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country of manufactureHerstellungsland {n}
country of nationality Land {n} der Staatsangehörigkeit
country of nationality Heimatland {n}
country of origin Herkunftsland {n}
country of origin Ursprungsland {n}
country of originErzeugerland {n}
country of originMutterland {n} [Ursprungsland]
country of origin Herkunftsstaat {m}
country of origin principle <CoOP> Herkunftslandsprinzip {n}
country of origin principle <CoOP> Herkunftslandprinzip {n}
country of origin principle <CoOP> [also: country-of-origin principle] Ursprungslandprinzip {n}
country of payment Zahlungsland {n}
country of production Herstellungsland {n}
country of production Produktionsland {n}
country of provenanceHerkunftsland {n}
country of provenanceUrsprungsland {n}
country of recruitment Anwerbeland {n}
country of registrationFlaggenstaat {m}
country of registration Registrierland {n}
country of registry Flaggenstaat {m}
country of registry Registrierland {n}
country of residence Land {n} des ständigen Wohnorts
country of residenceAnsässigkeitsstaat {m}
country of residence Wohnsitzstaat {m}
country of residence Land {n} des Wohnsitzes
country of residence Wohnsitzland {n}
country of residence Aufenthaltsland {n}
country of residence for taxation purposes Land {n} des Steuerwohnsitzes
country of scienceWissenschaftsland {n}
country of settlementNiederlassungsland {n}
country of the Eastern blocOstblockland {n}
Country of the Grand [Gerard Donovan]Morgenschwimmer. Irische Geschichten
country outingLandpartie {f} [veraltend]
country outside the Community Drittlandsgebiet {n}
country parish Landpfarrei {f}
country parishLandpfarre {f} [regional]
country parson Landpfarrer {m}
country parson [female]Landpfarrerin {f}
country people Landbewohner {pl}
country people Leute {pl} vom Lande
country people {pl} Landvolk {n}
country policeman Landjäger {m}
country policeman Landpolizist {m}
country population Landbevölkerung {f}
country practitioner Landarzt {m}
country priest Landpfarrer {m}
country profileLandesprofil {n}
country profile Länderprofil {n}
country profilesLänderprofile {pl}
country pub [Br.]Dorfkneipe {f}
country report Länderbericht {m}
country residence Landsitz {m}
country residence Villa {f} [auf dem Land]
country risk Länderrisiko {n}
country road Landstraße {f}
country road Chaussee {f} [veraltend]
country road Landweg {m}
country rock [surrounding rock, also: wall rock] Nebengestein {n}
country rocker [Am.]rustikaler Schaukelstuhl {m}
country rube [pej.] Bauerntrampel {m} [pej.]
country sayingBauernspruch {m}
country saying [folk saying] Bauernregel {f}
country school Dorfschule {f}
country school [rural school] Landschule {f}
country schoolmasterLandschulmeister {m} [veraltet]
country schoolmasterDorfschullehrer {m} [veraltend]
country schoolmasterDorfschulmeister {m} [hum., sonst veraltet]
country seatLandsitz {m}
country selection Länderauswahl {f}
country settingLändereinstellung {f}
country singerCountrysänger {m}
country singer [female]Countrysängerin {f}
country squire Landedelmann {m}
country squireDorfjunker {m} [veraltet]
country squire [pej.]Krautjunker {m} [pej.] [veraltet]
country statistics [treated as sg. or pl.] Länderstatistik {f}
country storeDorfladen {m}
country store [small store selling a wide variety of goods] Kramladen {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
country studiesLänderstudien {pl}
country study Länderstudie {f}
country study Landesstudie {f}
country style Landhausstil {m}
country taking partTeilnehmerland {n}
country to visit Reiseland {n}
country torn by civil warvom Bürgerkrieg zerrissenes Land {n}
country townProvinzstadt {f}
country townLandstadt {f}
country towns Provinzstädte {pl}
country version Landesversion {f}
country village Bauerndorf {n}
country vocalistCountrysänger {m}
country vocalist [female] Countrysängerin {f}
country wedding Bauernhochzeit {f}
country with low prices / costs Billigpreisland {n}
country with powerful land forces Landmacht {f}
[country acting as an example to others]Musterland {n}
[country cottage used as secondary home]Wochenendgrundstück {n} [ostd.]
[country feast to eat up meat from freshly slaughtered pigs]Schlachtfest {n}
[country torn by civil war] Bürgerkriegsland {n}
[country where something (equipment, documentation, etc.) is to be used] Einsatzland {n} [das Land, in dem ein Gerät o. Ä. in Betrieb gehen wird, eine Dokumentation gültig ist]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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