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English-German Dictionary

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Cop [James B. Harris] Der Cop
Cop a load of this! [coll.]Hör dir das mal an!
cop car [coll.] Streifenwagen {m}
cop car [coll.] Polizeiauto {n}
cop car [coll.]Bullenschaukel {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [pej.] [Polizeiauto]
cop dog [Am.] Polizeihund {m}
cop killer [Am.] Polizistenmörder {m}
cop killing [coll.] Polizistenmord {m}
cop reporter [coll.] Polizeireporter {m}
cop shop [Br.] [coll.] Polizeistation {f}
cop shop [Br.] [coll.]Wache {f} [Polizeiwache]
cop shop [Br.] [coll.]Revier {n} [Polizeiwache]
Copa AméricaCopa América {f}
copacetic [Am.] [coll.]ausgezeichnet
copacetic [Am.] [coll.] in bester Ordnung
co-packer [also copacker] [contract packer]Co-Packer {m} [auch: Copacker] [Kontraktpacker]
copaiba Kopaivabalsam {m}
copaiba balsamKopaivabalsam {m}
copalCopalharz {n}
copalKopal {n}
copalKopalharz {n}
copal lacquer Kopallack {m}
copal solution adhesive Kopalkleber {m}
copal tree [Ailanthus altissima, syn.: A. glandulosa / glandulosus, A. peregrina, A. rhodoptera, Ailantus rhodoptera, Toxicodendron altissimum] [tree of heaven] Götterbaum {m}
coparasitism Coparasitismus {m}
coparcenaryMiteigentum {n}
coparcener Miteigentümer {m}
coparcenyMiteigentumanteil {m}
co-parenting gemeinsame Elternschaft {f}
coparsite [Cu4 [O2|Cl|(As,V)O4]]Coparsit {m}
co-partner Mitgesellschafter {m}
copartner Teilhaber {m}
co-partner Mitinhaber {m}
copartner Partner {m}
co-partnerTeilhaber {m}
copartner [associate] Mitinhaber {m}
copartner [female] Teilhaberin {f}
co-partner [female] Teilhaberin {f}
co-partnership Sozietät {f}
co-partnershipMitinhaberschaft {f}
co-partnershipTeilhaberschaft {f}
copartnership of labour [Br.] Mitbeteiligung {f} der Arbeitnehmer
copasetic [Am.] [coll.] [spv. for copacetic] ausgezeichnet
copasetic [Am.] [coll.] [spv. for copacetic]in bester Ordnung
copay [short for: copayment] Eigenanteil {m} [Zuzahlung]
co-paymentEigenanteil {m}
co-paymentEigenbeitrag {m}
co-paymentSelbstbeteiligung {f}
co-paymentZuzahlung {f}
copaymentEigenbeitrag {m} [Zuzahlung]
cope Prozessionsmantel {m}
cope Pluviale {n}
cope [canopy] [fig.]Gewölbe {n} [fig.]
cope [ceremonial cloak] Mantel {m} [für zeremonielle Zwecke]
cope [coping] Mauerkrone {f}
cope [flask; foundry technology] Oberkasten {m} [Gießerei]
cope [for founding bell] Glockenmantel {m} [Gussform einer Glocke]
cope [liturgical vestment]Segensmantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
cope [liturgical vestment] Chormantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
cope [liturgical vestment] Vespermantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
cope [liturgical vestment]Rauchmantel {m} [liturgisches Gewand]
cope [the sky]Firmament {n} [geh.]
cope of heavenHimmelskuppel {f}
cope of heaven [literary]Himmelszelt {n} [poet.]
Cope rearrangement Cope-Umlagerung {f}
cope stone Schlussstein {m}
copeck [spv.] [kopeck] [Russian coin = 1/100 ruble] Kopeke {f}
Copeland-Erdős constant Copeland-Erdős-Konstante {f}
Copenhagen Kopenhagen {n}
Copenhagen [attr.] Kopenhagener [indekl.]
copenhagen blueGraublau {n}
Copenhagen cockle [Parvicardium hauniense, syn.: P. (Cerastobyssum) hauniense, Cardium hauniense, Cerastobyssum hauniense]Kopenhagener Herzmuschel {f}
Copenhagen criteriaKopenhagener Kriterien {pl}
Copenhagen Does Not Exist [Martin Skovbjerg] Kopenhagen gibt es nicht
Copenhagen interpretationKopenhagener Deutung {f}
Copenhagener Kopenhagener {m}
Copenhagenization [making a city more accessible to bicyclists and pedestrians, and less car dependent] Kopenhagenisierung {f}
copepodCopepode {m}
copepod [subclass Copepoda] Ruderfußkrebs {m} [Plankton]
copepod community Copepodengemeinschaft {f}
copepod egg Copepodenei {n}
copepod family Copepodenfamilie {f} [Familie der Ruderfußkrebse]
copepod fauna Copepodenfauna {f}
copepod genus Copepodengattung {f} [Gattung der Ruderfußkrebse]
copepod species Copepodenart {f} [fachspr.]
copepod species Ruderfußkrebsart {f}
copepodologist Copepodenforscher {m}
copepodologistCopepodologe {m}
copepods [subclass Copepoda] Ruderfußkrebse {pl} [Plankton]
Copernican kopernikanisch
Copernican Kopernikaner {m}
Copernican principlekopernikanisches Prinzip {n}
Copernican revolution [also fig.] kopernikanische Wende {f} [auch fig.]
Copernican system kopernikanisches Weltsystem {n}
Copernicanism Kopernikanismus {m}
copernicium <Cn>Copernicium {n} <Cn>
copernicium atomCoperniciumatom {n}
« coolco-ocoopCoopco-oCop[copecopicoppcoppcopp »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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