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English-German Dictionary

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deployment of ground troopsEntsendung {f} von Bodentruppen
deployment of the military Armeeeinsatz {m}
deployment of troopsTruppeneinsatz {m}
deployment package Bereitstellungspaket {n}
deployment phase Einführungsphase {f}
deployment planning Deploymentplanung {f}
deployment siteEinsatzort {m}
deployment view Einsatzsicht {f}
deployment zone Aufmarschgebiet {n}
depolarisation [Br.] Abnahme {f} der elektrischen Spannung
depolarisation [Br.]Depolarisation {f}
depolarisation [Br.] Entpolarisierung {f}
depolarisation [Br.]Depolarisierung {f}
depolarisation block [Br.] Depolarisationsblock {m}
depolarisation current [Br.] Depolarisationsstrom {m}
depolarised [Br.] entpolarisiert
depolarised [Br.] depolarisiert
depolariser [Br.]Depolarisator {m}
depolarising [Br.]entpolarisierend
depolarising [Br.] depolarisierend
depolarising block [Br.] Depolarisationsblock {m}
depolarising muscle relaxant <DMR> [Br.]depolarisierendes Muskelrelaxans {n}
depolarising muscle relaxant <DMR> [Br.] Depolarisationsblocker {m}
depolarising muscle relaxants <DMRs> [Br.] depolarisierende Muskelrelaxantien {pl}
depolarising muscle relaxants <DMRs> [Br.]depolarisierende Muskelrelaxanzien {pl}
depolarising muscle relaxants <DMRs> [Br.] Depolarisationsblocker {pl}
depolarization Entpolarisierung {f}
depolarizationAbnahme {f} der elektrischen Spannung
depolarization Depolarisation {f}
depolarization Depolarisierung {f}
depolarization blockDepolarisationsblock {m}
depolarization current Depolarisationsstrom {m}
depolarizerDepolarisator {m}
depolarizing entpolarisierend
depolarizing depolarisierend
depolarizing block Depolarisationsblock {m}
depolarizing muscle relaxant <DMR>depolarisierendes Muskelrelaxans {n}
depolarizing muscle relaxant <DMR> Depolarisationsblocker {m}
depolarizing muscle relaxants <DMRs> depolarisierende Muskelrelaxantien {pl}
depolarizing muscle relaxants <DMRs> depolarisierende Muskelrelaxanzien {pl}
depolarizing muscle relaxants <DMRs>Depolarisationsblocker {pl}
depolimerisation [Br.] Depolymerisation {f}
depoliticisation [Br.]Entpolitisierung {f}
depoliticizationEntpolitisierung {f}
depoliticizingEntpolitisierung {f}
depolymerase Depolymerase {f}
depolymerizationDepolymerisation {f}
depolymerized depolymerisiert
deponent Zeuge {m} [Zeugenaussage]
depopulating entvölkernd
depopulating Entvölkerung {f}
depopulation Entvölkerung {f}
deportation Deportation {f}
deportation Abschiebung {f}
deportation Verschickung {f} [Menschen]
deportation Zwangsverschickung {f}
deportationAbsiedlung {f} [euph. für Deportation]
deportationAusschaffung {f} [schweiz.] [Abschiebung]
deportation Landesverweis {m}
deportation [forced migrations within the Habsburg Empire in the 18th century]Transmigration {f} [Zwangsumsiedlungen im Habsburgerreich im 18. Jahrhundert]
deportation [from a country] Ausweisung {f} [Abschiebung]
deportation ban Abschiebeverbot {n}
deportation fantasy Deportationsfantasie {f}
deportation flightAbschiebeflug {m}
deportation orderAusweisungsbefehl {m}
deportation policy Abschiebepolitik {f}
deportation proceedingsAusweisungsverfahren {n}
deportation proceedings {pl} Abschiebungsverfahren {n}
deportation proceedings {pl} Abschiebeverfahren {n}
[deportation of beggars and vagabonds]Bettelschub {m}
deportationsDeportationen {pl}
deported abgeschoben
deported deportiert
deported verbracht [geh.] [verschickt, transportiert]
deported person Deportierter {m}
deportee Deportierter {m}
deportee [female] Deportierte {f}
deporting abschiebend
deporting deportierend
deportment Aufführung {f} [Benehmen, Verhalten]
deportment Benehmen {n}
deportmentHaltung {f}
deportments Haltungen {pl}
deposed abgesetzt
deposed [champions]entthront [Meister]
deposit Ablagerung {f}
deposit Depot {n}
depositEinzahlung {f}
deposit Niederschlag {m}
deposit Pfand {n} [regional auch {m}]
deposit Sicherheitspfand {n}
depositEinlage {f}
depositHinterlegung {f}
deposit Schicht {f}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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