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English-German Dictionary

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Corinthian capital korinthisches Kapitell {n}
Corinthian column korinthische Säule {f}
Corinthian GulfGolf {m} von Korinth
Corinthian War [395 to 387 BC] Korinthischer Krieg {m}
Corinthians <Cr, Co> [1 Cr, 2 Cr] [1 Co, 2 Co]Korinther {pl} <Kor> [1 Kor, 2 Kor]
Coriolanus [William Shakespeare]Coriolanus
Coriolis accelerationCoriolisbeschleunigung {f} [auch: Coriolis-Beschleunigung]
Coriolis constant Coriolis-Konstante {f}
Coriolis constants Corioliskonstanten {pl}
Coriolis effect Coriolis-Effekt {m}
Coriolis force Corioliskraft {f}
Coriolis force Coriolis-Kraft {f}
corium Lederhaut {f}
corium Korium {n}
corium suture Koriumnaht {f}
corixid species Ruderwanzenart {f}
corixids [family Corixidae] Ruderwanzen {pl}
corixids [family Corixidae] Wasserzikaden {pl} [ugs.]
corkKork {m}
corkKorken {m}
corkPfropfen {m}
cork Stöpsel {m} [österr.]
corkStoppel {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [Korken]
cork Zapfen {m} [schweiz.] [Korken]
Cork Cork {n}
cork bark Korkrinde {f}
cork belt Korkgürtel {m}
cork belt Rettungsgürtel {m}
cork borer Korkbohrer {m}
cork bulletin board Korkpinnwand {f}
cork cambium Korkkambium {n}
cork cambium Phellogen {n}
cork carpet Fußbodenbelag {m} aus Kork
cork cutter Korkschneider {m}
cork elm Korkulme {f}
cork elm [Ulmus thomasii] Felsen-Ulme {f}
cork factoryKorkfabrik {f}
cork fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Kork-Tanne / Korktanne {f}
cork fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa]Arizona-Tanne {f}
cork float Korkfloß {n}
cork flooring Korkboden {m}
cork forest Korkwald {m}
cork helmet Korkhelm {m}
cork jacketKorkjacke {f}
cork jacket Rettungsweste {f}
cork knocker [for knocking out a tobacco pipe]Korkkissen {n} [zum Ausklopfen einer Tabakpfeife]
cork matKorkmatte {f}
cork model Korkmodell {n}
cork moth [Nemapogon cloacella, syn.: Nemapogon cloacellus, Tinea cloacella, Tinea infimella] Korkmotte {f}
cork moth [Nemapogon cloacella, syn.: Nemapogon cloacellus, Tinea cloacella, Tinea infimella] Schleusenmotte {f}
cork oak [Quercus suber] Korkeiche {f}
cork oak forest Korkeichenwald {m}
cork plantation Korkplantage {f}
cork production Korkproduktion {f}
cork ring Korkring {m}
cork seller Korkverkäufer {m}
cork sole Korksohle {f}
cork stopper Korkstöpsel {m}
cork stopper Korkstopfen {m}
cork taint Korkton {m}
cork taintStoppler {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
cork taint Korkgeschmack {m}
cork tileKorkfliese {f}
cork tile Korkplatte {f}
cork tipFilter {m} einer Zigarette
cork tree Korkbaum {m}
corkageKorkgeld {n}
corkage Korkgebühr {f}
corkageEntkorkungsgebühr {f}
corkage Korkengeld {n}
cork-bark / corkbark fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Westamerikanische Balsamtanne {f}
cork-bark fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Felsengebirgs-Tanne / Felsengebirgstanne {f}
cork-bark fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Felsen-Tanne / Felsentanne {f}
cork-barked fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Arizona-Tanne {f}
cork-barked fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Kork-Tanne / Korktanne {f}
corkboard Korkbrett {n}
corkboardKorkpappe {f} zur Isolierung
corkboard Pinnwand {f}
corkboardPinwand {f} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [aus Kork]
corkboard Steckbrett {n} [Pinnwand]
corkedmit Korkgeschmack [nachgestellt]
corked korkig
corked [bottle]verkorkt
corked [Br.] voll [ugs.]
corked [Br.] zu [ugs.] [betrunken]
corked [closed with a cork] zugekorkt
corked bottle verkorkte Flasche {f}
corked face geschwärztes Gesicht {n}
corked thigh [Aus.] [coll.] [internal bleeding in thigh muscle through contact injury] Pferdekuss {m} [ugs.]
corked up zugekorkt
corked upverkorkt
corked wine verkorkter Wein {m}
corkereine Mordssache {f}
corkerKorkverschlussmaschine {f}
corker Verkorker {m}
corker [coll.] Prachtkerl {m} [ugs.]
corkhandler's disease [ICD-10, Version 2018] Korkrindenschälerkrankheit {f} [auch: Korkrindenschäler-Krankheit] [ICD-10, Version 2018]
corkhandler's disease [suberosis] Korkstaublunge {f}
« cordcorecorecorecoreCoricorkcorncorncorncorn »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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