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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: cub
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German-English Dictionary: cub

Junges {n} [von Raubtieren, z. B. Löwe]zool.
Flegel {m}
Tollpatsch {m} [ugs.]
Tolpatsch {m} [alt]
cub [coll.] [term of endearment]
Söhnchen {n}
bear cub
Bärenjunges {n}zool.
cheetah cub
Gepardenjunges {n}zool.
cub (scout)
Wölfling {m}
cub reporter
junger Reporter {m}
Nachwuchsreporter {m}journ.publ.RadioTV
Jungreporter {m}journ.RadioTV
cub reporter [female]
Nachwuchsreporterin {f}journ.publ.RadioTV
cub scouts [also Cub Scouts]
Wölflinge {pl} [in der Pfadfinderbewegung]
cub scouts [scouting movement for young persons, mainly boys aged 7 to 11]
Wölfe {pl} [schweiz.] [Wölflinge]
fox cub
Fuchswelpe {m}zool.
Fuchsjunges {n}zool.
jackal cub
Schakalwelpe {m}zool.
jaguar cub
Jaguarjunges {n}zool.
koala cub
Koalajunges {n}zool.
leopard cub
Leopardenjunges {n}zool.
lion cub
Löwenbaby {n}zool.
Löwenjunges {n}zool.
lynx cub
Luchsjunges {n}zool.
ocelot cub
Ozelotjunges {n} [auch: Ozelot-Junges]zool.
panda cub
Pandajunges {n}zool.
tiger cub
Tigerbaby {n}zool.
Tigerjunges {n}zool.
wolf cub
Wolfswelpe {m}zool.
Wolfsjunges {n}zool.
brown bear cub
Braunbärenjunges {n}zool.
polar bear cub
Eisbärjunges {n}zool.
Eisbärenjunges {n}zool.
red fox cub
Rotfuchsjunges {n}zool.
Tiger Cub countries
kleine Tiger {pl} [Länder]pol.
badger cub
Dachsjunges {n}zool.T
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