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English-German Dictionary

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dianionDianion {n}
dianoiology Dianoiologie {f} [Lehre von den Gesetzen des Denkens]
Dian's tarsier [Tarsius dentatus, syn.: Tarsius dianae]Diana-Koboldmaki {m}
dianthus [Dianthus chinensis, syn.: D. amurensis, D. heddewigii, D. laciniatus]Heddewigsnelke / Heddewigs-Nelke {f}
dianthus [Dianthus chinensis, syn.: D. amurensis, D. heddewigii, D. laciniatus]Chinesische Nelke {f}
dianthus [Dianthus chinensis, syn.: D. amurensis, D. heddewigii, D. laciniatus] Chinesernelke {f}
dianthus [Dianthus chinensis, syn.: D. amurensis, D. heddewigii, D. laciniatus] Kaisernelke {f}
dianthus [genus Dianthus] Dianthus {m}
diaoyudaoite [NaAl11O17]Diaoyudaoit {m}
diapason Stimmumfang {m}
diapason Diapason {m} {n}
diapason [tuning fork] Stimmgabel {f}
diapauseRuhestadium {n} [Diapause]
diapause Diapause {f} [Ruhestadium]
diapausing diapausierend
diapedesis Diapedese {f}
diapensia family {sg} [family Diapensiaceae] Diapensiaceen {pl}
diaper [Am.]Windel {f}
diaper [diaper-work, surface decoration, carved or painted][Waffelmuster auf Flächen, Waffelmusterverkleidung]
diaper bag Wickeltasche {f}
diaper change [Am.] Windelwechsel {m}
diaper changer [Am.] Windelwechsler {m}
diaper changing stand [Am.]Wickelgestell {n} [für Babys]
diaper cover [Am.] [overpants]Überhose {f}
diaper dermatitis [Am.] Windeldermatitis {f}
Diaper Genie ® [Am.] Windeleimer {m}
diaper pail [Am.] Windeleimer {m}
diaper pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Windelhöschen {n}
diaper rash [Am.]Windelausschlag {m}
diaper rash [Am.] Windeldermatitis {f}
diaper rash [Candida albicans] [thrush] Windelpilz {m}
diaper thrush [Am.] [Erythema mycoticum infantile, Candidosis genito-glutealis infantum] Windelsoor {m} [veraltet] [ugs.] [Windelcandidose]
diaper thrush [Am.] [Erythema mycoticum infantile Candidosis genito-glutealis infantum]Windelcandidose {f}
(diaper) changing table [Am.] Wickeltisch {m}
(diaper) changing unit [Am.] Wickelkommode {f}
diaper-changing table [Am.]Wickeltisch {m}
diaper-changing unit [Am.] Wickelstation {f}
diaperhood [Am.] Windelalter {n}
diapers [Am.] Windeln {pl}
diaphaneity [transparency] Transparenz {f}
Diaphanidae [family of marine snais in the superfamily Diaphanoidea, the headshield slugs and bubble snails]Zwergfassschnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
diaphanometerDiaphanometer {n} [Messgerät zur Messung der Durchsichtigkeit, z. B. der Luft]
diaphanoscope Diaphanoskop {n}
diaphanoscopy Diaphanoskopie {f}
diaphanous lichtdurchlässig
diaphanous durchsichtig
diaphanous transparent
diaphanous diaphan
diaphanously durchsichtig
diaphanousness Durchsichtigkeit {f}
diaphanyDiaphanie {f}
diaphasic diaphasisch
diaphonemeDiaphonem {n}
diaphora Diaphora {f}
diaphoresis Diaphorese {f}
diaphoresis Schwitzen {n}
diaphoretic diaphoretisch
diaphoretic (agent) Diaphoretikum {n}
diaphoretic (agent) schweißtreibendes Mittel {n}
diaphoretic agents schweißtreibende Mittel {pl}
diaphoretic agentsDiaphoretika {pl}
diaphoretics schweißtreibende Mittel {pl}
diaphoreticsDiaphoretika {pl}
diaphorite [Pb2Ag3Sb3S8] Diaphorit {m}
diaphragm Blende {f}
diaphragmHeizbalg {m}
diaphragmMembran {f}
diaphragm Pessar {n} [zur Empfängnisverhütung]
diaphragm Diaphragma {n}
diaphragm Deckenscheibe {f}
diaphragmMembrane {f}
diaphragm archDiaphragma-Bogen {m}
diaphragm archSchwebebogen {m} [Schwibbogen]
diaphragm arch Schwibbogen {m}
diaphragm bladeBlendenlamelle {f}
diaphragm bushing nipple Membrandurchführungstülle {f}
diaphragm cap Membrankappe {f}
diaphragm capMembrandeckel {m}
diaphragm capsule Druckdose {f} [Barometer]
diaphragm chuckMembranspannfutter {n}
diaphragm clutchTellerfederkupplung {f}
diaphragm compressor Membrankompressor {m}
diaphragm compressorMembranverdichter {m}
diaphragm couplingMembrankupplung {f}
diaphragm cover Membrandeckel {m}
diaphragm drive Blendenantrieb {m}
diaphragm edgeBlendenrand {m}
diaphragm inflammation Zwerchfellentzündung {f}
diaphragm loading Blendenbelastung {f}
diaphragm opening [aperture] Blendenöffnung {f}
diaphragm plate Blendenplatte {f}
diaphragm pressure gauge Membranmanometer {n}
diaphragm pressure transducerMembrandruckwandler {m}
diaphragm pump Membranpumpe {f}
diaphragm replacementMembranwechsel {m}
diaphragm seal Membrandichtung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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