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Coppit [for 2 to 6 players, with 4 or 6 spokes, Spear's Games ®] Fang den Hut ®
coppola (cap) [also: Coppola cap]Coppola-Mütze {f}
copra getrocknete Kokosnuss {f}
copra Kopra {f}
copra beetle [Necrobia rufipes] Koprakäfer {m}
copra beetle [Necrobia rufipes]Rotbeiniger Kolbenkäfer {m}
copra beetle [Necrobia rufipes] Rotbeiniger Schinkenkäfer {m}
copra itch Krämerkrätze {f} [bes. Koprahändler]
copra (itch) mite [Tyrophagus putrescentiae, syn.: Tyroglyphus lintneri, T. putrescentiae]Amerikanische Champignonmilbe {f}
copra (itch) mite [Tyrophagus putrescentiae, syn.: Tyroglyphus lintneri, T. putrescentiae] Kopramilbe {f}
copra (itch) mite [Tyrophagus putrescentiae, syn.: Tyroglyphus lintneri, T. putrescentiae] Modermilbe {f}
copraemia [Br.]Koprämie {f}
copragogueKopragogum {n}
copragogue Abführmittel {n}
copragogues Abführmittel {pl}
copragogues Kopragoga {pl}
co-precipitation <CPT> [also: coprecipitation] Gesamtfällung {f}
co-precipitation <CPT> [also: coprecipitation]Mitfällung {f}
copremesis Kopremesis {f}
copremia [Am.] Koprämie {f}
co-presence Kopräsenz {f}
copresheaf [also: co-presheaf]Koprägarbe {f}
coprime teilerfremd
coprime [also: co-prime] relativ prim
coprimeness Teilerfremdheit {f}
co-prince [Andorra]Co-Fürst {m} [Andorra]
co-principality Coprinzipat {n}
coprine Coprin {n}
Coprinellus xanthothrix [syn.: Coprinus xanthothrix] [inkcap species] Gelbschuppiger Tintling {m}
coprocessor Coprozessor {m}
coprocessorKoprozessor {m}
coproculture Koprokultur {f}
coproculture Stuhlkultur {f} [Labortest]
coproducer Mitproduzent {m}
co-producer Mitproduzent {m}
coproductKoprodukt {n}
coproduct Coprodukt {n}
coproduction gemeinsame Produktion {f}
co-production Gemeinschaftsproduktion {f}
coproduction Koproduktion {f}
co-production [byproduct]Kuppelproduktion {f}
co-productsNebenerzeugnisse {pl}
co-products Nebenprodukte {pl}
co-productsKuppelprodukte {pl}
coprographiaKoprographie {f}
coprolagnia Koprolagnie {f}
coprolalia Koprolalie {f}
coproliteKoprolith {m}
coprolite Kotstein {m}
coprolite fossilierte Exkremente {pl} [Paläontologie]
coprolite fossiler Kotballen {m}
coprolite analysisKoprolithenanalyse {f}
coprolithKoprolith {m}
coprolith Kotstein {m}
coprolitic koprolithisch
coprology [study of feces]Koprologie {f} [wissenschaftliche Untersuchung von Exkrementen]
coprology testKoprologie-Test {m}
coproma Kotgeschwulst {f} [auch: {n}]
copromaKoprom {n}
coproperty Miteigentum {n}
coprophagia Koprophagie {f}
coprophagiaKotfressen {n}
coprophagia Kotessen {n}
coprophagic koprophagisch
coprophagist Mitfresser {m}
coprophagous kotfressend
coprophagously koprophag
coprophagy Koprophagie {f}
coprophile Koprophile {m}
coprophilia Koprophilie {f}
coprophilic koprophil
coprophilous auf Mist gedeihend
coprophilous koprophil
coprophobiaKoprophobie {f}
coprophobic koprophob
copropraxia Kopropraxie {f}
co-proprietorMitbesitzer {m}
co-proprietorMiteigentümer {m}
coproprietor Miteigentümer {m}
coproscopy Koproskopie {f}
coproscopy [analysis of stool]Stuhlschau {f} [veraltet] [Koproskopie (Inspektion des Stuhls)]
coprostasis Verstopfung {f}
coprostasisKoprostase {f}
coprostasis Kotstauung {f}
coprostasis Stuhlverhalt {m} [Koprostase]
coprostasis Fäkalstase {f}
coprostasis Stuhlverstopfung {f}
coprozoic koprozoisch [in Kot oder Dung lebend]
copsPolizisten {pl}
cops {pl} [coll.] [police]Polente {f} [ugs., pej.: Polizei]
cops [coll.] Bullen {pl} [ugs.]
cops [coll.]Kibara {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [auch: Kiwara] [Polizisten]
cops [coll.]Kiberer {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
cops [coll.] Kieberer {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
Cops and Robbers [Donald E. Westlake]Räuber in Uniform
Cops and Robbersons [Michael Ritchie] Cops & Robbersons – Das haut den stärksten Bullen um
copseGestrüpp {n}
copseHain {m}
« copicoppcoppcoppcoppCoppcopscopycopycoqucora »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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