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cork oak forest Korkeichenwald {m}
cork plantation Korkplantage {f}
cork production Korkproduktion {f}
cork ring Korkring {m}
cork sellerKorkverkäufer {m}
cork soleKorksohle {f}
cork stopper Korkstöpsel {m}
cork stopperKorkstopfen {m}
cork taintKorkton {m}
cork taintStoppler {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
cork taintKorkgeschmack {m}
cork tileKorkfliese {f}
cork tileKorkplatte {f}
cork tip Filter {m} einer Zigarette
cork treeKorkbaum {m}
corkage Korkgeld {n}
corkage Korkgebühr {f}
corkageEntkorkungsgebühr {f}
corkage Korkengeld {n}
cork-bark / corkbark fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Westamerikanische Balsamtanne {f}
cork-bark fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Felsengebirgs-Tanne / Felsengebirgstanne {f}
cork-bark fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Felsen-Tanne / Felsentanne {f}
cork-barked fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa] Arizona-Tanne {f}
cork-barked fir [Abies lasiocarpa, syn.: A. arizonica, A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica, Pinus lasiocarpa]Kork-Tanne / Korktanne {f}
corkboardKorkbrett {n}
corkboard Korkpappe {f} zur Isolierung
corkboardPinnwand {f}
corkboardPinwand {f} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [aus Kork]
corkboard Steckbrett {n} [Pinnwand]
corked mit Korkgeschmack [nachgestellt]
corked verkorkt
corked verstöpselt
corked [bottle] verkorkt
corked [Br.]voll [ugs.]
corked [Br.]zu [ugs.] [betrunken]
corked [closed with a cork] zugekorkt
corked bottle verkorkte Flasche {f}
corked face geschwärztes Gesicht {n}
corked thigh [Aus.] [coll.] [internal bleeding in thigh muscle through contact injury]Pferdekuss {m} [ugs.]
corked upzugekorkt
corked up verkorkt
corked wine verkorkter Wein {m}
corker eine Mordssache {f}
corkerKorkverschlussmaschine {f}
corker Verkorker {m}
corker [coll.] Prachtkerl {m} [ugs.]
corkhandler's disease [ICD-10, Version 2018] Korkrindenschälerkrankheit {f} [auch: Korkrindenschäler-Krankheit] [ICD-10, Version 2018]
corkhandler's disease [suberosis] Korkstaublunge {f}
corking zukorkend
corking Verkorken {n}
corking [coll.]klasse [ugs.] [indekl. Adj.]
corking [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [excellent]Riesen- [ugs.] [ausgezeichnet (z. B. Fußballer, Match)]
corking gun Vorrichtung {f} zum Verkorken
corking machine Maschine {f} zum Verkorken
corking up zukorkend
corkite [PbFe3(PO4)(SO4)(OH)6]Corkit {m}
corklike wie Kork
cork-pullerKorkenzieher {m}
corks Korken {pl}
corkscrewKorkenzieher {m}
cork-screwKorkenzieher {m}
corkscrew Zapfenzieher {m} [schweiz.]
corkscrew Stoppelzieher {m} [österr.]
corkscrew Pfropfenzieher {m} [veraltet]
corkscrew [Euphorbia mammillaris]Mammilarien-Wolfsmilch {f}
corkscrew / cork-screw rush [Juncus effusus, syn.: J. communis, J. effusus f. spiralis, J. laevis]Flatter-Simse / Flattersimse {f}
corkscrew aerialSpiralantenne {f}
corkscrew aerial [Br.]Wendelantenne {f}
corkscrew antennaSpiralantenne {f}
corkscrew chuteWendelrutsche {f}
corkscrew curl Korkenzieherlocke {f}
corkscrew curls Korkenzieherlocken {pl}
corkscrew dive Korkenziehersprung {m}
corkscrew esophagus [Am.] Korkenzieherösophagus {m} [auch: Korkenzieher-Ösophagus]
corkscrew hazel [Corylus avellana contorta]Korkenzieherhasel {f}
corkscrew oesophagus [Br.]Korkenzieherösophagus {m} [auch: Korkenzieher-Ösophagus]
corkscrew pattern [also: corkscrew-pattern] Korkenziehermuster {n}
corkscrew pizzle [corkscrew-shaped penis]Korkenzieher-Penis {m}
corkscrew roadkurvenreiche Straße {f}
corkscrew rush [Juncus effusus spiralis]Liebeslocke {f}
corkscrew rush [Juncus effusus spiralis]Korkenzieherbinse {f}
corkscrew staircase enge Wendeltreppe {f}
corkscrew staircaseSpindeltreppe {f}
corkscrew stairs {pl} Wendeltreppe {f}
corkscrew tail Korkenzieherschwanz {m}
corkscrew tailRingelschwanz {m}
corkscrew (tentacle sea) anemone [Macrodactyla doreensis, syn.: Actinia doreensis, Cereactis doreyensis, Condylactis gelam, Heteractis gelam, Radianthus gelam]Korkenzieheranemone {f}
corkscrews [corkscrew curls]Korkenzieherlocken {pl}
corkscrew-shaped korkenzieherförmig
cork-soled clog Holzschuh {m} mit Korksohle
cork-tippedmit einer Korkspitze [nachgestellt]
cork-tippedmit Filter [nachgestellt] [Zigarette]
cork-tipped cigaretteFilterzigarette {f}
cork-tipped cigarettes Filterzigaretten {pl}
corkwing [Symphodus melops, syn.: Crenilabrus melops] Schwarzäugiger Lippfisch {m}
corkwing wrasse [Symphodus melops, syn.: Crenilabrus melops] Schwarzäugiger Lippfisch {m}
corkwing (wrasse) [Symphodus melops] Goldmaid {f} [Lippfischart]
corkworker's disease [ICD-10, Version 2018]Korkarbeiterkrankheit {f} [auch: Korkarbeiter-Krankheit] [ICD-10, Version 2018]
corkworker's lung [ICD-10, Version 2018] Korkarbeiterlunge {f} [auch: Korkarbeiter-Lunge] [ICD-10, Version 2018]
« cordcorecorecoreco-rcorkcorkcorncorncorncorn »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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