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covering plough [Br.] rechtswendender Pflug {m}
covering power Deckkraft {f}
covering purchase Deckungskauf {m}
covering roller Radringelwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
covering rosetteAbdeckrosette {f} [Rohrdurchführung]
covering scale [a hydrophyllium] Deckschuppe {f}
covering sheet Abdeckplane {f}
covering shellAbdeckschale {f}
covering sickness Beschälseuche {f}
covering space [algebraic topology]Überlagerungsraum {m}
covering the knees [postpos.]kniebedeckend
covering tone [Schenker] Deckton {m}
covering transformationDecktransformation {f}
covering up zudeckend
covering upVerheimlichung {f}
covering upVerschleierung {f} [auch fig.]
covering up Deckung {f} [Rückendeckung, auch: Verheimlichung]
covering up [fig.] verschleiernd [fig.]
covering up (for sth.) Deckung {f} (von etw.)
covering with curtainszuhängend
covering-over Überdecken {n}
covering-overÜberdeckung {f}
coverlet Bettdecke {f}
coverletTagesdecke {f}
covermount Beigabe {f} [meist für Zeitschriften]
covers Bezüge {pl} [Kissen, Polster]
covers band Coverband {f}
covers of silk Seidenbezüge {pl}
coverslip [microscopy] Deckglas {n} [Mikroskopie]
covert versteckt
covert verdeckt [geheim, verborgen]
covertUnterholz {n}
covert Dickicht {n}
covert Versteck {n}
covert geheim
covert Deckfeder {f}
covert [glance also] verstohlen
covert [hidden]verborgen
covert [surveillance]heimlich
covert advertisingSchleichwerbung {f}
covert channelverdeckter Kanal {m}
Covert Glacier Covert-Gletscher {m}
covert motive verborgenes Motiv {n}
covert operation verdeckte Operation {f}
covert operationGeheimdienstoperation {f} [Geheimoperation]
covert racismunterschwelliger Rassismus {m}
covert scheme geheimer Plan {m}
covert security work Geheimschutzbetreuung {f}
covert war geheimer Krieg {m}
covert warverdeckter Krieg {m}
covertly versteckt
covertly geheim [heimlich]
covertlyim Verborgenen
covertly im Geheimen
covertly insgeheim
covertness Heimlichkeit {f}
covertsDeckfedern {pl}
coverts coat Sommermantel {m}
coverture [also: couverture] Coverture {f} [auch: Couverture] [Rechtslehre des Common Law]
coverture tiller rotor Fräsdach {n}
coverture tiller rotorPrallblech {n} einer Bodenfräse
cover-uncover test [unilateral cover test] einseitiger Abdecktest {m}
cover-up Vertuschung {f}
cover-up Verschleierung {f} [Vertuschung]
cover-up correctionKorrektur {f} durch Abdecken [Schreibmaschine]
cover-up creamAbdeckcreme {f}
cover-up specialistVertuscher {m}
cover-up stick Abdeckstift {m}
cover-up tactics {pl}Verschleierungstaktik {f}
coves Wölbungen {pl}
covesBuchten {pl}
covetable begehrenswert
coveting begehrend [geh.]
covetous begehrlich
covetouslüstern [geh.] [gieriges Verlangen auf Besitz oder Genuss]
covetously begehrlich
covetousnessEifersucht {f}
covetousness Habsucht {f}
covetousness Begierde {f}
covetousness [avarice] Geiz {m}
covetousness [eagerness to possess sth.]Begehrlichkeit {f}
coveyHecke {f}
coveySchwarm {m}
covey Brut {f}
covey [brood of partridge, grouse, etc.]Gesperre {n} [die Jungen (mit Henne) bei Auer-, Birkwild, Fasan]
covey [of partridges] Kette {f} [Rebhühner]
covibrating mitschwingend
covid contaminationCorona-Kontamination {f}
Covid crisis talks {pl} Corona-Krisengespräch {n}
Covid denier Covid-Leugner {m}
Covid protests [also: COVID / covid protests]Corona-Proteste {pl} [Anti-Corona-Proteste]
Covid rules Corona-Regeln {pl}
COVID-19 [also: Covid-19, covid-19] COVID-19 {f} {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [fachspr. für: Covid-19]
COVID-19 [also: Covid-19, covid-19]Covid-19 {f} {n} [meist ohne Artikel]
Covid-19 disease [also: COVID-19 disease, covid-19 disease] Covid-19-Erkrankung {f}
« courcovecovecovecovecoveCOVIcowkcowbcowlcows »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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