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English-German Dictionary

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caboose [archaic] [ship' galley]Schiffsküche {f}
caboose [archaic] [ship's galley]Kombüse {f}
caboose [archaic] [ship's galley] Kabüse {f} [nordd.] [Kombüse]
caboose [fig.] Hintern {m} [ugs.]
cabooses Kombüsen {pl}
Cabot Strait Cabotstraße {f}
cabotage Kabotage {f}
cabotageKüstenschifffahrt {f}
Cabot's horned pheasant [Tragopan caboti]Cabottragopan {m}
Cabot's horned pheasant [Tragopan caboti]Braunbauchtragopan {m}
Cabot's ring [also: Cabot ring]Cabot-Ring {m}
Cabot's tragopan [Tragopan caboti] Cabottragopan {m}
Cabot's tragopan [Tragopan caboti] Braunbauchtragopan {m}
Cabot's tragopan pheasant [Tragopan caboti] Cabottragopan {m}
Cabot's tragopan pheasant [Tragopan caboti] Braunbauchtragopan {m}
cabozantinib [C28H24FN3O5] Cabozantinib {n}
Cabrera [Balearic Islands] Cabrera {n} [Balearen]
Cabrera circle Cabrerakreis {m}
Cabrera's hutia [Mesocapromys angelcabrerai]Cabrera-Baumratte {f}
Cabrera's vole [Microtus cabrerae] Cabrera-Wühlmaus {f}
cabrerite [magnesium variation of annabergite] Cabrerit {m}
cabriite [Pd2SnCu]Cabriit {m}
cabriole (leg)Kabriolbein {n} [geschwungenes Bein, häufig mit Pfotenende]
cabrioletKabriolett {n}
cabrioletzweirädriger Einspänner {m}
cabriolet fan Cabrioletfächer {m}
cabron [Am.] [sl.] Arschloch {n} [vulg.]
cabs Droschken {pl}
cabsTaxen {pl}
cabstand Droschkenstand {m}
cabstand [Am.]Taxistand {m}
cacana [Mozambique] [Momordica balsamina] Balsamgurke {f}
cacana [Mozambique] [Momordica balsamina] Balsamapfel {m}
ca'cannyäußerste Vorsicht {f}
ca'canny [Br.]Bummelstreik {m}
cacao Kakao {m}
cacao / cocoa moth [Conopomorpha cramerella, syn.: Acrocercops cramerella, Gracillaria cramerella, Zarathra cramerella]Javanische Kakao-Motte / Kakaomotte {f}
cacao bean Kakaobohne {f}
cacao bean Cacaobohne {f} [Rsv., veraltend]
cacao butter Kakaobutter {f}
cacao family {sg} [family Sterculiaceae] Sterkuliengewächse {pl}
cacao family {sg} [family Sterculiaceae] Stinkbaumgewächse {pl}
cacao farmer Kakaobauer {m}
cacao farmer [female]Kakaobäuerin {f}
cacao fruit fly [Ceratitis punctata, syn.: Pardalaspis punctata] Kakaofruchtfliege / Kakao-Fruchtfliege {f}
cacao mealybug [Planococcus lilacinus, syn.: Pseudococcus deceptor, P. lilacinus] Asiatische Kaffeeschmierlaus {f}
cacao mealybug [Planococcus lilacinus, syn.: Pseudococcus deceptor, P. lilacinus] Kaffeewurzelschmierlaus {f}
cacao moth [Ephestia elutella] Kakaomotte {f}
cacao moth [Ephestia elutella] Tabakmotte {f}
cacao moth [Ephestia elutella] Speichermotte {f}
cacao moth [Ephestia elutella] Heumotte {f}
cacao nibsKakaonibs {pl} [Kakaobohnenbruchstücke]
cacao plantation Kakaoplantage {f}
cacao pod Kakaoschote {f}
cacao pod borer [Characoma stictigrapta] [moth]Kakaoschotenbohrer {m}
cacao producer Kakaoproduzent {m}
cacao productKakaoprodukt {n}
cacao seedsKakaosamen {pl}
cacao trade Kakaohandel {m}
cacao tree [Theobroma cacao] Kakaobaum {m}
cacao weevil [Araecerus fasciculatus, syn.: Araeocerus fasciculatus] Kaffeebohnenkäfer {m}
cacao weevil [Araecerus fasciculatus, syn.: Araeocerus fasciculatus]Kaffeebohnenrüssler {m}
Cacchi coupling Cacchi-Kupplung {f}
cachaça [Brazilian rum]Cachaça {m} {f}
cachalot [Physeter macrocephalus]Kaschelott {m} [Pottwal] [selten]
cachama [Colossoma macropomum] Schwarzer Pacu {m}
cachama [Colossoma macropomum] Mühlsteinsalmler {m}
cachama [Colossoma macropomum]Tambaqui {m}
cache Cache {m}
cache Pufferspeicher {m}
cacheZugriffsspeicher {m}
cache Zwischenspeicher {m}
cache geheime Vorratskammer {f}
cacheSchattenspeicher {m}
cachedingsda Schattenspeicher {m}
cache geheimes Lager {n} [für Proviant, Waffen]
cache [cache memory] Cache-Speicher {m}
cache [geocaching] Cache {m} [Geocaching]
cache file Cache-Datei {f}
cache memory schneller Pufferspeicher {m}
cache memoryCache {m}
cache memory Cache-Speicher {m}
cache of coins Münzschatz {m} [Versteckfund]
cache of weapons Waffenversteck {n}
cache partition Cache-Partition {f}
cache site [food] Vorratsstelle {f}
cacheable zwischenspeicherbar
cachectic kachektisch
cachecticausgezehrt [entkräftet]
cachectin [coll.] [tumor necrosis factor (alpha)]Kachexin {n} [veraltet] [TNF-alpha]
cached gecacht
cached versteckt
cachepot Cachepot {m} {n}
cachepotÜbertopf {m}
cache-sexe String {m} [i. d. R. G-String]
cache-sexe Cache-String {m} ["Unterhose", bes. für Männer]
cachetMerkmal {n}
cachet Gütesiegel {n}
cachet Prestige {n}
« cabicablcablcablcablcabocachcactcadacadgcaec »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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