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continuous-feed dampening system Filmfeuchtwerk {n}
continuous-feed inking systemFilmfarbwerk {n}
continuous-feed inking systemFilm-Farbwerk {n}
continuous-flight-auger <CFA> Schneckenbohr-
continuous-flight-auger <CFA> Schneckenortbeton- <SOB>
continuous-flight-auger method <CFA method>Schneckenbohrverfahren {n}
continuous-flow [attr.] [also: continuous flow] [e.g. resectoscope, hysteroscope]Dauerspül- [z. B. Resektoskop, Hysteroskop]
continuous-flow calorimeterDurchflusskalorimeter {n}
continuous-flow machineStrömungsmaschine {f}
continuous-flow water heater Durchlauferhitzer {m}
continuously fortlaufend
continuouslyohne Unterbrechung
continuously ununterbrochen
continuously stetig
continuously unausgesetzt
continuouslyam laufenden Band [fig.]
continuously durchgehend
continuously unentwegt
continuously adjustable resistorstufenlos einstellbarer Widerstand {m}
continuously caststranggegossen
continuously differentiablestetig differenzierbar
continuously increasing kontinuierlich ansteigend
continuously rising stetig ansteigend
continuously running dauernd in Betrieb
continuously running pumpPumpe {f} im Dauerbetrieb
continuously running toilet ständig laufende Toilette {f}
continuously stirred tank reactor Ausschwemmreaktor {m}
continuously stirred tank reactor without bacteria retentionAusschwemmreaktor {m} ohne Bakterienrückhaltung
continuously variable stufenlos regelbar
continuously variable mit stufenloser Regelung [nachgestellt]
continuously variable gearbox <CVG>stufenloses Getriebe {n}
continuously variable transmission <CVT> stufenloses Getriebe {n}
continuously variable transmission <CVT> (stufenloses) CVT-Getriebe {n}
(continuously) adjustable transformer Regeltransformator {m}
continuousness Kontinuität {f}
continuous-time zeitstetig
continuous-type dampening systemFilm-Feuchtwerk {n}
continuous-type dampening system Filmfeuchtwerk {n}
continuous-type inking systemFilmfarbwerk {n}
continuous-type inking system Film-Farbwerk {n}
continuous-wave Doppler <CWD> Continuous Wave Doppler {m} <CW-Doppler> [Sonographie]
continuous-wave laser <cw laser> cw-Laser {m} [auch: CW-Laser]
continuous-wave laser <cw laser>Dauerstrichlaser {m}
continuous-wave radar <CW radar> Dauerstrichradar {n}
continuumKontinuum {n}
continuum ununterbrochene Folge {f}
continuum zusammenhängendes Ganzes {n}
continuum hypothesis <CH> Kontinuumshypothese {f}
continuum mechanics Kontinuumsmechanik {f}
continuum model Kontinuummodell {n}
continuum model Kontinuumsmodell {n}
continuum of meaningSinnkontinuum {n}
continuum physics [treated as sg.]Kontinuumsphysik {f}
continuum region Kontinuumsgebiet {n}
continuum resonance Raman scattering <CRRS> Kontinuum-Resonanz-Raman-Streuung {f}
continuum theory Kontinuumstheorie {f}
continuums Kontinuen {pl}
contorta pine [Pinus contorta, syn.: P. boursieri, P. contorta var. contorta, P. tenuis]Amerikanische Strandkiefer {f}
contorta pine [Pinus contorta, syn.: P. boursieri, P. contorta var. contorta, P. tenuis] Dreh-Kiefer / Drehkiefer {f}
contorta pine [Pinus contorta, syn.: P. boursieri, P. contorta var. contorta, P. tenuis]Murraykiefer {f}
contorta pine [Pinus contorta, syn.: P. boursieri, P. contorta var. contorta, P. tenuis]Küsten-Kiefer {f}
contorted deformiert
contorted gekrümmt
contorted gewunden
contorted verdreht
contorted verzerrt
contorted zusammengezogen
contorted [Br.] verwinkelt
contorted sphagnum [Sphagnum contortum]Gedrehtes Torfmoos {n}
contorted with pain [postpos.] [face] schmerzverzerrt
contortion Verdrehung {f}
contortionVerzerrung {f}
contortionVerkrümmung {f}
contortion Verrenkung {f} [starke Drehung, Biegung des Körpers]
contortion [acrobatics] Kontorsion {f}
contortioner Verdreher {m}
contortionism Verdrehung {f} von Worten
contortionism Kunst {f} des Sich-Verbiegens
contortionistSchlangenmensch {m}
contortionist Wortverdreher {m}
contortionist Verrenkungskünstler {m}
contortionistKontorsionist {m}
contortionist [female] Schlangenfrau {f}
contortions Verdrehungen {pl}
contortionsVerzerrungen {pl}
contortive verdrehend
contourQuerschnittskontur {f}
contour Querschnittszeichnung {f}
contour Umriss {m}
contour Außenlinie {f}
contour Umrisslinie {f}
contourKontur {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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