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« backPage 253 for words starting with D in the English-German dictionarynext page »
diagnostic possibilities Diagnosemöglichkeiten {pl}
diagnostic procedure Diagnostikverfahren {n}
diagnostic procedureDiagnoseverfahren {n}
diagnostic procedure diagnostisches Verfahren {n}
diagnostic process Diagnoseprozess {m}
diagnostic process Diagnoseverfahren {n}
diagnostic product Diagnostika-Produkt {n}
diagnostic product Diagnoseprodukt {n}
diagnostic productDiagnostikprodukt {n}
diagnostic program [Am.] diagnostisches Programm {n}
diagnostic program [Am.] Diagnoseprogramm {n}
diagnostic radiology Röntgendiagnostik {f}
diagnostic radiology diagnostische Radiologie {f}
diagnostic radiology Strahlendiagnostik {f}
diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals Radiodiagnostika {pl}
diagnostic recorder Diagnoseschreiber {m}
diagnostic reference levels [EUR 17538] diagnostische Referenzwerte {pl} [EUR 17538]
diagnostic roomUntersuchungsraum {m}
diagnostic rounds diagnostische Fallkonferenzen {pl}
diagnostic routine Fehlersuchprogramm {n}
diagnostic routineDiagnoseprogramm {n} [Fehlersuchprogramm]
diagnostic routines Diagnose-Programm {n}
diagnostic sequence Diagnoseablauf {m}
diagnostic socket Diagnosebuchse {f}
diagnostic softwareDiagnosesoftware {f}
diagnostic sonography [ultrasonography] Ultraschalldiagnostik {f}
diagnostic study diagnostische Studie {f}
diagnostic study Diagnosestudie {f}
diagnostic systemDiagnosesystem {n}
diagnostic techniqueDiagnosetechnik {f} [Verfahrensweise]
diagnostic technology Diagnosetechnik {f} [Hilfsmittel]
diagnostic testDiagnosetest {m}
diagnostic test Diagnoseprüfung {f}
diagnostic test diagnostischer Test {m}
diagnostic test strip Diagnostik-Teststreifen {m}
diagnostic tool Diagnosewerkzeug {n}
diagnostic tool Diagnosegerät {n}
diagnostic tool Diagnoseinstrument {n}
diagnostic tool Diagnosetool {n}
diagnostic tool Diagnose-Tool {n}
diagnostic unit Diagnosegerät {n}
diagnostic use diagnostischer Gebrauch {m}
diagnostic valueAussagewert {m}
diagnostic wax-up diagnostischer Wax-up {m}
diagnostic workstationBefundungsarbeitsplatz {m}
diagnostic X-ray Röntgendiagnostik-
diagnostic X-ray equipment Röntgendiagnostikausrüstung {f}
diagnostic X-ray examination radiologische Diagnostik {f}
diagnostic X-ray systemRöntgendiagnosesystem {n}
diagnostic X-ray tubeDiagnostikstrahler {m} [Röhre]
diagnostic X-ray unitRöntgendiagnostikgerät {n}
diagnostic yield diagnostische Ausbeute {f}
(diagnostic) dipstickTeststäbchen {n}
(diagnostic) medical dipstickTeststreifen {m} [Indikatorstreifen]
diagnostically diagnostisch
diagnostically conclusive aussagekräftig [diagnostische Aussagekraft besitzend]
diagnosticianDiagnostiker {m}
diagnosticity Diagnostizität {f}
diagnostics Fehlerdiagnose {f}
diagnosticsFehlersuche {f}
diagnostics Diagnostika {pl}
diagnostics [treated as sg.]Diagnostik {f}
Diagon Alley [Harry Potter] Winkelgasse {f}
diagonalDiagonale {f}
diagonal diagonal
diagonal quer von einer Ecke zur gegenüberliegenden Ecke
diagonal bar Diagonalstab {m}
diagonal basket [parquet] Würfelboden, diagonal {m} [Verlegemuster]
diagonal beltSchultergurt {m}
diagonal brace Diagonalverband {m}
diagonal bracingKreuzverband {m}
diagonal break Schrägbruch {m}
diagonal butterflyfish [Chaetodon fasciatus] Tabak-Falterfisch {m}
diagonal casing Diagonalkarkasse {f}
diagonal clampDiagonalschelle {f}
diagonal cross Andreaskreuz {n}
diagonal cross [saltire] Schrägkreuz {n} [Andreaskreuz]
diagonal cross bracing Kreuzverstrebung {f}
diagonal crossing [Am.] [pedestrian crossing system] Diagonalqueren {n} [Kreuzung]
diagonal crossing [Am.] [pedestrian crossing system] Diagonalquerung {f} [Kreuzung]
diagonal cutter Seitenschneider {m}
diagonal cutting pliers {pl} [one pair]Seitenschneider {m}
diagonal (cutting) nippers {pl} Seitenschneider {m}
diagonal element Diagonalelement {n}
diagonal (flow) pumpDiagonalpumpe {f} [DDR]
diagonal (flow) pump Halbaxialpumpe {f}
diagonal (flow) pumpSchraubenradpumpe {f}
diagonal (flow) pumpSchraubenpumpe {f}
diagonal (flow) pump halbaxiale Kreiselpumpe {f}
diagonal grooveQuerrille {f}
diagonal jump Quersprung {m}
diagonal length Diagonalenlänge {f}
diagonal line Schräglinie {f}
diagonal matrix Diagonalmatrix {f}
diagonal methodDiagonalisierungsverfahren {n}
diagonal method Diagonalverfahren {n}
diagonal method Diagonalisierung {f} [Verfahren]
« dewcdewydhardiabdiaediagdiagdialdialdialdiam »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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