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construction physics [treated as sg.] Bauphysik {f}
construction pit wall Baugrubenwand {f}
construction plan Bauplan {m}
construction plan Konstruktionsplan {m}
construction planning law Bauplanungsgesetz {n}
construction planning law Bauplanungsrecht {n}
construction plansBaupläne {pl}
construction plant operatorBaugeräteführer {m}
construction plant operator [female] Baugeräteführerin {f}
construction plumber Bauklempner {m}
construction plumber [female] Bauklempnerin {f}
construction policy Baupolitik {f}
construction practice Baupraxis {f}
construction preparationBauvorbereitung {f}
construction principleKonstruktionsprinzip {n}
construction principle Bauprinzip {n}
construction procedureBauablauf {m}
construction process Bauprozess {m}
construction processBauvorgang {m}
construction process Bauablauf {m} [Verlauf]
construction process Aufbauprozess {m}
Construction Products Directive <CPD> Bauproduktenrichtlinie {f} <BPR>
Construction Products Regulation Bauproduktenverordnung {f} [früher Bauproduktenrichtlinie]
construction program [Am.]Bauprogramm {n}
construction program [Am.]Konstruktionsprogramm {n}
construction programme [Br.] Bauprogramm {n}
construction progress Ausführungsfortschritt {m}
construction progressBaufortschritt {m}
construction progress {sg}Baufortschritte {pl}
construction project Bauprojekt {n}
construction projectBauvorhaben {n}
construction project Bauaufgabe {f}
construction project of the century Jahrhundertbauwerk {n}
construction projects Bauvorhaben {pl}
construction projects Baumaßnahmen {pl}
construction proposal Konstruktionsentwurf {m}
construction qualityBauqualität {f}
construction regulations {pl}Bauordnung {f}
construction report Konstruktionsbericht {m}
construction research Bauforschung {f}
construction roadBaustraße {f}
construction rubbleBauschutt {m}
construction schedule Bauplanung {f}
construction schedule Bauablaufplan {m}
construction seasonBausaison {f}
construction sectorBaubranche {f}
construction sector Bauwirtschaft {f}
construction sectorBausektor {m}
construction sectorBaugewerbe {n}
construction sequenceBauablauf {m}
construction services Bauleistungen {pl}
construction set Bausatz {m}
construction signBautafel {f}
construction siteBaustelle {f}
construction site Bauplatz {m}
construction site Baufeld {n}
Construction site ahead. [sign] Achtung: Baustelle voraus!
construction site equipment {sg} Baumaschinen {pl}
construction site exitBaustellenausfahrt {f}
construction site fence Bauzaun {n}
construction site luminaireBaustellenleuchte {f}
construction site managementBaubetrieb {m} [Studiengangsbezeichnung]
construction site of power plantKraftwerksbaustelle {f}
construction site office Baubüro {n}
construction site operation Baustellenbetrieb {m}
Construction Site Ordinance Baustellenverordnung {f} <BaustellV>
construction site protection door Baustellentür {f}
construction site safetySicherheit {f} auf der Baustelle
construction site safetyBaustellensicherheit {f}
construction site silo Baustellensilo {m} {n}
construction site worker Baustellenarbeiter {m}
construction (site) barrierBaustellenabsperrung {f}
(construction site) flood lamp Baustrahler {m}
construction (site) manager Baustellenleiter {m}
construction (site) trailer [Am.] Baucontainer {m}
construction (site) vehicle Baustellenfahrzeug {n}
construction sketchesKonstruktionsskizzen {pl}
construction spanner [Br.] Montageschlüssel {m}
construction specialists Baufachleute {pl}
construction specificationBaubeschreibung {f}
construction stage Bauabschnitt {m}
construction stage Baustufe {f}
construction standard Baunorm {f}
construction standardGerätenorm {f} [Baunorm]
construction staples Tackerklammern {pl}
construction steel Baustahl {m}
construction styleBaustil {m}
construction supervision Bauüberwachung {f}
construction supervision agency Bauaufsicht {f}
construction supervisor Bauleiter {m}
construction supervisor [female] Bauleiterin {f}
construction supervisory board Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}
construction supply businessBaustoffbetrieb {m}
construction surveyBauaufnahme {f}
construction technicianBautechniker {m}
construction technician [female] Bautechnikerin {f}
construction technique Bauverfahren {n}
construction technology Konstruktionstechnik {f}
construction technology Bautechnik {f}
Construction Tendering and Contract RegulationsVergabe- und Vertragsordnung {f} für Bauleistungen <VOB>
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers