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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 137 for words starting with D in the English-German dictionarynext page »
defoaming agent Entschäumungsmittel {n}
defocus aberration [error] Defokussierungsfehler {m}
defocus mixUnschärfenblende {f}
defocus spreadDefokusstreuung {f}
defocus transition Unschärfeblende {f}
defocused defokussiert
defocusingDefokussierung {f}
defocussing Defokussierung {f}
defocussing aberration [error] Defokussierungsfehler {m}
defogger Entnebeler {m}
defoliantEntlaubungsmittel {n}
defoliantEntblätterungsmittel {n}
defoliants Entlaubungsmittel {pl}
defoliated entblättert
defoliating entblätternd
defoliating moth [Tyta luctuosa, syn.: Acontia luctuosa, Noctua luctuosa] Trauereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
defoliating moth [Tyta luctuosa, syn.: Acontia luctuosa, Noctua luctuosa] Windeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
defoliating moth [Tyta luctuosa, syn.: Acontia luctuosa, Noctua luctuosa]Feldflur-Windeneule / Feldflurwindeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
defoliating moth [Tyta luctuosa, syn.: Acontia luctuosa, Noctua luctuosa] Ackerwinden-Trauereule / Ackerwindentrauereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(defoliating) hemlock moth [Agonopterix alstromeriana] Weißer Plattleibfalter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
defoliation Entblätterung {f}
defoliationEntlaubung {f}
defoliationEntblättern {n}
defoliation chemicalsEntlaubungschemikalien {pl}
defoliation equipment {sg} Entlaubungsgeräte {pl}
defoliations Entblätterungen {pl}
defoliationsissmusEntblätterungen {pl}
defoliatorEntlaubungsmittel {n}
deforcement Vorenthaltung {f}
deforestation Abforstung {f}
deforestation Abholzung {f}
deforestationEntwaldung {f}
deforestation Kahlschlag {m} [Fällen sämtlicher Bäume, Abholzen]
deforestation Waldzerstörung {f}
deforestationAbholzen {n}
deforestationsAbforstungen {pl}
deforested abgeholzt
deforested area Kahlschlag {m} [abgeholzte Fläche]
deforested areaabgeholzte Fläche {f}
deforested areaentwaldetes Gebiet {n}
deforesting entwaldend
deforesting abholzend
deform Deformation {f}
deformabilityVerformbarkeit {f}
deformability Deformierbarkeit {f}
deformability Umformbarkeit {f} [Verformbarkeit]
deformabilityVerformungsvermögen {n}
deformation Entstellung {f}
deformation Umformung {f}
deformation Verformung {f}
deformation Verunstaltung {f}
deformationDeformierung {f}
deformation Deformation {f}
deformation analysis Deformationsanalyse {f}
deformation analysisVerformungsanalyse {f}
deformation areaVerformungsbereich {m}
deformation behavior [Am.] Deformationsverhalten {n}
deformation behavior [Am.] Verformungsverhalten {n}
deformation behaviour [Br.] Deformationsverhalten {n}
deformation behaviour [Br.] Verformungsverhalten {n}
deformation capacity Verformungsfähigkeit {f}
deformation capacity Verformungsvermögen {n}
deformation characteristics Verformungseigenschaften {pl}
deformation coefficient Verformungskoeffizient {m}
deformation conditionsVerformungsverhältnisse {pl}
deformation conditionsDeformationsbedingungen {pl}
deformation conditions Verformungsbedingungen {pl}
deformation densityDeformationsdichte {f}
deformation effectVerformungseffekt {m}
deformation energyVerformungsenergie {f}
deformation energyDeformationsenergie {f}
deformation forceVerformungskraft {f}
deformation gradient Deformationsgradient {m}
deformation gradient Verformungsgradient {m}
deformation history Deformationsgeschichte {f}
deformation measurement Verformungsmessung {f}
deformation mechanism Verformungsmechanismus {m}
deformation mechanism Deformationsmechanismus {m}
deformation mode Verformungsmodus {m}
deformation mode Deformationsmodus {m}
deformation modelDeformationsmodell {n}
deformation model Verformungsmodell {n}
deformation modulusVerformungsmodul {m}
deformation modulus Deformationsmodul {m}
deformation pattern Verformungsmuster {n}
deformation phase Deformationsphase {f}
deformation planeVerformungsebene {f}
deformation plane Deformationsebene {f}
deformation potential Deformationspotential {n}
deformation process Deformationsprozess {m}
deformation process Verformungsprozess {m}
deformation processVerformungsvorgang {m}
deformation profileVerformungsprofil {n}
deformation properties Verformungseigenschaften {pl}
« defidefidefidefidefldefodefodefrdegedegldegr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers