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capstoneSchlussstein {m}
capstone Deckstein {m}
capstone [fig.] [culmination] Krönung {f} [Höhepunkt]
capstone [fig.] [culmination] Höhepunkt {m}
capsular kapselförmig
capsular kapsulär
capsular contractureKapselfibrose {f}
capsular fibrosisKapselfibrose {f}
capsular fruit Kapselfrucht {f}
capsular plication Kapselraffung {f}
capsular ruptureKapselriss {m}
capsular ruptureKapselruptur {f}
capsular tearKapselriss {m}
capsuleKapsel {f}
capsule Hülse {f}
capsulePatronenhülse {f}
capsule Messdose {f} [z. B. Barometer]
capsule Arzneimittelkapsel {f}
capsule [attr.] Kurz- [z. B. Kurzbiographie, Kurzgeschichte, Kurzreview]
capsule [receptacle] Fruchtkapsel {f}
capsule [type of fruit]Kapselfrucht {f}
capsule coffee maker Kapselmaschine {f} [für Kaffee]
capsule diffusionAmpullendiffusion {f}
capsule endoscopy Kapselendoskopie {f}
capsule filling machine Kapselfüllmaschine {f}
capsule fly [Acanthiophilus helianthi, syn.: Acinia eluta , A., helianthi, Musci helianthi, Trypanea eluta, Trypeta eluta, Urellia eluta, U. helianthi]Saflorfliege {f}
capsule fruitKapselfrüchte {pl}
capsule hotelKapselhotel {n}
capsule hotel Schließfachhotel {n} [ugs.] [Kapselhotel]
capsule hotel Wabenhotel {n}
capsule telephone microphone [IEC 60050] Sprechkapsel {f} [IEC 60050]
capsule wallKapselwand {f}
capsulesKapseln {pl}
capsule-shaped kapselförmig
capsulitis Kapselentzündung {f}
capsulitisKapsulitis {f}
capsulorhexis Kapsulorhexis {f}
capsulorrhaphy Kapsulorrhaphie {f}
capsulotomyKapsulotomie {f}
captafol [C10H9Cl4NO2S] Captafol {n}
captainFeldherr {m} [veraltet]
captain Kapitän {m}
captain Spielführer {m}
captain Schiffskapitän {m}
captain Captain {m} [bes. schweiz.] [Mannschaftskapitän]
Captain [Army]Stabshauptmann {m} [Heer]
captain [female] Hauptmännin {f} [regional] [ugs.]
captain [female] Kapitänin {f}
captain [female] Spielführerin {f}
captain [German grenadier forces of the 18th century] Kapitän {m} [Hauptmannsrang deutscher Grenadiertruppen des 18. Jh.]
captain [naval] Kapitän {m} zur See
Captain [USAAF]Hauptmann {m} [Luftwaffe]
captain / captain's cone [Conus capitaneus, syn.: C. ceciliae, C. ferrugineus, Rhizoconus capitaneus] Kapitänskegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
captain / captain's cone [Conus capitaneus, syn.: C. ceciliae, C. ferrugineus, Rhizoconus capitaneus] Kapitäns-Conus {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
captain <Capt., CPT> Hauptmann {m} <Hptm, Hptm., H> [in D-A-CH ohne Punkt, in DDR und Deutschem Reich mit Punkt; in Listen auch „H“]
Captain America: The First Avenger [Joe Johnston] Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain America: The Winter Soldier [Anthony Russo, Joe Russo] The Return of the First Avenger
Captain Bay-Bay Käpt'n Bay-Bay [Helmut Käutner]
Captain Blood [Michael Curtiz (1935 film)] Unter Piratenflagge
Captain Blood [video game]Die Arche des Captain Blood
Captain Clegg [Peter Graham Scott]Die Bande des Captain Clegg
Captain Corelli's Mandolin [novel: Louis de Bernières, film: John Madden] Corellis Mandoline
Captain General Generalkapitän {m}
Captain Haddock [Hergé]Kapitän Haddock
Captain Horatio Hornblower [UK title: Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.] [Raoul Walsh]Des Königs Admiral
Captain Jack's Woman [Stephanie Laurens]Ungestüm wie Wind und Meer
Captain Kidd [Rowland V. Lee]Unter schwarzer Flagge
Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter [Brian Clemens] Captain Kronos: Vampirjäger
Captain Magma [SpongeBob SquarePants]Captain Magma [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
Captain Nathaniel Churchmouse [Disney] Käpt'n Kirchmaus
Captain Nathaniel Churchmouse [Disney] Käpt'n Klüse
Captain Obvious [coll.] [hum.][Scherzname für jdn., der etw. völlig Offensichtliches ausspricht; Schlaumeier]
Captain Obvious [coll.] [hum.] Prof. Dr. Offensichtlich {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [selten]
captain of a destroyer Zerstörerkapitän {m}
captain of an aircraft carrier Flugzeugträgerkapitän {m}
captain of cavalryRittmeister {m}
captain of industry führender Industrieller {m}
captain of industry Industriekapitän {m}
captain of industryGroßindustrieller {m}
captain of industry Wirtschaftsführer {m}
captain of the Danube Steam Shipping Company Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän {m}
captain of the fleetFlottenkapitän {m}
Captain of the Grenadiers [rank]Grenadiercapitain {m} [auch: Grenadier-Capitain] [Dienstgrad]
captain of the portHafenkapitän {m}
Captain Pantoja and the Special Service [Mario Vargas Llosa] Der Hauptmann und sein Frauenbataillon
Captain Planet and the Planeteers Captain Planet
Captain Regent [Head of State of the Republic of San Marino] Regierender Kapitän {m} [Staatschef der Republik San Marino]
Captain Ron [Thom Eberhardt] Captain Ron (: Kreuzfahrt ins Glück)
Captain Scarlet and the MysteronsCaptain Scarlet und die Rache der Mysterons
[captain of a ship in the former Hamburg America Line] Hapag-Kapitän {m}
captain-coach Spielertrainer {m}
captaincy Führerschaft {f}
captaincy Captainamt {n} [schweiz.]
captaincyKapitänschaft {f}
captaincy [e.g. football] Kapitänsamt {n}
captaincy general Generalkapitanat {n}
captain-only rule [football / soccer] Kapitänsregel {f} [Fußball]
captains Führer {pl}
captainsHauptmänner {pl} [nicht fachspr.] [seltener] [Hauptleute]
captainsKapitäne {pl}
« capicapicapicapncaprcapscaptcaptcaracardcarm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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