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dignifiedgediegen [würdig, würdevoll]
dignified ehrwürdig
dignified ehrfürchtig [Schweigen]
dignified Achtung gebietend
dignified deathwürdiger Tod {m}
dignified people Wohlwürdige {pl} [altertümlich]
dignifiedly würdig
dignifying ehrend
dignitariesWürdenträger {pl}
dignitaries Honoratioren {pl}
dignitaries' boxEhrenloge {f}
dignitary Würdenträger {m}
dignitary [of the Roman Catholic Church] Dignitar {m}
dignities Erhabenheiten {pl}
dignities Hoheiten {pl}
dignitiesWürden {pl}
dignity Erhabenheit {f} [Würde]
dignity Würde {f}
dignity hoher Rang {m}
dignityDignität {f} [geh.]
dignity [sign or token of respect]Achtung {f} [Respekt]
dignity of man Menschenwürde {f}
digonZweieck {n}
digonKugelzweiseit {n}
digonKugelkeil {m}
digon Zwickel {m}
digoxigenin <DIG> [C23H34O5]Digoxigenin {n} <DIG>
digoxigenin labellingDigoxigenierung {f}
digoxin [C41H64O14] Digoxin {n}
digraph Digraph {m} {n}
digraphgerichteter Graph {m} [Graphentheorie]
digraphDigraf {m} {n}
digraphic digrafisch
digressed abgeschweift
digressionAbschweifung {f}
digressionExkurs {m}
digression Umschweif {m}
digression Digression {f}
digression Streifzug {m} [Exkurs]
digression [in speech] Ausschweifung {f}
digressions Abschweifungen {pl}
digressionsExkurse {pl}
digressive abschweifend
digressively abschweifend
digressivenessAbwegigkeit {f}
digs {pl} [esp. Br.] [coll.] Bude {f} [ugs.] [Wohnung, Zimmer]
dig's findings Grabungsbefunde {pl}
dig's leader Grabungsleiter {m}
digynous zweinarbig
dihaeresis [division] Dihaerese {f}
dihaploid dihaploid
dihaploidy Dihaploidie {f}
dihedralin V-Stellung [Tragflächen]
dihedral V-förmig [auch: v-förmig] [Tragflächen]
dihedral Verschneidung {f}
dihedral dihedral
dihedral angle Diederwinkel {m}
dihedral angle Torsionswinkel {m}
dihedral angle Dihedralwinkel {m}
dihedral angle Flächenwinkel {m}
dihedral burin Mehrschlagstichel {m}
dihedral group Diedergruppe {f}
dihedrally dihedral
dihexagonal bipyramidalhexagonal-dipyramidal
dihexagonal pyramidal dihexagonal-pyramidal
diholmium trisulfide [Am.] [Ho2S3] Diholmiumtrisulfid {n}
dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid <DGLA> Dihomogammalinolensäure {f} <DGLA>
dihybrid dihybrid
dihydrocodeine <DHC>Dihydrocodein {n} <DHC>
dihydrocodeinone [C18H21NO3] Dihydrocodeinon {n}
dihydroerysodine [C18H23NO3]Dihydroerysodin {n}
dihydroetorphine Dihydroetorphin {n}
dihydrofolateDihydrofolat {n}
dihydrofolate reductase <DHFR> Dihydrofolatreduktase {f} <DHFR>
dihydrofolate reductase <DHFR>Dihydrofolat-Reduktase {f} <DHFR>
dihydrofolates Dihydrofolate {pl}
dihydrofolic acid Dihydrofolsäure {f} <DHF>
dihydrogen disulfide [Am.] [H2S2] Wasserstoffdisulfid {n}
dihydrogen monoxide <DHMO> [hum.] [water] [H2O] Dihydrogenmonoxid {n} <DHMO> [hum.] [Wasser]
dihydroisocodeine <DHIC> Dihydroisocodein {n} <DHIC>
dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase <DLDH>Dihydrolipoamid-Dehydrogenase {f} <DLDH>
dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase <DLAT>Dihydrolipoamid-S-Acetyltransferase {f} <DLAT>
dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase <DLST> Dihydrolipoamid-S-Succinyltransferase {f} <DLST>
dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase <DLD>Dihydrolipoyl-Dehydrogenase {f} <DLD>
dihydrolipoyl transacetylaseDihydrolipoyl-Transacetylase {f}
dihydromorin [C15H12O7]Dihydromorin {n}
dihydromyricetin <DHM> [C15H12O8] Dihydromyricetin {n} <DHM>
dihydronaphthalene Dihydronaphthalin {n}
dihydroorotase <DHO> Dihydroorotase {f} <DHO>
dihydroorotate <DHO>Dihydroorotat {n} <DHO>
dihydroorotate dehydrogenase <DHODH> Dihydroorotat-Dehydrogenase {f} <DHODH>
dihydroorotic acid <DHOA> Dihydroorotsäure {f}
dihydropyrimidinase <DHP>Dihydropyrimidinase {f} <DHP>
dihydropyrimidine <DP> Dihydropyrimidin {n} <DP>
dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase <DPD, DPDH>Dihydropyrimidindehydrogenase {f} <DPD, DPDH>
« digedigidigidigidigidigndihydiladilidiludime »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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