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degrading [demoting]degradierend
degrading to the environment umweltschädlich
degrading treatment entwürdigende Behandlung {f}
degradosomeDegradosom {n}
degranulationDegranulierung {f}
degranulation Degranulation {f}
degras Gerberfett {n}
degreasant Entfettungsmittel {n}
degreased entfettet
degreaserEntfetter {m}
degreaser Fettlöser {m}
degreaserEntfettungsmittel {n}
degreasing Entfettung {f}
degreasingEntfetten {n} [Entfettung]
degreasing agentEntfetter {m}
degreasing agentEntfettungsmittel {n}
degreeRang {m}
degree Stufe {f}
degree akademischer Grad {m}
degree Diplom {n}
degree Abschluss {m} [Studium]
degreeAbschluß {m} [alt] [Studienabschluss]
degree Ausmaß {n} [Schwere, Grad (eines Schadens etc.)]
degree {sg} of liquidity Liquiditätskennzahlen {pl}
degree [angular measure] Bogengrad {m} [Winkelmaß]
degree [archaic] [social rank]Stand {m} [Gesellschaftsstand]
degree [of a scale] Tonstufe {f} [einer Tonleiter]
degree [of severity of a disease] Schweregrad {m} [einer Erkrankung]
(degree / level of) ingenuity Erfindungshöhe {f}
degree <deg.> Grad {m} [Temperatureinheit auch oft {n}]
degree Brix <°Bx>Grad {n} Brix <°Brix, °Bx, Brix, %Brix>
(degree by) correspondence courseFernstudium {n}
degree candidateDiplomand {m}
degree Celsius <degree C, °C> Grad {m} {n} Celsius <Grad C, °C>
degree centigrade <degree C, °C>Grad {n} Celsius <Grad C, °C> [auch {m}, fachspr. nur {n}]
degree certificate Abschlusszeugnis {n} [Universität]
degree course Studium {n}
degree courseStudiengang {m}
degree course schemeStudienplan {m}
degree course schemesStudienpläne {pl}
degree Delisle <°D, °DE>Grad {m} {n} Delisle <°D, °DE>
degree dissertationDiplomarbeit {f}
degree Fahrenheit <degree F, °F>Grad {m} {n} Fahrenheit <°F>
degree fraudDiplomschwindel {m}
degree holder Absolvent {m}
degree in divinityAbschluss {m} in Theologie
degree in letters Abschluss {m} in Literaturwissenschaft
degree in medicine Abschluss {m} in Medizin
degree measure Gradmaß {n}
degree mill Titelmühle {f}
degree Newton <°N> Grad {m} {n} Newton <°N>
degree Oechsle <°Oe> Grad {n} Oechsle <°Oechsle, °Oe>
degree of abstractionAbstraktionsgrad {m}
degree of accuracyGenauigkeitsgrad {m}
degree of accuracyGrad {m} an Genauigkeit
degree of accuracy Grad {m} der Genauigkeit
degree of acidity Säuregrad {m}
degree of adaptation Anpassungsgrad {m}
degree of administrative and political interwovennessAusmaß {n} der administrativen und politischen Verflechtung
degree of alcoholAlkoholgrad {m}
degree of amplification Verstärkungsgrad {m}
degree of associationAssoziationsgrad {m}
degree of asymmetry Unsymmetriegrad {m}
degree of attention Grad {m} der Aufmerksamkeitszuwendung
degree of attentionAufmerksamkeitsgrad {m}
degree of automationAutomatisierungsgrad {m}
degree of automationGrad {m} der Automatisierung
degree of automationAutomationsgrad {m} [Automatisierungsgrad]
degree of biodegradability biologischer Abbaubarkeitsgrad {m}
degree of biological degradationbiologischer Abbaugrad {m}
degree of blackening Schwärzungsgrad {m}
degree of browningBräunungsgrad {m}
degree of building coverage Maß {n} der baulichen Nutzung
degree of cariesKariesgrad {m}
degree of caries Kariesausmaß {n}
degree of centralisation [Br.]Grad {m} der Zentralisierung
degree of centralisation [Br.] Zentralisierungsgrad {m}
degree of centralization Grad {m} der Zentralisierung
degree of centralization Zentralisierungsgrad {m}
degree of certainty Gewissheitsgrad {m}
degree of coalificationInkohlungsgrad {m}
degree of coherence Kohärenzgrad {m}
degree of coldKältegrad {m}
degree of compaction Verdichtungsgrad {m}
degree of compaction Verdichtungsmaß {n}
degree of comparison Vergleichsgrad {m}
degree of comparison Steigerungsstufe {f}
degree of competence Kompetenzgrad {m}
degree of computerisation [Br.] Computerisierungsgrad {m}
degree of computerisation [Br.]Grad {m} der Computerisierung
degree of computerization Grad {m} der Computerisierung
degree of computerization Computerisierungsgrad {m}
degree of concentrationMaß {n} an Konzentration
degree of concentrationKonzentrationsgrad {m}
degree of confusionGrad {m} der Verwirrung
degree of contaminationVerschmutzungsgrad {m}
degree of conversion Umsetzungsgrad {m}
degree of creditworthiness Bonität {f}
degree of crystallinity Kristallinitätsgrad {m}
« defldefodefodegadegedegrdegrdegrdegrdehyDeig »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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