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cranial pia mater [Pia mater encephali]zarte Hirnhaut {f}
cranial pia mater [Pia mater encephali] Pia mater encephali {f}
cranial pressureSchädeldruck {m}
cranial roof Schädeldach {n}
cranial root [Radix cranialis] Schädelwurzel {f}
cranial shape Schädelform {f}
cranial sinus Hirnsinus {m}
cranial sutureSchädelnaht {f}
cranial traumaSchädeltrauma {n}
cranial trauma Schädelverletzung {f}
cranial ultrasound <cranial us>Schädelultraschall {m} <Schädel-US>
cranial vault Kalotte {f}
cranial vault Schädeldach {n}
cranial vault Schädeldecke {f}
cranial vault Hirnkapsel {f}
cranial vena cava [Vena cava cranialis] vordere Hohlvene {f}
(cranial) vault [neurocranium]Hirnschädel {m}
cranially kranial [zum Kopf hin, nach oben hin]
craniate mit Schädel [lat. cranium]
cranidium Cranidium {n}
craniectomyKraniektomie {f}
craniectomy Ausschneidung {f} eines Schädelstückes
craniocarpotarsal dysplasia [Freeman-Sheldon syndrome] cranio-carpo-tarsale Dysplasie {f} [craniocarpotarsale Dysplasie] [Freeman-Sheldon-Syndrom]
craniocarpotarsal dystrophy [Freeman-Sheldon syndrome] Cranio-carpo-tarsal-Dystrophie {f} [craniocarpotarsale / cranio-carpo-tarsale Dystrophie] [Freeman-Sheldon-Syndrom]
cranio-carpo-tarsal syndrome [Freeman-Sheldon syndrome] cranio-carpo-tarsale Dysplasie {f} [Freeman-Sheldon-Syndrom]
craniocaudal extension craniocaudale Ausdehnung {f}
craniocaudal projection <cc projection> kraniokaudale Projektion {f}
cranio-caudal projection <cc projection> [EUR 17538] cranio-caudale Projektion {f} <cc-Projektion> [EUR 17538]
craniocerebral injury <CCI>Schädel-Hirn-Trauma {n} <SHT> [auch: Schädelhirntrauma]
craniocerebral trauma <CCT> Schädel-Hirn-Trauma {n} <SHT> [auch: Schädelhirntrauma]
craniocervical dystonia kraniozervikale Dystonie {f}
cranioclasia Kranioklasie {f}
cranioclast Kranioklast {m}
craniocorpography <CCG>Craniocorpographie {f} <CCG>
craniocorpography <CCG> Kraniokorpographie {f}
craniocorpography <CCG> Kraniokorpografie {f}
craniodental craniodental
craniodiaphyseal dysplasia <CDD> kraniodiaphysäre Dysplasie {f} <CDD>
craniodorsal craniodorsal
craniofacial kraniofazial
craniofacial Gesichtsschädel-
craniofacial dysostosis [Dysostosis craniofascialis]Dysostosis craniofascialis {f} [verfrühte Verknöcherung der Schädelknochennähte]
craniofacial injuryGesichtsschädelverletzung {f}
craniofacial shape Schädelform {f}
craniogenesis Craniogenese {f}
craniology Kraniologie {f}
craniologySchädellehre {f}
craniomandibular kraniomandibulär
craniomandibular dysfunction <CMD>kraniomandibuläre Dysfunktion {f} <CMD>
craniomandibular dysfunction <CMD> craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion {f} <CMD>
craniomaxillofacial surgery kraniomaxillofaziale Chirurgie {f}
craniometrical kraniometrisch
craniometry Kraniometrie {f}
craniometry Schädelmessung {f}
craniopagusKraniopagus {m}
craniopharyngioma <CP> Kraniopharyngiom {n}
craniophor [anthropological instrument]Kraniophor {m}
craniosacral osteopathy <CSO> kraniosakrale Osteopathie {f}
cranio-sacral therapy Kraniosakraltherapie {f}
craniosacral therapy <CST>Kraniosakraltherapie {f}
craniosacral therapy <CST> Craniosacral-Therapie {f} <CST>
craniosacral therapy <CST>Cranio-Sacral-Therapie {f} <CST>
craniosacral therapy <CST> Schädel-Kreuzbein-Therapie {f}
craniosacral therapy <CST> Craniosacraltherapie {f} <CST>
cranioscopy Kranioskopie {f}
craniospinal ganglion [Ganglion cranospinale sensorium]kraniospinales Ganglion {n}
craniostenosis Kraniostenose {f}
craniosynostosis <CS> Kraniosynostose {f}
craniota Schädeltiere {pl}
craniota Craniota {pl}
craniothoracopagusCraniothoracopagus {m}
craniotomised [Br.] kraniotomiert
craniotomized kraniotomiert
craniotomy [operation of crushing the fetal head to facilitate delivery] Kopfzertrümmerung {f} [veraltet]
craniotomy [surgical opening of the skull] Kraniotomie {f} [neurochirurgische Eröffnung des knöchernen Schädels]
craniumSchädel {m}
cranium Kranium {n}
cranium Hirnschale {f}
craniums Kranien {pl}
crank Kurbel {f}
crank Tretkurbel {f}
crankDrehkurbel {f}
crank [Am.] Miesepeter {m} [ugs.]
crank [coll.]Sonderling {m}
crank [coll.] [with whimsical notions] Spinner {m} [ugs.]
crank [coll.] [with whimsical notions]wunderlicher Kauz {m}
crank [literary]Wortspiel {n} [bes. einem Wort eine andere Bedeutung geben]
crank [rare] [eccentric or whimsical notion]Marotte {f}
crank [sl.] Amphetamin {n}
crank [sl.] Methamphetamin {n}
crank and flywheel pump Kurbelgetriebeschwungradpumpe {f}
crank armAntriebshebel {m}
crank arm Kurbelarm {m}
crank assemblyKurbeltrieb {m}
crank axleKurbelachse {f}
crank callTelefonstreich {m}
crank call Scherzanruf {m}
« craccrafcragcrancrancrancrancrapcrascravcraw »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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