasserkobra {f}
Congo water cobra [Naja christyi, syn.: Boulengerina christyi] Christys Wasserkobra {f}
Congo: The Epic History of a People [David Van Reybrouck]Kongo. Eine Geschichte
Congolese kongolesisch
CongoleseKongolese {m}
Congolese Kongoer {m} [veraltet]
Congolese {pl} Kongolesen {pl}
Congolese {pl} [female]Kongolesinnen {pl}
Congolese [Congo Kinshasa] Bewohner {m} der Demokratischen Republik Kongo
Congolese [female] Kongolesin {f}
Congolese banded snake [Chamaelycus christyi] Kongolesische Bandnatter {f}
Congolese file snake [Mehelya laurenti]Kongolesische Feilennatter {f}
Congolese franc <CDF, F> [Democratic Republic of the Congo] Kongo-Franc {m} <CDF, F> [Demokratische Republik Kongo]
Congolese giraffe [Okapia johnstoni]Waldgiraffe {f} [Okapi]
Congolese giraffe [Okapia johnstoni] Okapi {n}
congolite [(Fe,Mg,Mn)3B7O13Cl] Congolith {m}
congophilic angiopathy kongophile Angiopathie {f}
congouchinesischer schwarzer Tee {m}
congrats [coll.] [congratulations] Gratulation {f}
Congrats! [coll.] [congratulations]Gratuliere!
congratulant Gratulant {m}
congratulated gratuliert
congratulating gratulierend
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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