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English-German Dictionary

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Cape fig [Carpobrotus edulis, syn.: Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme, M. edule] Hottentottenfeige {f}
Cape fig [Carpobrotus edulis, syn.: Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme, M. edule] Hexenfinger {m}
Cape fig [Ficus sur, syn.: Ficus capensis]Kap-Feige {f}
Cape file snake [Gonionotophis capensis, syn.: Mehelya capensis] Gewöhnliche Feilennatter {f}
Cape Finisterre Kap Finisterre {n}
Cape flat lizard [Platysaurus capensis] Kap-Plattgürtelechse {f}
Cape forget-me-not [Anchusa capensis] Kap-Ochsenzunge {f}
Cape forget-me-not [Anchusa capensis] Afrikanische Ochsenzunge {f}
Cape fox [Vulpes chama]Kapfuchs {m}
Cape fox [Vulpes chama] Chama-Fuchs {m}
Cape fox [Vulpes chama] Kama-Fuchs {m}
Cape fox [Vulpes chama] Silberrückenfuchs {m}
Cape francolin [Pternistis capensis]Kapfrankolin {m}
Cape fulmar [Daption capense] Kapsturmvogel {m}
Cape fur seal [Arctocephalus pusillus] Südafrikanischer Seebär {m}
Cape galaxias [Galaxias zebratus] Kap-Galaxie {f}
Cape gannet [Morus capensis] Kaptölpel {m}
Cape gauge [3ft. 6in.]Kapspur {f} [1067 mm.]
Cape geelgat [Pycnonotus capensis]Kapbülbül {m}
Cape genet [Genetta tigrina]Großfleck-Ginsterkatze {f}
Cape genet [Genetta tigrina]Südliche Großfleckgenette {f}
Cape genet [Genetta tigrina]Südliche Großfleck-Ginsterkatze {f}
Cape gilded flicker [Colaptes chrysoides]Wüstengoldspecht {m}
Cape giraffe [Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa] Kap-Giraffe / Kapgiraffe {f}
Cape giraffe [Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa] Südafrika-Giraffe / Südafrikagiraffe {f}
Cape girdled lizard [Cordylus cordylus]Zwerg-Gürtelschweif {m}
Cape girdled lizard [Cordylus cordylus] Kap-Gürtelschweif {m}
Cape girdled lizard [Cordylus cordylus] Roter Gürtelschweif {m}
Cape glossy starling / glossy-starling [Lamprotornis nitens] Rotschulter-Glanzstar {m}
Cape golden mole [Chrysochloris asiatica] Kapgoldmull / Kap-Goldmull {m}
Cape GoldieKap Goldie {n}
Cape gooseberry [Physalis peruviana]Kapstachelbeere {f}
Cape gooseberry [Physalis peruviana]Andenbeere {f}
cape gooseberry [S.Afr.] [Physalis peruviana] Andenkirsche {f}
Cape gooseberry [S.Afr.] [Physalis peruviana] Peruanische Blasenkirsche {f}
Cape gooseberry [S.Afr.] [Physalis peruviana] Judenkirsche {f}
cape gooseberry [S.Afr.] [Physalis peruviana]Peruanische Blasenkirsche {f}
cape gooseberry [S.Afr.] [Physalis peruviana] Judenkirsche {f}
cape gopher snake [Pituophis catenifer vertebralis, syn.: P. c. vertebralis] Cape-Gophernatter {f}
Cape grass lizard [Chamaesaura anguina] Kap-Schlangengürtelechse {f}
Cape grass warbler [Sphenoeacus afer]Kapgrassänger {m}
Cape grassbird [Sphenoeacus afer] Kapgrassänger {m}
Cape gray mongoose [Am.] [Galerella pulverulenta]Kapmanguste {f}
Cape gray mongoose [Am.] [Galerella pulverulenta] Kleinichneumon {m} {n} [Mangustenart]
Cape (greater) gerbil [Gerbilliscus afra]Kap-Nacktsohlenrennmaus {f}
Cape grey mongoose [Br.] [Galerella pulverulenta] Kleinichneumon {m} {n} [Manguste]
Cape grey mongoose [Br.] [Galerella pulverulenta]Kapmanguste {f}
Cape griffon [Gyps coprotheres]Kapgeier {m}
Cape griffon [Gyps coprotheres]Fahlgeier {m}
