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« backPage 255 for words starting with D in the English-German dictionarynext page »
dialectics Dialektik {f}
dialectismDialektismus {m}
dialectologist Dialektologe {m}
dialectologist [female]Dialektologin {f}
dialectologyDialektologie {f}
dialectology Mundartforschung {f}
dialectometrics Dialektometrie {f}
dialectometry Dialektometrie {f}
dialectsDialekte {pl}
dialed [Am.] gewählt
dialed [Am.]angewählt
dialer [Am.] Wähler {m}
dialetheism Dialetheismus {m}
dial-in numberEinwahlnummer {f} [z. B. für eine Telefonkonferenz]
dialing [Am.] wählend [Telefonnummer]
dialing [Am.] Anwählen {n}
dialing code [Am.] Vorwahl {f}
dialing outabgehender Ruf {m}
dialing tone [Am.] Amtszeichen {n}
dialing tone [Am.] Freizeichen {n}
dialing tone [Am.] Summton {m}
diallage Diallag {m} [ein Klinopyroxen, Diopsid bis Augit]
dialled [Br.]angewählt
dialled [Br.] gewählt
dialling [Br.] wählend [Telefonnummer]
dialling [Br.]Wählen {n}
dialling [Br.] Anwählen {n}
dialling card Telefonkarte {f}
dialling code [Br.]Vorwahlnummer {f}
dialling code [Br.] Vorwählnummer {f}
dialling code [Br.] Vorwahl {f}
dialling code number [Br.] Vorwählnummer {f}
dialling code number [Br.]Vorwahlnummer {f}
dialling codes Vorwählnummern {pl}
dialling tone [Br.]Summton {m} [Telefon]
dialling tone [Br.]Amtszeichen {n}
dialog [Am.] Dialog {m}
dialog [Am.] Gespräch {n}
dialog [Am.] Dialogführung {f}
dialog [Am.] Zwiegespräch {n} [geh.]
dialog [attr.] [Am.] dialogisch
dialog ability [Am.]Dialogfähigkeit {f}
dialog behavior [Am.]Dialogverhalten {n}
dialog box [Am.] Dialogfenster {n}
dialog box [Am.] Dialogbox {f}
dialog box [Am.]Dialogfeld {n}
dialog character [Am.]Dialogzeichen {n}
dialog control [Am.] Dialogsteuerung {f}
dialog design [Am.] Dialoggestaltung {f}
dialog interpreter [Am.] Gesprächsdolmetscher {m}
dialog language [Am.] Dialogsprache {f}
dialog mode [Am.] Dialogbetrieb {m}
dialog mode [Am.] Dialogmodus {m}
dialog monitor Dialogmonitor {m}
dialog number [Am.]Dialognummer {f}
dialog partner [Am.] Gesprächspartner {m}
dialog stacking [Am.]Dialogkellerung {f}
dialog structure [Am.] Dialogaufbau {m}
dialog system [Am.] Dialogsystem {n}
dialog system [Am.]interaktives System {n}
dialog terminal Dialog-Terminal {n}
dialog window [Am.] Dialogfenster {n}
dialogic dialogisch
dialogic therapy [dialogue therapy] Dialogtherapie {f}
dialogical dialogisch
dialogical hermeneutics Gesprächshermeneutik {f}
dialogics Dialogik {f}
dialogismDialogizität {f} [Michail M. Bachtin]
dialogistDialogist {m}
dialogistic dialogisch
dialogists Dialogisten {pl}
dialogs [Am.] Dialoge {pl}
dialogue Gespräch {n}
dialogue Zwiesprache {f}
dialogue Wechselrede {f}
dialogue Dialog {m}
dialogue Wechselgespräch {n}
dialogue [Br.] Zwiegespräch {n} [geh.]
dialogue [discussion]Diskurs {m} [Dialog]
dialogue author Dialogautor {m}
dialogue balloon [speech bubble] Sprechblase {f}
dialogue behaviour [Br.] Dialogverhalten {n}
dialogue box Dialogfenster {n}
dialogue exchange Dialogverkehr {m}
dialogue formDialogform {f}
dialogue forumDialogforum {n}
dialogue interpreterGesprächsdolmetscher {m}
dialogue interpreter [female]Gesprächsdolmetscherin {f}
dialogue languageDialogsprache {f}
dialogue mode Dialogbetrieb {m}
dialogue novel Dialogroman {m}
Dialogue of a Man with his Ba Dialog eines Mannes mit seinem Ba
dialogue partner Gesprächspartner {m}
dialogue program Dialogprogramm {n}
dialogue researchDialogforschung {f}
dialogue stacking Dialogkellerung {f}
dialogue system [Br.] Dialogsystem {n}
dialogue therapyDialogtherapie {f}
« diabdiacdiagdiagdialdialdialdiamdiamdiapdiap »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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