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creatine [C4H9N3O2] Kreatin {n}
creatine esterKreatinester {m}
creatine ethyl ester <CEE>Kreatinester {m}
creatine kinase <CK> Kreatinkinase {f} <CK>
creatine monohydrate Kreatinmonohydrat {n}
creatine phosphateKreatinphosphat {n}
creatine phosphokinase <CPK>Kreatinphosphokinase {f} <CPK>
creatinemia [Am.]vermehrter Kreatingehalt {m}
creatinemia [Am.] Kreatinämie {f}
creating erzeugend [kreierend]
creating kreierend
creating erstellend
creatingEinrichten {n} [Verzeichnisse, Projekte]
creatingSchaffung {f}
creatingschaffend [hervorbringend]
creating a sensation aufwirbelnd
creating jobsSchaffen {n} von Arbeitsplätzen
creatininase Creatininase {f}
creatinine Creatinin {n}
creatinine Kreatinin {n}
creatinine clearanceKreatinin-Clearance {f}
creatinuria Kreatinurie {f}
creationBildung {f} [Schaffung]
creation Ernennung {f}
creation Erzeugung {f}
creation Generierung {f}
creationHerstellung {f}
creationSchöpfung {f}
creation Kreation {f}
creationKreierung {f}
creationErschaffung {f} [geh.]
creation Erstellung {f}
creation Gebilde {n} [Schöpfung]
creation Création {f}
creation [created object] Werk {n}
creation [formation, design] Gestaltung {f}
creation [of a library, state, park, etc.]Errichtung {f} [Gründung]
creation accountSchöpfungsbericht {m}
creation and annihilation operatorsErzeugungs- und Vernichtungsoperatoren {pl}
creation dateErstellungsdatum {n}
creation date Erzeugungsdatum {n}
creation dateErstelldatum {n}
creation ex nihilo Schöpfung {f} aus dem Nichts
creation myth Schöpfungsmythe {f} [veraltend]
creation myth [sometimes derogatory] Schöpfungsmythos {m}
creation myths Schöpfungsmythen {pl}
creation of a certificateZeugniserstellung {f}
creation of a legal rightSchaffung {f} einer Rechtsgrundlage
creation of a right Begründung {f} eines Rechts
creation of an inventory Erstellung {f} eines Inventars
creation of capitalKapitalbildung {f}
creation of content [for web pages etc.] Schaffung {f} von Inhalten [für Internetseiten etc.]
creation of credit Kreditschöpfung {f}
creation of demandBedarfsweckung {f}
creation of fire compartmentsBrandabschnittsbildung {f}
creation of humankind Menschenschöpfung {f}
creation of inventories Inventarisierung {f}
creation of knowledge Wissensschaffung {f}
creation of legendsLegendenbildung {f}
creation of lien Bestellung {f} eines Pfandrechts
creation of matterMaterieerzeugung {f}
creation of moneyGeldschöpfung {f}
creation of mortgages Bestellung {f} von Hypotheken
creation of myths Mythenbildung {f}
creation of precedentRechtsgewinnung {f}
creation of reserves Bildung {f} von Reserven
creation of reserves Schaffung {f} von Reserven
creation of reservesRücklagenbildung {f}
creation of restrictionsSchaffung {f} von Beschränkungen
creation of systemsSystembildung {f}
creation of the worldWeltschöpfung {f}
creation of valueWertschöpfung {f}
creation operator Erzeugungsoperator {m}
creation operatorAufsteigeoperator {m}
creation operator Hebeoperator {m}
creation operator Erschaffungsoperator {m}
creation report Schöpfungsbericht {m}
creation scienceKreationismus {m}
creation science Schöpfungswissenschaft {f}
creation story Schöpfungsgeschichte {f}
creation story Schöpfungserzählung {f}
creation theology Schöpfungstheologie {f}
creational pattern Erzeugungsmuster {n}
creationary kreationär
creationismKreationismus {m}
creationism Schöpfungslehre {f}
creationism Schöpfungsglaube {m}
creationist Kreationist {m}
creationist kreationistisch
creationist [female] Kreationistin {f}
creationistic kreationistisch
creations Erschaffungen {pl} [geh.]
creationsSchaffungen {pl}
creations Schöpfungen {pl}
creative kreativ
creative gestalterisch
creative bildnerisch
creative accounting Bilanzkosmetik {f}
« cravcrawcrazcreacreacreacreacreacredcredcred »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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