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covered in blood [postpos.]blutüberströmt
covered in deep snow [postpos.] tiefverschneit
covered in dusteingestaubt
covered in dust [postpos.]staubbedeckt
covered in frost [pred.] [postpos.] reifbedeckt
covered in grass [pred.] [postpos.] grasbedeckt
covered in ice [pred.] eisbedeckt
covered in moss [pred.] [postpos.] moosbedeckt
covered in scratches [postpos.] zerschunden
covered in slime [pred.] [postpos.]schleimbedeckt
covered in snow [pred.] [postpos.]schneebedeckt
covered in sweat [postpos.]schweißbedeckt
covered interest paritygedeckte Zinsparität {f}
covered marketMarkthalle {f}
covered parking Einstellhallenplätze {pl} [schweiz.]
covered position gedeckte Position {f}
covered smut of barley [Ustilago hordei]Gerstenhartbrand {m}
covered smut of barley [Ustilago hordei] gedeckter Gerstenbrand {m}
covered smut of barley [Ustilago hordei] gedeckter Brand {m} der Gerste
covered smut (of barley) [Ustilago hordei] Hartbrand {m} [Gerstenhartbrand]
covered terrace gedeckte Terrasse {f}
covered up zugedeckt
covered wagon Planwagen {m}
covered walk Wandelgang {m}
covered walk Wandelhalle {f}
covered warrantgedeckter Optionsschein {m}
covered warrants {pl} Deckungsbestand {m}
covered wire isolierter Draht {m}
covered with / in bewachsen mit
covered with a roof [postpos.] bedacht [mit einem Dach versehen]
covered with cartilage [postpos.] mit Knorpel bedeckt
covered with curtainszugehängt
covered with debris [postpos.]schuttbedeckt
covered with frost [postpos.] mit Raureif bedeckt
covered with graffiti [postpos.] mit Graffiti überzogen
covered with ice [postpos.] vereist [eisbedeckt]
covered with paint [postpos.] überlackiert [z. B. Roststellen]
covered with rubble [postpos.] schuttbedeckt
covered with trash [postpos.]vollgemüllt
covered with trees [postpos.]mit Bäumen bestanden
covered with verdigris [postpos.] mit Grünspan bedeckt
covered with weals [postpos.] striemig
covered with woods [postpos.]waldbedeckt
(covered) sugar bowl Zuckertopf {m} (mit Deckel)
coveringAbsicherung {f}
coveringDeckung {f}
covering Kurssicherung {f}
covering Beplankung {f}
covering Abdecken {n}
coveringAbdeckung {f}
coveringBelag {m}
coveringBespannung {f}
coveringBezug {m} [z. B. aus Stoff, Leder usw.]
covering Hüllschicht {f}
covering Hülle {f}
coveringAußenhülle {f}
covering Bedeckung {f}
covering deckend
covering [attr.] [e.g. cap, fixture, hood, material, plate, sheet]Abdeck- [z. B. Kappe, Vorrichtung, Haube, Material, Platte, Plane]
covering a wide area breitflächig
covering agreement Mantelvertrag {m}
covering capAbdeckhaube {f} [Kabel]
covering capAbdeckkappe {f}
covering cell Deckzelle {f}
covering clause Deckungsklausel {f}
covering compact überdeckungskompakt
covering detachment [also: support party or covering party] Deckungstrupp {m}
covering epithelium Schutzepithel {n}
covering fireFeuerschutz {m} [Feuerunterstützung]
covering fire Deckungsfeuer {n}
covering fixtureAbdeckvorrichtung {f}
covering funds {pl}Deckung {f}
covering funds {pl}Deckungskapital {n}
covering gall Umwallungsgalle {f}
covering graph Kantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
covering hair Deckhaar {n}
covering harrowleichte Egge {f}
covering hood Abdeckhaube {f}
covering lawRahmenvorschrift {f}
covering letter [Br.] Anschreiben {n} [amtsspr.] [(kurzes) Begleitschreiben]
covering letter [Br.]Begleitbrief {m}
covering letter [Br.]Begleitschreiben {n}
covering letter [Br.]Motivationsschreiben {n}
covering letter [Br.] Bewerbungsschreiben {n}
covering letter [Br.]Begleitschein {m}
covering loan Deckungsdarlehen {n}
covering material Abdeckmasse {f}
covering material Abdeckmaterial {n}
covering net Abdecknetz {n}
covering noteBegleitschreiben {n}
covering of ice Eisdecke {f}
covering of lossesVerlustdeckung {f}
covering of mold [Am.]Schimmelbelag {m}
covering of mould [Br.] Schimmelbelag {m}
covering of paper Papierschicht {f}
covering of snowSchneedecke {f}
covering of the face Vermummung {f} [von Demonstranten]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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