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credit counselor [female] [Am.] Schuldnerberaterin {f}
credit crisis Kreditkrise {f}
credit crunchKreditknappheit {f}
credit crunchKreditklemme {f}
credit crunch [coll.] Kreditkrise {f}
credit customer Kreditkunde {m}
credit cycle Kreditzyklus {m}
credit default swaps <CDS>Kreditausfallversicherungen {pl}
credit demand Kreditnachfrage {f}
credit department Kreditabteilung {f}
credit departments Kreditabteilungen {pl}
credit derivate Kreditderivat {n}
credit derivatives Kreditderivate {pl}
credit documents Kreditunterlagen {f} [Kreditdokumente]
credit documentsKreditdokumente {pl}
credit enhancementKrediterweiterung {f}
credit enhancementBonitätsverbesserung {f}
credit enquiry [esp. Br.] Kreditanfrage {f}
credit entryGutschrift {f}
credit expansion Kreditausweitung {f}
credit expertFachmann {m} in Kreditangelegenheiten
credit exposureKreditinanspruchnahme {f}
credit extension Kreditverlängerung {f}
credit facilities Darlehensmöglichkeiten {pl}
credit facilities Krediteinrichtungen {pl}
credit facilities Kreditfazilitäten {pl}
credit facilities Kreditmöglichkeiten {pl}
credit facilityEinräumung {f} eines Kredits
credit facilityDispositionskredit {m}
credit facility Kreditfazilität {f}
credit facility agreement Kreditfazilität-Vereinbarung {f}
credit famine Kreditnot {f}
credit fee Kreditprovision {f}
credit financing Kreditfinanzierung {f}
credit flow Kreditfluss {m}
credit formFormblatt {n} zur Kreditbeantragung
credit form Kreditformular {n}
credit gap Kreditlücke {f}
credit grantor Kreditgeber {m}
credit grantorsKreditgeber {pl}
credit growthKreditwachstum {n}
credit guaranteeKreditbürgschaft {f}
credit guarantee Kreditgarantie {f}
credit guarantee Kreditsicherungsgarantie {f}
credit guarantee fundKreditgarantiefonds {m}
credit guideline Kreditrichtlinie {f}
credit history Kreditgeschichte {f}
credit historyBonität {f}
credit history Bonitätsgeschichte {f}
credit hours Semesterwochenstunden {pl} <SWS>
credit in blank Blankokredit {m}
credit information Kreditauskunft {f}
credit informationBonitätsauskunft {f}
credit information [in Germany] Schufa-Auskunft {f} [Deutschland]
credit injection Kreditspritze {f}
credit instituteKreditanstalt {f}
credit institutes Kreditanstalten {pl}
credit institutionKreditinstitut {n}
credit institutionKreditanstalt {f}
credit institution Geldinstitut {n}
credit institutions Kreditinstitute {pl}
credit instrument Kreditinstrument {n}
credit insuranceDelcredereversicherung {f}
credit insurance Kreditversicherung {f}
credit insurance companyKreditversicherungsgesellschaft {f}
credit insurance companyKreditversicherungsunternehmen {n}
credit insurerKreditversicherer {m}
credit interest Habenzins {m}
credit interest {sg} Habenzinsen {pl}
credit investigationKreditwürdigkeitsprüfung {f}
credit investigation Bonitätsprüfung {f}
credit investigation company [Br.] [corresponds]Schutzgemeinschaft {f} für allgemeine Kreditsicherung <Schufa>
Credit is due sb. jdm. gebührt Anerkennung.
Credit is due to sb.jdm. gebührt Anerkennung.
credit item Gutschrift {f}
credit item Kreditposten {m}
credit items Gutschriften {pl}
credit limit Darlehensgrenze {f}
credit limit Kreditgrenze {f}
credit limit Limit {n}
credit limitKreditrahmen {m}
credit limit Kreditlimit {n}
credit limited to Kredit begrenzt auf
credit line Kreditgrenze {f}
credit line Kreditrahmen {m}
credit line Kreditlinie {f}
credit managementDebitorenmanagement {n}
credit margin Kreditgrenze {f}
credit market Kreditmarkt {m}
credit market debt {sg} Kreditmarktschulden {pl}
credit memo Gutschrift {f}
credit memo Abrechnungsberichtigung {f}
credit moneyBuchgeld {n}
credit not supported by mortgageKredit {m} ohne hypothekarische Sicherheit
credit note Gutschein {m}
credit note Gutschrift {f}
credit noteGutschriftsanzeige {f}
credit notesGutscheine {pl}
credit of air milesMeilengutschrift {f}
credit of trust Vertrauensvorschuss {m}
« creacreacreacreacredcredcredcredcreecreecree »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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