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English-German Dictionary

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dimethyl disulfide <DMDS> [Am.] [C2H6S2]Dimethyldisulfid {n} <DMDS>
dimethyl disulphide <DMDS> [Br.] [C2H6S2]Dimethyldisulfid {n} <DMDS>
dimethyl ether <DME> Dimethylether {m}
dimethyl fumarate <DMF> [C6H8O4] Dimethylfumarat {n} <DMF>
dimethyl polysiloxane [E-900]Dimethylpolysiloxan {n}
dimethyl sulfate <DMS> [Am.] Dimethylsulfat {n} <DMS>
dimethyl sulfide <DMS> [Am.] [C2H6S] Dimethylsulfid {n} <DMS>
dimethyl sulfoxide <DMSO> [C2H6OS] [Am.]Dimethylsulfoxid {n} <DMSO>
dimethyl sulphate <DMS> [Br.] Dimethylsulfat {n} <DMS>
dimethyl sulphide <DMS> [Br.] [C2H6S] Dimethylsulfid {n} <DMS>
dimethyl sulphoxide <DMSO> [C2H6OS] [Br.]Dimethylsulfoxid {n} <DMSO>
dimethylacetamide [C4H9NO] Dimethylacetamid {n} <DMA, DMAc>
dimethylacetyleneDimethylacetylen {n}
dimethylallyl diphosphate <DMADP> Dimethylallyldiphosphat {n} <DMADP>
dimethylallyl pyrophosphate <DMAPP>Dimethylallylpyrophosphat {n} <Dimethyl-Allyl-PP, DMAPP>
dimethylamine Dimethylamin {n}
dimethylaniline <DMA>Dimethylanilin {n} <DMA>
dimethylarsinic acid [C2H7AsO2] Dimethylarsinsäure {f}
dimethylformamiddimethylacetal Dimethylformamiddimethylacetal {n} <DMF-DMA>
dimethylformamide <DMF> [C3H7NO] Dimethylformamid {n} <DMF>
dimethylmercury [C2H6Hg, (CH3)2Hg] Dimethylquecksilber {n}
dimethyltryptamine <DMT> [C12H16N2] Dimethyltryptamin {n} <DMT>
dimethylzinc <DMZ, DMZn> [C2H6Zn, Zn(CH3)2]Dimethylzink {n} <DMZ>
dimetindene [C20H24N2] [also: dimethindene]Dimetinden {n}
dimetric dimetrisch
Dimetrodon Dimetrodon {n}
dimictic dimiktisch [Seenkunde]
diminished vermindert
diminished breath sounds abgeschwächte Atemgeräusche {pl}
diminished capacity [also: diminished responsibility] Schuldunfähigkeit {f} [ugs. auch Unzurechnungsfähigkeit]
diminished chord verminderter Dreiklang {m}
diminished chord verminderter Akkord {m}
diminished eleventh verminderte Undezime {f}
diminished fifthverminderte Quinte {f}
diminished fourteenth [Intervall von Oktave + verminderter Septime]
diminished fourth verminderte Quarte {f}
diminished function [hypofunction] Unterfunktion {f}
diminished intervalvermindertes Intervall {n}
diminished ninth verminderte None {f}
diminished octave verminderte Oktave {f}
diminished responsibility verminderte Zurechnungsfähigkeit {f}
diminished responsibility verminderte Schuldfähigkeit {f}
diminished scale verminderte Skala {f} [oktatonische Tonleiter]
diminished second verminderte Sekunde {f}
diminished seventhverminderte Septime {f}
diminished seventh chord verminderter Septakkord {m}
diminished sixth verminderte Sexte {f}
diminished skin turgorverminderter Hautturgor {m}
diminished tenth verminderte Dezime {f}
diminished thirdverminderte Terz {f}
diminished thirteenthverminderte Tredezime {f}
diminished triad verminderter Dreiklang {m}
diminished twelfth verminderte Duodezime {f}
diminished unison verminderte Prime {f}
diminished unisonverminderte Prim {f} [ugs.]
diminishing rückläufig
diminishing marginal utility abnehmender Grenznutzen {m}
diminishing productivity abnehmende Produktivität {f}
diminishing resourcesschwindende Ressourcen {pl}
diminishing returnssinkende Erträge {pl}
diminishing returns {pl}abnehmender Ertrag {m}
diminishing supply abnehmendes Angebot {n}
diminishing the concentration Abreicherung {f}
diminishing utilityabnehmender Nutzen {m}
diminishing value abnehmender Wert {m}
diminishmentVerkleinerung {f}
diminishmentVerminderung {f}
diminishment Herabsetzung {f}
diminuendo abnehmend
diminuendo Diminuendo {n} [Decrescendo]
diminution Verminderung {f}
diminutionMinderung {f}
diminution Reduktion {f}
diminution Schrumpfung {f}
diminution Senkung {f}
diminutionVerringerung {f}
diminution Abschwächung {f}
diminution Verkleinerung {f}
diminution [reduction of price]Nachlass {m} [Preisnachlass]
diminution canon Diminutionskanon {m}
diminution in taxes Steuersenkung {f}
diminution in value Wertminderung {f}
diminutions Verminderungen {pl}
diminutive verkleinernd
diminutive zierlich
diminutiveklein [winzig]
diminutive winzig
diminutive Diminutiv {n}
diminutive zwergenhaft
diminutiveVerkleinerungsform {f}
diminutive Deminutiv {n}
diminutiveVerkleinerungswort {n}
diminutive [linguistically, e.g. a diminutive word ending]diminutiv [Sprachwissenschaft]
diminutive [linguistically, e.g. a diminutive word ending] deminutiv [Sprachwissenschaft]
diminutive [of name] Kurzform {f}
diminutive ending Diminutivendung {f}
diminutive form Verkleinerungsform {f} <Vkl.>
« dihydikedilddiludimedimedimidin dingdinidinn »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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