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dermatillomania Dermatillomanie {f}
dermatitis Hautentzündung {f}
dermatitisDermatitis {f}
dermatitis Juckflechte {f} [Ekzem, Dermatitis]
dermatochalasia [Cutis laxa] Dermatochalasie {f}
dermatochalasisDermatochalasis {f}
dermatocranium Dermatocranium {n}
dermatocyst Hautzyste {f}
dermatocystDermatozyste {f}
dermatocystidiumDermatozystide {f}
dermatocystidium Dermatocystide {f}
dermatocysts Hautzysten {pl}
dermatocysts Dermatozysten {pl}
dermatofibrosarcoma <DFS> Dermatofibrosarkom {n} <DFS>
dermatogenic torticollisdermatogener Schiefhals {m}
dermatogenous dermatogen [von der Haut ausgehend]
dermatoglyphic signFingerabdruck {m}
dermatoglyphics Dermatoglyphik {f}
dermatoglyphics Fingerabdruckuntersuchung {f}
dermatogram Dermatogramm {n}
dermatogram Dermogramm {n}
dermatographDermatograph {m} [Instrument zum Prüfen der Hautbeschaffenheit]
dermatographic dermatographisch
dermatographic urticaria Dermatographismus {m}
dermatographismDermatographismus {m}
dermatographyDermatographie {f}
dermatoheteroplasty Dermatoheteroplastik {f}
dermatoheteroplastyFremdhauttransplantation {f}
dermatoid hautähnlich
dermatoliposclerosis [less frequent than: lipodermatosclerosis] Dermatoliposklerose {f}
dermatologic dermatologisch
dermatological dermatologisch
dermatological die Haut betreffend
dermatological hautärztlich
dermatological Hautkrankheiten betreffend
dermatological clinic Hautklinik {f}
dermatological diseases Hautkrankheiten {pl}
dermatological preparations Dermatika {pl}
dermatologically testeddermatologisch getestet
dermatologistDermatologe {m}
dermatologistHautarzt {m}
dermatologistFacharzt {m} für Dermatologie
dermatologist [female] Dermatologin {f}
dermatologist [female] Hautärztin {f}
dermatologist [female] Fachärztin {f} für Dermatologie
dermatologyDermatologie {f}
dermatology clinicHautklinik {f}
dermatology department dermatologische Abteilung {f}
dermatology in the tropics Tropendermatologie {f}
dermatology microscopeHautmikroskop {n}
dermatomal distributiondermatomale Verteilung {f}
dermatome Dermatom {n}
dermatomes Dermatome {pl}
dermatomycosis Dermatomykose {f}
dermatomycosis Pilzerkrankung {f} der Haut
dermatomycosis Hautpilzerkrankung {f}
dermatomyositis <DM>Dermatomyositis {f} <DM>
dermatopathic dermatopathisch
dermatopathologist Dermatopathologe {m}
dermatopathologist [female] Dermatopathologin {f}
dermatopathologyDermatopathologie {f}
dermatophagia Dermatophagie {f}
dermatophilosis Dermatophilose {f}
dermatophobia Dermatophobie {f}
dermatophyteHautpilz {m}
dermatophyte Dermatophyt {m}
dermatophytic onychomycosis [Tinea unguium]Tinea unguium {f} [Nagelpilz]
(dermatophytic) onychomycosis [Tinea unguium]Nagelpilz {m}
dermatophytosis Dermatophytie {f}
dermatophytosis Hautpilzerkrankung {f}
dermatophytosisDermatophytose {f}
dermatorrhagiaDermatorrhagie {f}
dermatorrhagia Hauteinblutung {f}
dermatorrhagia Hautblutung {f}
dermatoscopeDermatoskop {n}
dermatoscope [reflected-light microscope] Auflichtmikroskop {n} [Dermatoskop]
dermatoscopy Dermatoskopie {f}
dermatosiophobia Dermatosiophobie {f}
dermatosisDermatose {f}
dermatosisHautkrankheit {f}
dermatosis Hauterkrankung {f}
dermatotherapy Dermatotherapie {f}
dermatotropic dermatotrop
dermatotropic dermatrop
dermatovenerologist Dermatovenerologe {m}
dermatovenerology Dermatovenerologie {f}
dermatozoonDermatozoon {n}
dermatrophy Dermatrophie {f}
dermatrophyHautatrophie {f}
dermestid beetles [family Dermestidae]Speckkäfer {pl}
dermestids [family Dermestidae] [family of beetles] Speckkäfer {pl}
dermestids [family Dermestidae] [family of beetles]Pelzkäfer {pl}
dermic [rare] [dermal]Haut-
dermis Haut {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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