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English-German Dictionary

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diameter of Venus Durchmesser {m} der Venus
diameter range Spannbereich {m}
diameter range Durchmesserbereich {m}
diameter sign <⌀>Durchmesserzeichen {n}
[diameter for fixing the disc to the brackets] Anschraublochkreisdurchmesser {m}
diameter-dependent [also: diameter dependent] durchmesserabhängig
diametral diametral
diametral pitch <DP> [gear] diametrale Teilung {f} [Zahnrad]
diametric opposite diametraler Gegensatz {m}
diametricalgenau entgegengesetzt
diametrical opposite diametraler Gegensatz {m}
diametrically diametrisch
diametrically diametral
diametrically opposed diametral entgegengesetzt
diametrically opposed genau entgegengesetzt
diametrically opposed völlig entgegengesetzt
diametrically opposite genau gegenteilig
diamictiteDiamiktit {m}
diamide Diamid {n}
diamineDiamin {n}
diamine oxidase <DAO>Diaminoxidase {f} <DAO>
diamines Diamine {pl}
diaminopimelic acid <DAP>Diaminopimelinsäure {f}
diamondDiamant {m}
diamondStern {m}
diamond Demant {m} [poet.] [veraltet]
diamond demanten [geh.]
diamond [rhombic]rautenförmig
diamond [attr.] Diamant-
diamond [attr.] diamantiert
diamond [rhombus] Raute {f}
diamond band [jewellery]Diamantring {m}
diamond bitDiamantbohrkrone {f}
diamond brokerDiamantenmakler {m}
diamond brushDiamantbürste {f}
diamond burr Diamantbohrer {m}
diamond core bit Diamantbohrkrone {f} [Kernbohrkrone]
diamond cut Diamantschliff {m}
diamond cut diamondList gegen List
diamond cutter Diamantschleifer {m}
diamond cutterDiamantenschleifer {m}
diamond cutting disc [esp. Br.] Diamanttrennscheibe {f}
diamond deposit Diamantenvorkommen {n}
diamond deposit Diamantenlagerstätte {f}
diamond disk [Am.]Diamantscheibe {f}
diamond dove [Geopelia cuneata] Diamanttaube {f}
diamond dove [Geopelia cuneata] Diamanttäubchen {n}
diamond drill Diamantbohrer {m}
diamond dust Diamantschnee {m}
diamond dustDiamantstaub {m}
diamond dust Diamantenstaub {m} [beim Schleifen von Diamanten anfallender Staub]
diamond dust [ground-level cloud of tiny ice crystals] Polarschnee {m} [Niederschlagsform]
diamond earringDiamantohrring {m}
diamond exchangeDiamantenbörse {f}
diamond exhibitionDiamantenausstellung {f}
diamond feverDiamantenfieber {n}
diamond field Diamantenfeld {n}
diamond filmDiamantschicht {f}
diamond firetail [Stagonopleura guttata] Diamantamadine {f}
diamond formation Diamantformation {f}
diamond formation [football] Rautenformation {f}
diamond frame Diamantrahmen {m}
diamond frost [Euphorbia hypericifolia, syn.: E. indica, E. parviflora, E. reniformis]Johanniskrautblättrige Wolfsmilch {f}
diamond geezer [Br.] [coll.]Traummann {m}
diamond geezer [Br.] [coll.] Prinz {m} auf dem weißen Pferd [fig.]
diamond gourami [Trichopodus leerii, syn.: Trichogaster leeri, T. leerii]Mosaikfadenfisch {m}
diamond grinding tool Diamantschleifwerkzeug {n}
diamond grinding wheelDiamantschleifscheibe {f}
diamond in the rough [Am.] krachlederner Typ {m}
diamond insert Diamanteinsatz {m}
diamond jubileesechzigjähriges Jubiläum {n}
diamond knifeDiamantmesser {n}
diamond knot Diamantknoten {m}
diamond knurlKordel {f} [rautenförmiges Rändelmuster]
diamond lacquer Diamantlack {m}
diamond layer Diamantschicht {f}
diamond maidenhair fern [Adiantum trapeziforme, syn.: A. rhomboideum] Diamant-Frauenhaarfarn {m}
diamond membraneDiamantmembran {f}
diamond merchant Diamantenhändler {m}
diamond mine Diamantenmine {f}
diamond necklace Diamantkollier {n}
diamond nose chiselDiamantmeißel {m}
diamond pantograph Scherenstromabnehmer {m}
diamond pattern Rautenprofil {n}
diamond pattern Kordel {f} [rautenförmiges Rändelmuster]
diamond pencil Glaserdiamant {m}
diamond pendant [jewellery] Diamantanhänger {m}
diamond pipeDiamantröhre {f} [Schlot]
diamond plateDiamantblech {n} [Riffelblech]
diamond point Diamantspitze {f}
diamond point [Br.] Kreuzungsweiche {f}
diamond point chiselSpitzmeißel {m}
diamond point chisel Diamantspitzmeißel {m}
diamond point chisel Diamantmeißel {m}
diamond polisherDiamantschleifer {m}
diamond polisher Diamantpolierer {m}
« diagdiagdiagdialdialdiamdiamDiandiapdiardiat »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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