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dapple fleckig
dapple scheckig
dappleTüpfel {m}
dapple Fleck {m}
dapple bay [horse] Spiegelbrauner {m}
dapple coris [Coris variegata] Flecken-Junker {m}
dapple gray [Am.] [horse]Apfelschimmel {m}
dapple grey [Br.] [horse] Apfelschimmel {m}
dappled fleckig
dappled gesprenkelt
dappled getupft
dappled scheckig
dappled [horse skin] geäpfelt [Pferdefell]
dappled gray [Am.] scheckiggrau
dappled grey [Br.] scheckiggrau
dappled horseApfelschimmel {m}
dappled horseSchecke {m} [Pferd]
dappled horse [female]Schecke {f} [Pferd]
dappled illadopsis [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]Bülbültimalie {f}
dappled illadopsis [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]
dappled mountain-greenbul / mountain greenbul [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]Bülbültimalie {f}
dappled mountain-greenbul / mountain greenbul [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus] Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]
dappled mountain-robin / mountain robin [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]Bülbültimalie {f}
dappled mountain-robin / mountain robin [Arcanator orostruthus] Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]
dappled robin [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]Bülbültimalie {f}
dappled robin [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus] Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]
dappled shade Halbschatten {m}
dappled spot-throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus] Bülbültimalie {f}
dappled spot-throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]
dappled webcap [Cortinarius bolaris] Rotschuppiger Raukopf {m} [alt: Rotschuppiger Rauhkopf]
dappled willow [Salix integra]Harlekin-Weide / Harlekinweide {f}
dappled willow [Salix integra] Japanische Zier-Weide / Zierweide {f}
dappled-gray horse [Am.] Apfelschimmel {m}
dappled-grey horse [Br.] Apfelschimmel {m}
dapple-gray horse [Am.] Blauschimmel {m}
dapple-grey horse [Br.] Blauschimmel {m}
dapplesFlecken {pl}
dapples {pl} [horses] Äpfelung {f}
dapple-throat / dabble throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus]Rätselrötel {m} [auch: Rätsel-Rötel]
dapple-throat / dapple throat [Arcanator orostruthus, syn.: Modulatrix orostruthus, Phyllastrephus orostruthus] Bülbültimalie {f}
dappling [horses]Äpfelung {f}
D'Appolito arrangement [MTM configuration] D'Appolito-Anordnung {f}
dappy [Br.] [coll.] dämlich [ugs.]
daps [coll.] [S.W. Engl.] [plimsolls]Turnschuhe {pl}
daptomycin [C72H101N17O26]Daptomycin {n}
daqingshanite-(Ce) [(Sr,Ca,Ba)3(Ce,La)(CO3,OH,F)3(PO4)] Daqingshanit-(Ce) {m}
Dar es SalaamDaressalam {n}
daraf [inverse farad]Daraf {n} [inverses Farad]
Daraina sportive lemur [Lepilemur milanoii] Daraina-Wieselmaki {m}
darapskite [Na3(SO4)(NO3)·H2O] Darapskit {m}
darbies [coll., archaic] Handschellen {pl}
darbukah [goblet drum] Darbuka {f}
Darby and Joan [glückliches, älteres Ehepaar]
Darby Bible <DBY>[Elberfelder Bibel]
Darby O'Gill and the Little People [Robert Stevenson] Das Geheimnis der verwunschenen Höhle
Darbyites [Plymouth Brethren] Darbysten {pl}
Darby's Rangers [William A. Wellman] Von Panzern überrollt
darcy <D> [permeability] Darcy {n} <D> [Permeabilität]
Dardani Dardaner {pl}
DardaniaDardanos {n} [antike griechische Stadt]
Dardanus Dardanos {m}
dareHerausforderung {f}
dareWagnis {n}
dareMutprobe {f}
dare [Leuciscus leuciscus] Hasel {m}
Dare to risk! Hab Mut zum Risiko!
dared gewagt
daredevilDraufgänger {m}
dare-devilDraufgänger {m}
daredevil Wagehals {m} [veraltend]
daredevildraufgängerischer Abenteurer {m}
daredevilTeufelskerl {m} [ugs.]
dare-devilTeufelskerl {m} [ugs.]
daredevil Waghals {m}
daredevil wilder Hund {m} [fig.] [bayer.] [ugs.]
dare-devil [spv.] Wagehals {m} [veraltend] [waghalsiger Mensch]
daredevilriesWaghalsigkeiten {pl}
daredevilryWaghalsigkeit {f}
daredevilryTollkühnheit {f}
daredevilry Wagehalsigkeit {f}
daredevilsDraufgänger {pl}
daredevils Wagehälse {pl}
Darevsky's viper [Vipera darevskii]Darevskis Kreuzotter {f}
Darfur [region in western Sudan]Darfur {n} [Region im Westen Sudans]
Darfur gerbil [Gerbillus muriculus]Darfur-Rennmaus {f}
Dargin language Darginisch {n}
Dargin languagedarginische Sprache {f}
DarginsDarginer {pl}
DargwaDargwa {n}
Dargwa language darginische Sprache {f}
DariDari {n} [persische Sprache, die in Afghanistan gesprochen wird]
daricDareikos {m}
Darién snail eater [Sibon irmelindicaprioae] Darién-Schneckennatter {f}
Darien spindle snake [Atractus darienensis]Darien-Spindelnatter {f}
Darien stubfoot toad [Atelopus certus]Darien-Stummelfußfrosch {m}
Darier's disease <DAR> [also: Darier disease] [Dyskeratosis follicularis, Keratosis follicularis]Morbus Darier {m}
« dangdangdangDaniDanudappDaridarkdarkdarkdark »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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