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delicacy Köstlichkeit {f}
delicacy Schleckerei {f} [bes. südd., österr.]
delicacyGaumenkitzel {m} [geh.] [Gaumenfreude]
delicacy [discretion] Scheu {f} [aus Takt, Feingefühl]
delicacy [fineness of feeling]Behutsamkeit {f} [Feingefühl]
delicacy [of feeling]Zartgefühl {n}
delicacy [refinement of feeling] Empfindsamkeit {f} [Zartfühligkeit, Feingefühl]
delicacy [sensitivity; requiring delicate handling] Delikatheit {f} [Verfänglichkeit, von problematischem, heiklem Wesen]
delicacy of build Zartheit {f}
delicacy of feeling Feinfühligkeit {f}
delicacy of feeling Zartfühligkeit {f}
delicate lecker
delicate schmackhaft
delicate leicht
delicate [in health] labil
delicate [exquisite] erlesen
delicate [feeble] schwächlich
delicate [fragile]zierlich [von Objekten]
delicate [frail]gebrechlich
delicate [having a fine structure or texture]filigran [feingliedrig]
delicate [mild, gentle]gelinde [geh.] [veraltend] [mild]
delicate [precarious]heikel [Angelegenheit etc.]
delicate [precarious] schwierig [heikel]
delicate [sensitive in feeling, manner] zartsinnig
delicate [sensitive, subtle, e.g. comment, criticism]feinfühlig
delicate [sensitive]empfindlich
delicate [slender, small-boned]feingliedrig
delicate [slight, weedy] schmächtig
delicate [softish, weak]weichlich
delicate [squeamish]wählerisch
delicate [subtle] fein [zart, dezent]
delicate [vulnerable, fragile in health]anfällig
delicate [whisky classification]weich [Geschmacksklassifikation Whisky]
delicate adjustment Feinabstimmung {f}
delicate ammannia [Ammannia gracilis] Große Cognakpflanze {f}
delicate ammannia [Ammannia gracilis] (Zierliche) Cognakpflanze {f}
delicate and gracefulzart und graziös
delicate blue-eye [Pseudomugil tenellus] Schwarzes Blauauge {n}
delicate childzartes Kind {n}
delicate colour [Br.] zarte Farbe {f}
delicate compliment einfühlsames Kompliment {n}
delicate complimentzartsinniges Kompliment {n}
delicate constitutionzarte körperliche Verfassung {f}
delicate cycle [washing / laundry machine] Schonwaschgang {m}
delicate cycle [washing machine]Feinwaschgang {m}
delicate dissecting forceps {pl} [one pair]feine anatomische Pinzette {f}
delicate distinction feiner Unterschied {m}
delicate distinctionsfeine Unterscheidungen {pl}
delicate equilibriumempfindliches Gleichgewicht {n}
delicate fabricsempfindliche Stoffe {pl}
delicate fabrics {pl} [laundry] Feinwäsche {f}
delicate features feine Gesichtszüge {pl}
delicate fern moss [Am.] [Thuidium delicatulum] Zartes Thujamoos {n}
delicate food {sg} leckere Speisen {pl}
delicate garments {pl} zierliche Kleidung {f}
delicate ghostpipefish [Solenostomus leptosoma] Zarter Geisterpfeifenfisch {m}
delicate girl zartes Mädchen {n}
delicate handlingzarter Umgang {m}
delicate handszierliche Hände {pl}
delicate health delikate Gesundheit {f}
delicate health gebrechliche Gesundheit {f}
delicate healthzarte Gesundheit {f}
delicate in health [postpos.] [archaic]von gebrechlicher Gesundheit [nachgestellt] [veraltend]
delicate instrument empfindliches Instrument {n}
delicate issueheikle Angelegenheit {f}
delicate lace zarte Spitze {f}
delicate little plant zarte kleine Pflanze {f}
delicate (little) plantzartes Pflänzchen {n}
delicate living weichliches Leben {n}
delicate manners {pl} feines Benehmen {n}
delicate missionheikle Mission {f}
delicate mouse [Pseudomys delicatulus]Kleine Australienmaus {f}
delicate odour [Br.]zarter Duft {m}
delicate operation heikle Operation {f}
delicate peatmoss [Sphagnum tenellum]Zartes Torfmoos {n}
delicate person zarte Person {f}
delicate piece of machinery heikles Werkstück {n}
delicate piece of mechanism heikler Mechanismus {m}
delicate pinkzartrosa
delicate pointdelikater Punkt {m}
delicate pseudomys [Pseudomys delicatulus] Kleine Australienmaus {f}
delicate question heikle Frage {f}
delicate scissors {pl} [fine scissors] feine Schere {f}
delicate sea whips {pl} [treated as sg.] [Junceella fragilis, syn.: J. squamata]Peitschenkoralle {f}
delicate (sea) anemone [Heteractis malu, syn.: Antheopsis concinnata, Discosoma malu, Radianthus concinnata, R. glandulosa, R. malu, R. papillosa, Stichodactis papillosa]Hawaii-Anemone {f}
delicate shade of blue leichter blauer Schatten {m}
delicate situation heikle Lage {f}
delicate situationheikle Situation {f}
delicate skin empfindliche Haut {f}
delicate skin zarte Haut {f}
delicate state of health gebrechlicher Gesundheitszustand {m}
delicate stonewort [Chara virgata, syn.: C. delicatula, C. fragilis delicatula, C. fragilis var. virgata, C. pilifera, C. trichodes] Feine Armleuchteralge {f}
delicate stonewort [Chara virgata, syn.: C. delicatula, C. fragilis delicatula, C. fragilis var. virgata, C. pilifera, C. trichodes] Rutenförmige Armleuchteralge {f}
delicate subject heikles Thema {n}
delicate swordtail [Xiphophorus cortezi] Cortez-Schwertträger {m}
« del(deladelaDeledelidelidelidelidelidelideli »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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