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English-German Dictionary

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car dealershipAutohaus {n}
car dealership Autohandelszentrum {n}
car dealerships Autohäuser {pl}
car densityAutodichte {f}
car design Autodesign {n}
car designerAutomobildesigner {m}
car designer Autodesigner {m}
car designer [female] Autodesignerin {f}
car designer [female] Automobildesignerin {f}
car detailing professionelle Autopflege {f}
car detailingAutoaufbereitung {f}
car device cradleAutohalterung {f} [für Handy/PDA etc]
car dismantlers {pl} [company]Autoverschrottung {f} [Firma]
car documentation {sg}Fahrzeugpapiere {pl}
car documents Fahrzeugpapiere {pl}
car door Wagenschlag {m} [veraltet] [Autotür]
car door Wagentür {f}
car door Schlag {m} [veraltet]
car doorAutotür {f}
car door handle Autotürgriff {m}
car drive Fahrt {f} mit dem Wagen
car driver Pkw-Fahrer {m}
car driver Autofahrer {m}
car driverKraftfahrer {m} [amtsspr.]
car driver [female]Autofahrerin {f}
car driver [female] Pkw-Fahrerin {f}
car driversAutofahrende {pl} [seltener für: Autofahrer]
car drivingAutofahren {n}
car dumpAutofriedhof {m} [ugs.]
car electrician Autoelektriker {m} [ugs.] [Kraftfahrzeugelektriker]
car electrician Kfz-Elektriker {m}
car elevator [Am.] Autofahrstuhl {m}
car engineAutomotor {m}
car expert Autoexperte {m}
car factory Autofabrik {f}
car factory Automobilfabrik {f}
car factory Autowerk {n} [Automobilwerk]
car factoryAutomobilwerk {n}
car ferriesAutofähren {pl}
car ferry Autofähre {f}
car ferryWagenfähre {f}
car ferry [Am.] Waggonfähre {f}
car floor mat Autofußmatte {f}
car floor matsAutofußmatten {pl}
car for disabled people Behindertenfahrzeug {n}
car fragmentation plant Autoverschrottungsanlage {f}
car freak [coll.] Autofreak {m} [ugs.]
car geek [esp. Am.] [coll.] Autofreak {m} [ugs.]
car giantAutoriese {m}
car heaterAutoheizung {f}
car hire Autoverleih {m}
car hire Wagenmiete {f}
car hire Autovermietung {f}
car hire company Autovermietungsunternehmen {n}
car hornAutohupe {f}
car importerAutoimporteur {m}
car imports Autoimporte {pl}
car industryAutoindustrie {f}
car industry Automobilindustrie {f}
car industry Kfz-Industrie {f}
car industry Automobilbranche {f}
car industry Autobranche {f}
car inspection Autoinspektion {f}
car insuranceAutoversicherung {f}
car insurance fraudsterAutobumser {m} [ugs.] [KFZ-Versicherungsbetrüger]
car insurer Autoversicherer {m}
car interior Wageninneres {n}
car involved in an accident Unfallwagen {m}
car jackWagenheber {m}
car journey Fahrt {f} mit dem Wagen
car journey Autoreise {f}
car key Autoschlüssel {m}
car keysAutoschlüssel {pl}
car keys Wagenschlüssel {pl}
car lane [as opposed to one reserved for cyclists] Autofahrspur {f}
car leather Autoleder {n}
car length Fahrzeuglänge {f}
car length Wagenlänge {f}
car licence [Br.] Autozulassung {f}
car liftAutoaufzug {m}
car loan [coll.] Autokredit {m}
car location indicator [train]Wagenstandanzeiger {m}
car locator [train]Wagenstandsanzeiger {m}
car lock Autoschloss {n}
car magazineAutomobilzeitschrift {f}
car magazine Autozeitung {f} [ugs.] [Autozeitschrift]
car magazine Autozeitschrift {f}
car magnate Automagnat {m}
car maintenanceWagenpflege {f}
car maintenance course Pannenkurs {m}
car maintenance manualAutobetriebshandbuch {n}
car makeAutomarke {f}
car maker Autohersteller {m}
car makerAutobauer {m}
car maniac [coll.] Autofanatiker {m}
car manufacturer Autohersteller {m}
car manufacturer Autofabrikant {m}
car manufacturer Automobilhersteller {m}
car manufacturerAutobauer {m}
car manufacturer Kfz-Hersteller {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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