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developable entwicklungsfähig
developable areabebaubare Fläche {f}
developable plotbebauungsfähiges Grundstück {n}
developable surface abwickelbare Fläche {f}
developed entwickelt
developed bebaut
developed [e.g. for tourism] erschlossen [z. B. touristisch]
developed countries entwickelte Länder {pl}
developed countries wirtschaftsstarke Staaten {pl}
developed countries Staaten {pl} der Ersten Welt
developed country Industrieland {n}
developed country Industriestaat {m}
developed in-house [postpos.] eigenentwickelt [z. B. Verfahren]
developed viewAbwicklung {f}
developed view of walls Wandabwicklung {f}
developed world entwickelte Welt {f}
developednessEntwickeltheit {f}
developer Erschließer {m}
developer Entwickler {m}
developer Bauunternehmer {m}
developer Entwicklerlösung {f}
developer [female] Entwicklerin {f}
developer licence [Br.] Entwicklerlizenz {f}
developer license [Am.]Entwicklerlizenz {f}
developer preview Entwicklervorschau {f}
developer solutionEntwicklerlösung {f}
developer temperature [EUR 17538] Entwicklertemperatur {f} [EUR 17538]
developers Entwickler {pl}
developers' logbook Entwickler-Protokollbuch {n}
developing in der Entwicklung begriffen
developing sich entwickelnd
developing Entwicklung {f} [das Entwickeln]
developing area Neubaugebiet {n}
developing bathEntwicklerbad {n}
developing bath Entwicklungsbad {n}
developing by air-passage Luftgangentwicklung {f} [Textiltechnik]
developing countries Entwicklungsländer {pl}
developing countryEntwicklungsland {n}
developing economy sich entwickelnde Wirtschaft {f}
developing nation Entwicklungsland {n}
developing nationsEntwicklungsländer {pl}
developing resistanceResistenzbildung {f}
developing solution Entwicklerlösung {f}
developing systemEntwicklungssystem {n}
developing tankEntwicklungstank {m}
developing tankEntwicklerdose {f}
developing tank Entwicklertrog {m}
developing tankEntwicklertank {m}
developing the topic Themenbearbeitung {f}
developing tongs {pl} [one pair] Entwicklungszange {f}
developing trayEntwicklerschale {f}
developing tray Entwicklerbad {n} [Schale]
development Ausarbeitung {f}
developmentBebauung {f}
development Bildung {f} [Entwicklung]
development Entwicklung {f}
development Erschließung {f}
developmentHerausbildung {f}
developmentEntwickelung {f} [Rsv.] [veraltet]
development Durchführung {f} [Sonatenform]
developmentBildung {f}
developmentBauprojekt {n}
development Aufschließung {f} [Mine, Tagebau]
development Ausbau {m}
development Entwicklungsgang {m}
developmentGewordenheit {f}
development [advancement]Fortentwicklung {f}
development [career, history] Werdegang {m}
development [creation, design]Erarbeitung {f}
development [developing]Werden {n} [Wachstum]
development [developmental process] Entfaltung {f}
development [emergence, genesis] Entstehung {f}
development [emergence] Entstehen {n}
development [expansion] Ausdehnung {f} [Ausweitung]
development [further development] Weiterentwicklung {f}
development [project planning]Projektierung {f}
development achievement Entwicklungsleistung {f}
development activities Entwicklungsaktivitäten {pl}
development activities {pl} Entwicklungsarbeit {f}
development advantage [chess] Entwicklungsvorteil {m} [Schach]
development agencyEntwicklungsträger {m}
development agreement Entwicklungsvereinbarung {f}
development aid Entwicklungshilfe {f}
development aid Aufbauhilfe {f}
development aid agency Entwicklungshilfeorganisation {f}
development aid budgetEntwicklungshilfebudget {n}
development aid budgetEntwicklungshilfe-Etat {m}
development aid budget Entwicklungshilfeetat {m}
development aid minister Entwicklungshilfeminister {m}
development aid policy Entwicklungshilfepolitik {f}
development aid serviceEntwicklungsdienst {m}
development aid volunteer Entwicklungshelfer {m}
development aid workerEntwicklungshelfer {m}
« detedetedetodetrDeutdevedevedevedevedevedevi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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