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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 141 for words starting with D in the English-German dictionarynext page »
deglutination Deglutination {f}
deglutition Schlucken {n}
deglutition Hinunterschlucken {n}
deglutition Deglutition {f}
deglutition Schluckakt {m}
deglutition Schluckvorgang {m}
deglutition center [Am.] Schluckzentrum {n}
deglutition centre [Br.]Schluckzentrum {n}
deglutition reflex Schluckreflex {m}
deglycosylated deglykosyliert
deglycosylation Deglykosylierung {f}
deglycosylationDeglycosylierung {f}
Degodi lark [Mirafra degodiensis] Degodilerche {f}
Degos diseaseDegos-Krankheit {f} [auch: Degos-Erkrankung]
degradabilityAbbaubarkeit {f}
degradable degradierbar
degradable abbaubar
degradation Abbau {m}
degradation Absetzung {f}
degradation Degradierung {f}
degradationEntsetzung {f}
degradation Herabsetzung {f}
degradationSchande {f}
degradationVerringerung {f}
degradation Verschlechterung {f}
degradationZerfall {m}
degradationZersetzung {f}
degradation Abtragung {f}
degradationNiederung {f}
degradationEntwürdigung {f}
degradation Erniedrigung {f}
degradation Degradation {f}
degradationHerabwürdigung {f}
degradation behavior [Am.] Abbauverhalten {n}
degradation behaviour [Br.]Abbauverhalten {n}
degradation capacity Abbauleistung {f}
degradation degree Abbaugrad {m}
degradation enzyme Abbauenzym {n} [auch: Abbau-Enzym]
degradation kinetics Abbaukinetik {f}
degradation pathwayAbbauweg {m}
degradation performanceAbbauleistung {f}
degradation process Abbauprozess {m}
degradation processAbbauvorgang {m}
degradation process Abbauprozeß {m} [alt]
degradation process Degradationsprozess {m}
degradation process Zersetzungsprozess {m}
degradation product Abbauprodukt {n}
degradation productDegradationsprodukt {n}
degradation productZerfallsprodukt {n} [Abbauprodukt]
degradation profileAbbauprofil {n} [Beschreibung von Abbauprodukten]
degradation rate Abbaurate {f}
degradation rate Abbaugeschwindigkeit {f}
degradation rate constant Abbaugeschwindigkeitskonstante {f}
degradation reaction Abbaureaktion {f}
degradations Absetzungen {pl}
degradations Degradierungen {pl}
degradative abbauend
degradedniedriger gestuft
degraded herabgesetzt
degraded vermindert
degraded [debased]entwürdigt
degraded [removed from office] abgesetzt [Amtsträger]
degrading herabwürdigend
degrading [demoting] degradierend
degrading to the environment umweltschädlich
degrading treatment entwürdigende Behandlung {f}
degradosome Degradosom {n}
degranulation Degranulierung {f}
degranulation Degranulation {f}
degras Gerberfett {n}
degreasant Entfettungsmittel {n}
degreased entfettet
degreaser Entfetter {m}
degreaser Fettlöser {m}
degreaser Entfettungsmittel {n}
degreasing Entfettung {f}
degreasing entfettend
degreasing Entfetten {n} [Entfettung]
degreasing agent Entfetter {m}
degreasing agent Entfettungsmittel {n}
degreeRang {m}
degree Stufe {f}
degree akademischer Grad {m}
degree Diplom {n}
degreeAbschluss {m} [Studium]
degree Abschluß {m} [alt] [Studienabschluss]
degreeAusmaß {n} [Schwere, Grad (eines Schadens etc.)]
« defldefodefodefrdegedegldegrdegrdegrdegudehy »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers