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English-German Dictionary

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diatom species Kieselalgenart {f}
diatom species Diatomeenart {f}
diatomaceous earth Kieselgur {f}
diatomaceous earth Kieselguhr {f} [veraltet]
diatomaceous earthDiatomeenerde {f}
diatomic [consisting of two atoms]zweiatomig <2-atomig>
diatomic gaszweiatomiges Gas {n}
diatomic molecule zweiatomiges Molekül {n}
diatomite Diatomit {m}
diatomiteKieselgur {f}
diatomologicaldiatomologisch [diatomeenkundlich]
diatomologyDiatomologie {f}
diatoms Kieselalgen {pl}
diatomsDiatomeen {pl}
diatonic chord diatonischer Akkord {m}
diatonic harmonica diatonische Mundharmonika {f}
diatonic harmony diatonische Harmonie {f}
diatonic scale diatonische Tonleiter {f}
diatonic semitone diatonischer Halbton {m} [z. B. C-Des]
diatonically tuned diatonisch gestimmt
diatonicismDiatonik {f}
diatopic diatopisch
diatreme Diatrema {n} [Vulkanschlot]
diatreme Durchschlagsröhre {f} [Vulkanschlot]
diatribeHetzrede {f}
diatribe Ausfall {m} [verbal]
diatribe Schmährede {f}
diatribe gehässiger Angriff {m} [in Wort oder Schrift]
diatribe heftige Kritik {f}
diatribe Tirade {f}
diatribe [in writing]Diatribe {f} [geh.] [Streitschrift, kritische Abhandlung]
diatribe [piece of writing]Schmähschrift {f}
diatribesHetzreden {pl}
diaulic diaulisch
diauxic diauxisch
diauxie Diauxie {f}
diavographyDiavographie {f}
diazepam [C16H13ClN2O] Diazepam {n}
diazinon [C12H21N2O3PS] Diazinon {n}
diazirine Diazirin {n}
diazirines Diazirine {pl}
diazo compound Diazoverbindung {f}
diazo compound Diazo-Verbindung {f}
diazocopy Lichtpause {f}
diazonium saltDiazoniumsalz {n}
diazosDiazoverbindungen {pl}
diazotisation [Br.] Diazotierung {f}
diazotization Diazotierung {f}
dibasic doppelbasisch
dibasic zweibasisch
dibatag [Ammodorcas clarkei]Stelzengazelle {f}
dibatag [Ammodorcas clarkei]Lamagazelle {f}
dibatag [Ammodorcas clarkei]Dibatag {m} [auch {n}]
dibberPikierstab {m}
dibber [also: dibble, dibbler]Pflanzholz {n}
dibber [esp. Br.]Steckholz {n} [Pflanzholz]
dibber [esp. Br.]Setzholz {n} [Pflanzholz]
dibber [esp. Br.] Pflanzkeil {m} [selten] [Pflanzholz]
dibber [esp. Br.]Pflanzer {m} [ugs.] [Pflanzholz]
dibbleSteckholz {n} [Pflanzholz]
dibble Setzholz {n} [Pflanzholz]
dibble Pflanzkeil {m} [selten] [Pflanzholz]
dibble Pflanzer {m} [ugs.] [Pflanzholz]
dibbleKrautstickel {m} [veraltet] [Pflanzholz]
dibble [for seeds / young plants] Pflanzstock {m}
dibble stickPflanzstock {m}
dibbler [Parantechinus apicalis] Sprenkelbeutelmaus {f}
dibekacin Dibekacin {n}
dibencozide Dibencozid {n}
dibenzodiazepines Dibenzodiazepine {pl}
dibenzofuran [C12H8O] Dibenzofuran {n}
dibenzoyl peroxide <DBPO> [C14H10O4] Dibenzoylperoxid {n} <DBPO>
diberkelium trioxide [Bk2O3] Diberkeliumtrioxid {n}
dibit Zweibiteinheit {f}
diborane [B2H6] Diboran {n}
diboride Diborid {n}
diboron tetrachloride [B2Cl4] Dibortetrachlorid {n}
diboron tetrafluoride [B2F4] Dibortetrafluorid {n}
diboron trioxide [B2O3] Dibortrioxid {n}
diboron trisulfide [Am.] [B2S3]Dibortrisulfid {n}
diboson Diboson {n}
dibranchiate [subclass Dibranchiata] Dibranchiat {m}
dibromine monoxide [Br2O]Dibrommonoxid {n}
dibromine oxide [Br2O] Dibromoxid {n}
dibromochloromethane <CDBM> [CHBr2Cl] Dibromchlormethan {n} <CDBM> [CHBr2Cl]
dibromochloropropane <DBCP> Dibromchlorpropan {n} <DBCP>
dibromodifluoromethane [CBr2F2] Dibromdifluormethan {n}
dibromofluoromethane [CHBr2F] Dibromfluormethan {n}
dibromomethane [CH2Br2] Dibrommethan {n}
dibromosamarium [SmBr2]Samariumdibromid {n}
dibs {pl} [coll.] [dated] [money, especially in small amounts] Geld {n}
dibucaineDibucain {n}
dibutyltin dilaurate [C32H64O4Sn] Dibutylzinndilaurat {n}
dicaearchy [obs.] Dikäarchie {f} [Regierung nach dem Gesetz, Gegensatz von Despotie]
dicalifornium trioxide [Cf2O3] Dicaliforniumtrioxid {n}
DiCaprio's snail-eating snake [Sibon irmelindicaprioae] Darién-Schneckennatter {f}
« diamdiamDiandiapdiardiatdicadichdickdictDidy »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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