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English-German Dictionary

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corneal reflex Blinzelreflex {m}
corneal reflex Kornealreflex {m}
corneal reflexLidschlussreflex {m}
corneal refractive eye surgeryrefraktive Hornhautchirurgie {f}
corneal rupture Hornhautruptur {f}
corneal ruptureHornhautriss {m}
corneal scar Hornhautnarbe {f}
corneal stromakorneales Stroma {n}
corneal surgery Hornhautchirurgie {f}
corneal suture Hornhautnaht {f}
corneal tattooingHornhauttätowierung {f}
corneal testKornealversuch {m}
corneal thickness Hornhautdicke {f}
corneal thickness measurement Hornhautdickenmessung {f}
corneal transplantation Hornhauttransplantation {f}
corneal transplantationKorneatransplantation {f}
corneal ulcerHornhautulcus {n}
corneal ulcer [ICD-10] Ulcus corneae {n} [ugs. auch {m}] [ICD-10]
corneal ulcer [Ulcus corneae] Hornhautulkus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
corneal ulcer [Ulcus corneae] Hornhautgeschwür {n}
(corneal) flash burns {pl} [photokeratitis]Verblitzung {f} [Photokeratitis]
corned eingesalzen
corned gepökelt
corned körnig
corned beefgepökeltes Fleisch {n} [vom Rind]
corned beef Pökelfleisch {n} [vom Rind]
corned beefCorned Beef {n}
corned beef Cornedbeef {n} [Rsv.]
corned beef gepökeltes Rindfleisch {n}
corned beef Corned beef {n} [alt]
corned beef Kraftfleisch {n} [regional]
corned beef Surfleisch {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [vom Rind]
corned tongue gepökelte Zunge {f}
corned tongue Pökelzunge {f}
cornel Hartriegel {m}
cornelKernelkirsche {f} [selten]
cornel cherry [Cornus mas] Herlitze {f} [Kornelkirsche]
cornel cherry [Cornus mas] Kornelkirsche {f}
cornel (cherry) tree [Cornus mas]Kornelkirschbaum {m}
cornel dogwood [Cornus officinalis, syn.: Macrocarpium officinale] Japanische Kornelkirsche {f}
cornel dogwood [Cornus officinalis, syn.: Macrocarpium officinale] Asiatische Kornelkirsche {f}
cornel jam Dirndlmarmelade {f} [österr.]
cornel tree [Cornus mas]Kernelkirschbaum {m}
corn-elevatorGetreideelevator {m}
Cornelia de Lange syndromeCornelia-de-Lange-Syndrom {n} <CdLS>
cornelian [SiO2] Carneol {m} [Rsv.]
cornelian [spv.]Karneol {m}
cornelian cherryKernelkirsche {f} [selten]
cornelian cherry [Cornus mas] Kornelkirsche {f}
cornelian cherry [Cornus mas] [esp. Am.]Gelber Hartriegel {m}
cornelian cherry [fruit]Dirndl {n} [österr.] [bayer.]
cornelian cherry dogwood [Cornus officinalis, syn.: Macrocarpium officinale] Japanische Kornelkirsche {f}
cornelian cherry dogwood [Cornus officinalis, syn.: Macrocarpium officinale]Asiatische Kornelkirsche {f}
cornelian cherry jam Kornelkirschen-Konfitüre {f} [auch: Kornelkirschenkonfitüre]
cornelian cherry jamDirndlmarmelade {f} [österr.]
cornelian cherry tree Kernelkirschbaum {m}
Cornelius Coot [Disney] Emil Erasmus Erpel
corneocyteKorneozyt {m}
corneocyte Hornzelle {f}
corneocytes Korneozyten {pl}
corneocytes Hornzellen {pl}
corneometryCorneometrie {f}
corner Ecke {f} [auch Eckball, Gegend]
corner Winkel {m} [Stelle, Ecke]
cornerEck {n} [südd.] [österr.]
cornerCorner {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
corner [monopoly] Monopol {n} [Monopolsituation]
corner [of a piece of cloth, blanket etc.]Zipfel {m} [von Tuch, Decke etc.]
corner ad [coll.] [corner advertisement] Eckfeldanzeige {f}
corner anchorEckanker {m}
corner angleEckwinkel {m}
corner arcViertelkreis {m} [Fußball]
corner arc [soccer field]Eckkreis {m} [Viertelkreis, Fußballfeld]
corner arc [soccer field] Eckraum {m} [Viertelkreis bei jeder Eckfahne; Fußball]
corner arcade Eckarkade {f}
corner arch [esp. futsal]Eckkreis {m}
corner bar Eckkneipe {f}
corner bath Eckbadewanne {f}
corner bath tub Eckbadewanne {f}
corner bathtubEckbadewanne {f}
corner bench Eckbank {f}
corner bet [roulette] Wette {f} auf vier Zahlen [Roulette]
corner blend [corner where three rounded edges meet] Kofferecke {f} [Ecke, an der drei Abrundungen zusammentreffen]
corner booth Sitzecke {f} [bes. in Restaurants usw.]
corner booth [at a trade show] Eckstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
corner boy Rowdy {m}
corner boy [esp. Irish]Eckensteher {m} [ugs.] [veraltend]
corner bracket Eckregal {n}
corner buildingEckgebäude {n}
corner cabinet Eckschränkchen {n}
corner cabinet Eckschrank {m}
corner capitalEckkapitell {n}
corner case Ausnahmefall {m}
corner castingEckbeschlag {m}
corner castingsEckbeschläge {pl}
corner chair Eckstuhl {m}
corner count [amount of corner kicks]Eckballverhältnis {n}
corner count [amount of corner kicks] Eckenverhältnis {n}
corner crack Eckriss {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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