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cord skirtKordrock {m}
cord slacks {pl} (lange) Cordhose {f}
cord slacks {pl} [one pair] (lange) Kordhose {f}
cord stopper Kordelstopper {m}
cord tension Schnurspannung {f}
cord tensionerSchnurspanner {m}
cord thickness Schnurstärke {f}
cord trousers {pl} [one pair]Cordhose {f}
cord trousers {pl} [one pair] Kordhose {f}
cord velvetKordsamt {m}
cord wrapKabelaufwicklung {f}
cordageFasertauwerk {n}
cordage Tauwerk {n}
cordaitalean Cordaiten- [selten auch: Kordaiten-]
cordaite forest Cordaitenwald {m}
cordaitean Cordaiten-
cordaites [order Cordaitales] [extinct]Cordaiten {pl} [ausgestorben]
cordate herzförmig
cordate leavesherzförmige Blätter {pl}
cord-driven schnurgetrieben
corde lisse [aerial rope]Vertikalseil {n}
cordectomy Chordektomie {f}
corded gerippt
corded geschnürt
corded [made of cords] aus Stricken [nachgestellt]
corded ladderStrickleiter {f}
corded piping Paspelkordel {f}
corded piping Kederkordel {f}
corded ribbon Ripsband {n}
corded telephoneSchnurtelefon {n}
corded upzugeschnürt
corded wareSchnurkeramik {f}
Corded Ware culture Schnurkeramik {f} [Kultur]
Corded Ware culture Kultur {f} der Schnurkeramik
Corded Ware culture [also: Corded Ware Culture] schnurkeramische Kultur {f} [auch: Schnurkeramische Kultur]
Corded Ware peopleSchnurkeramiker {pl} [als Volk]
corded white limpet [Niveotectura funiculata]Niveotectura funiculata {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
corderoite [Hg3S2Cl2] Corderoit {m}
cordial herzlich
cordial freundlich [herzlich, warmherzig]
cordialStärkungsmittel {n}
cordialLikör {m}
cordialMagenlikör {m}
cordial magenstärkendes Mittel {n}
cordialwarm [herzlich]
cordial Kräuterlikör {m}
cordial kordial [veraltet]
cordial [Am.]Verdauungsschnaps {m} [Likör]
cordial [Am.] Digestif {m} [Likör]
cordial [Aus.] [undiluted]Getränkesirup {m}
cordial [invigorating (the heart), stimulating]belebend
cordial [warm and sincere] aufrichtig [herzlich]
cordial (agent) herzstärkendes Mittel {n}
cordial (agent) Herzmittel {n}
cordial (agent) Herzstärkungsmittel {n}
cordial (agent) Herzstärkung {f} [Herzstärkungsmittel]
cordial agentsHerzmittel {pl}
cordial agents Herzstärkungsmittel {pl}
cordial dislike gründliches Missfallen {n}
cordial disliketiefe Abneigung {f}
cordial dislike towards sb. tiefes Missfallen {n} jdm. gegenüber
cordial friendshipherzliche Freundschaft {f}
cordial relations freundschaftliche Beziehungen {pl}
cordial support aufrichtige Unterstützung {f}
Cordial thanks! Herzlichen Dank!
cordial welcome herzliche Begrüßung {f}
cordial welcomeherzliches Willkommen {n}
cordialitiesHerzlichkeiten {pl}
cordialities Freundlichkeiten {pl}
cordialityHerzlichkeit {f}
cordiality Kordialität {f} [veraltet]
cordially freundlich [herzlich]
cordially höflich
cordially herzlichst
cordially [letter ending]herzlich [Briefschluss]
cordially [warmly and sincerely] aufrichtig [herzlich]
cordially invitedherzlich eingeladen
cordialnessHerzlichkeiten {pl}
cordialness Herzlichkeit {f}
cordierite [Mg2Al4Si5O18]Cordierit {m}
cordiform herzförmig
cordilleraGebirgszug {m}
cordillera {sg} Kordilleren {pl}
cordillera canastero [Asthenes modesta] Kordillerenschlüpfer {m}
Cordillera de TalamancaTalamanca-Gebirgskette {f}
cordillera ground-warbler / ground warbler [Napothera rabori, syn.: Robsonius rabori] Rabor-Timalie {f}
cordillera ground-warbler / ground warbler [Napothera rabori, syn.: Robsonius rabori] Rostgesichttimalie {f}
Cordillera Mountains {pl} Kordillerengebirge {n} [selten für: Kordilleren]
Cordillera Oriental spindle snake [Atractus marthae] Oriental-Spindelnatter {f}
cordilleran kordillerisch
cordilleran canastero [Asthenes modesta] Kordillerenschlüpfer {m}
Cordilleran snipe [Gallinago stricklandii] Kordillerenbekassine {f}
Cordilleran valerian [Valeriana acutiloba]Scharfblättriger Baldrian {m}
Cordilleras Kordilleren {pl}
cording Verseilung {f} [Verschnürung]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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