Cape griffon vulture [Gyps coprotheres]Kapgeier {m}
Cape griffon vulture [Gyps coprotheres] Fahlgeier {m}
Cape ground squirrel [Xerus inauris] Kap-Borstenhörnchen {n}
Cape grysbok [Raphicerus melanotis] Kap-Greisbock {m}
Cape gum [Acacia karroo, syn.: A. horrida, A. natalitia, Vachellia karroo]Schreckliche Akazie {f}
Cape gurnard [Chelidonichthys capensis] Kap-Knurrhahn {m}
Cape hairy bat [Myotis tricolor, syn.: Vespertilio tricolor] Dreifarb-Mausohr {n}
Cape hairy bat [Myotis tricolor, syn.: Vespertilio tricolor] Dreifarbiges Mausohr {n}
Cape HallettKap Hallett {n}
Cape hare [Lepus capensis]Kaphase {m}
Cape hare [Lepus capensis] Wüstenhase {m} [Kaphase]
Cape hen [Procellaria aequinoctialis] Weißkinn-Sturmvogel {m}
Cape (honey) bee [Apis mellifera capensis] Kapbiene {n} [auch: Kap-Biene]
Cape Hope squid [Loligo vulgaris, syn.: L. affinis, L. berthelotii, L. breviceps, L. mediterranea, L. microcephala, L. neglecta, L. pulchra, L. rangii]Gemeiner Kalmar {m}
Cape Hope squid [Loligo vulgaris, syn.: L. affinis, L. berthelotii, L. breviceps, L. mediterranea, L. microcephala, L. neglecta, L. pulchra, L. rangii]Gewöhnlicher Kalmar {m}
Cape Horn Kap Hoorn {n}
Cape Horn CurrentKap-Hoorn-Strom {m}
Cape Horn pea [Lathyrus magellanicus] Patagonien-Platterbse {f}
Cape Horner Kap Hoornier {m}
Cape hunting dog [Lycaon pictus]Afrikanischer Wildhund {m}
Cape hyacinth [Ornithogalum candicans, syn.: Galtonia candicans, Hyacinthus candicans] [summer hyacinth] Kaphyazinthe {f} [Weißblühende Sommerhyazinthe]
Cape hyrax [Procavia capensis] Klippschliefer {m}
Cape hyrax [Procavia capensis] Klippdachs {m}
Cape jasmin [Gardenia jasminoides] Gardenie {f}
Cape jasmin [Gardenia jasminoides]Gardenia {f}
Cape jasmine [Gardenia jasminoides]Gardenie {f}
Cape jasmine [Gardenia jasminoides] Gardenia {f}
Cape JonesKap Jones {n}
Cape KerrKap Kerr {n}
Cape khaki weed [Dittrichia graveolens, syn.: Inula graveolens]Klebriger Alant {m}
Cape Kinsey Kap Kinsey {n}
Cape KolkaKap Kolka {n}
Cape LankesterKap Lankester {n}
Cape leadwort [Plumbago auriculata, syn.: Plumbago capensis]Kapbleiwurz {f}
Cape leadwort [Plumbago auriculata, syn.: Plumbago capensis] Kap-Bleiwurz {f}
Cape LeeuwinKap {n} Leeuwin
Cape legless skink [Acontias meleagris]Dunkler Lanzenskink {m}
Cape legless skink [Acontias meleagris]Kap-Lanzenskink {m}
Cape lilac [Melia azedarach]Zedrachbaum {m}
Cape lily [Ornithogalum thyrsoides] Kap-Milchstern {m}
Cape lion [Panthera leo melanochaitus] [extinct]Kaplöwe {m} [ausgestorben]
Cape lobster [Homarinus capensis]Kaphummer {m} [auch: Kap-Hummer]
Cape longclaw [Macronyx capensis]Großspornpieper {m}
Cape longclaw [Macronyx capensis] Kappieper {m}
Cape longclaw [Macronyx capensis] Kapgroßsporn {m}
Cape Lopez file snake [Mehelya stenophthalmus] Kleinäugige Feilennatter {f}
Cape marguerite [Osteospermum ecklonis syn. Dimorphotheca ecklonis]Bornholmmargerite {f}
Cape May warbler [Dendroica tigrina]Tigerwaldsänger {m}
Cape mole-rat / mole rat [Georychus capensis] Kap-Blessmull {m}
Cape mole-rat / mole rat [Georychus capensis] Eigentlicher Blessmull {m}
Cape mole-rat / mole rat [Georychus capensis] Kap-Mullratte {f}
« canvcaplcapacapacapaCapeCapeCapecapecapicapi »
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