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car occupantsAutoinsassen {pl}
car occupantsPkw-Insassen {pl}
car of poor appearanceAuto {n} von dürftigem Aussehen
car owner Fahrzeughalter {m}
car owner Kfz-Halter {m}
car ownerWagenhalter {m} [seltener] [Fahrzeughalter]
car ownerAutobesitzer {m}
car owner's liability Halterhaftung {f}
car ownership Autobesitz {m}
car paintAutofarbe {f} [Farbmittel]
car paint Autolack {m}
car papers Wagenpapiere {pl}
car papersAutopapiere {pl}
car parade Autokorso {m}
car park [Br.] Parkplatz {m} für PKWs
car park [esp. Br.] [area] Parkplatz {m} [für viele Autos]
car park [esp. Br.] [building] Parkhaus {n}
car park operator [Br.]Parkhausbetreiber {m}
car park permit [Br.]Parkausweis {m}
car park ticket [esp. Br.]Parkschein {m}
car park with 500 spaces [esp. Br.] Parkplatz {m} mit 500 Stellplätzen
car park with an attendant [esp. Br.] bewachter Parkplatz {m}
car parking Parken {n} [von PKWs]
car parking space Einstellplatz {m}
car part [Am.] Autoteil {n}
car partsAutoteile {pl}
car parts Fahrzeugteile {pl}
car parts supplier Autozulieferer {m}
car parts supplier Automobilzulieferer {m}
car passenger Mitfahrer {m} [im Auto]
car phone Autotelefon {n}
car plate Autoschild {n}
car polishAutopolitur {f}
car pool Fahrgemeinschaft {f}
car poolFuhrpark {m}
car pool Wagenpark {m}
car pool [fleet]Fahrzeugpark {m}
car port überdachter Einstellplatz {m}
car port Carport {m} [auch {n}]
car ports Carports {pl}
car procession Autokorso {m}
car production Autoherstellung {f}
car puller [Am.] Spillvorrichtung {f}
car purchaseAutokauf {m}
car racing Autorennen {n} [Sportart]
car racing game Autorennspiel {n}
car rackFahrradträger {m} [fürs Auto]
car radio Autoradio {n}
car ramp Autorampe {f}
car rear light [exterior] Autorücklicht {n}
car rental Wagenmiete {f}
car rentalAutovermietung {f}
car rental [company] Autoverleih {m}
car rental classification Mietwagenklassifizierung {f}
car rental firm Autovermietungsunternehmen {n}
car rental service Autoverleih {m}
car repair Autoreparatur {f}
car repair services Autoreparaturdienste {pl}
car repair services {pl}Kfz-Reparaturservice {m}
car repair services {pl}Kfz-Reparaturservice {m}jipijeh
car repair shop Autowerkstatt {f}
car repair shop Autoreparaturwerkstatt {f}
car repair shop Automobilwerkstatt {f}
car repair shopAutomobilwerkstätte {f}
car repair shopAutowerkstätte {f}
car repair trade Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe {n}
car review Fahrbericht {m}
car rideAutofahrt {f}
car ride Fahrt {f} [Autofahrt]
car roof Autodach {n}
car roof Wagendecke {f} [selten] [Wagendach]
car rugAuto-Reisedecke {f}
car safety seatKindersitz {m} [Kinderautositz]
car sale Autoverkauf {m}
car sales {pl} Autoabsatz {m}
car salesman Autoverkäufer {m}
car scratch Autoschramme {f} [ugs.]
car seat Autositz {m}
car seat [infants and toddlers] Kindersitz {m} [Kinderautositz]
car seat beltAutogurt {m} [Auto-Sicherheitsgurt]
car seat cover Autositzüberzug {m}
car seat coversAutositzbezüge {pl}
car seat protector Autositzschutz {m}
car service station Autowerkstatt {f}
car service station Kfz-Werkstatt {f}
car shampoo Autoshampoo {n}
car sharingFahrgemeinschaft {f}
car sharing Carsharing {n}
car sharing Car-Sharing {n} [Rsv.]
car sharing agency Mitfahrzentrale {f} <MFZ>
car showroom Autosalon {m}
car shuttle trainAutoverladung {f}
car shuttle trainAutoverlad {m} [schweiz.]
car sickness Übelkeit {f} beim Autofahren
car sign [sticker]Autoaufkleber {m}
car sleeper train Autoreisezug {m}
car smuggler Autoschmuggler {m}
car smugglers Autoschmuggler {pl}
car spaceStellplatz {m}
car spare parts Autoersatzteile {pl}
« capscaptcaptcaracardcarocarscaracaracarbcarb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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