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din-din [baby talk] Happa-happa {n} [Babysprache]
dindle [Sonchus arvensis] Acker-Gänsedistel {f}
'dine and sleep' event [Br.] Abendeinladung {f} mit Übernachten
dine and sleeps [Br.]Abendeinladungen {pl} mit Übernachten
Dinelli's doradito [Pseudocolopteryx dinelliana]Dreibindendoradito {m}
dine-n-dash [coll.]Zechprellerei {f}
dine-n-dasher [coll.] Zechpreller {m}
dine-n-dasher [female] [coll.] Zechprellerin {f}
dineodymium trisulfide [Am.] [Nd2S3]Dineodymiumtrisulfid {n}
diner Imbiss {m} [einfaches Restaurant mit Theke und Tischen]
diner Restaurantgast {m}
dinerSpeisender {m}
dinerRestaurantbesucher {m}
diner [Am.]Speisewagen {m}
diner [Am.]Essgelegenheit {f}
diner [Am.] [type of restaurant] Diner {n} [Restaurant]
Diner [Barry Levinson] American Diner
diner [chiefly Am.]Esslokal {n}
diner [female] Speisende {f}
dinero [sl.] [Am.] Geld {n}
Dines anemometer Staurohranemometer {n}
dinette Essnische {f}
dinette [esp. in caravans]Dinette {f} [Sitzkombination z. B. in Wohnwagen]
dinette [part of a room used for eating meals]Essecke {f}
dinette [part of a room used for eating meals] Eßecke {f} [alt]
dinettes Essecken {pl}
ding [coll.] Kratzer {m}
ding [coll.] Delle {f}
ding dong bim bam
ding dong kling klang
ding-a-ling [bell-like sound] klingeling
ding-a-ling [coll.] [pej.] [Am.] Hohlkopf {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dingbattypographisches Symbol {n}
dingbat Dingsda {n} [ugs.]
dingbat [pej.] Durchgeknallter {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dingbat [pej.] Knallkopf {m} [ugs.]
dingbat fontsDingbats-Schriften {pl}
dingbats [Aus.] [sl.] Säuferwahn {m} [ugs.]
dingdaohengite-(Ce) [(Ce,La)4Fe(Ti,Fe,Mg,Fe)2Ti2Si4O22] Dingdaohengit-(Ce) {m}
ding-dong [coll.]Depp {m} [ugs.]
ding-dong ditch [Am.] [coll.] [prank] Klingelputzen {n} [Kinderstreich]
ding-dong-ditch [Am.] Klingelstreich {m}
dinge [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [offensive]Nigger {m} [pej.] [rassistisch]
dinged up [Scot.]ramponiert
dinger [Aus.] [sl.: condom] Kondom {n} {m}
dingey [archaic] [dinghy]Dingi {n} [Beiboot, einfaches Plankenboot]
ding-head [sl.] Blödmann {m}
dinghiesSchlauchboote {pl}
dinghyJolle {f}
dinghyBeiboot {n}
dinghy Dingi {n}
dinghy [also: dingey]Dinghy {n} [auch Dingi, Dinghi] [kleines Beiboot]
dinghy lips [sl.]Schlauchbootlippen {pl} [ugs.]
dingier schäbiger
dingiest schäbigste
dingily schmutzig
dingily schäbig
dinginessSchäbigkeit {f}
dinginessUnansehnlichkeit {f}
dinging hammer [Am.] Schlichthammer {m}
dinging hammer [Am.] Karosseriehammer {m}
dinging hammer [Am.]Ausbeulhammer {m}
dingiso [Dendrolagus mbaiso] Dingiso {n}
dingiso [Dendrolagus mbaiso] Schwarzweißes Baumkänguru {n}
dingle Waldschlucht {f}
Dingle [Irish: An Daingean or Daingean Uí Chúis] Dingle {n}
dingle brain [sl.] Spacko {m} [pej.]
Dingle Peninsula [Irish: Corca Dhuibhne] Dingle-Halbinsel {f}
dingleberry [sl.] Klabusterbeere {f} [vulg.]
dingle-dangle [Galanthus nivalis] Kleines Schneeglöckchen {n}
dingle-dangle [Galanthus nivalis] Gewöhnliches Schneeglöckchen {n}
dingle-dangle-tree [Euonymus sachalinensis, syn.: Euonymus planipes, E. latifolius var. planipes] Flachstieliger Spindelstrauch {m}
dinglehopper [coll.]Dings {n} [ugs.]
dinglesWaldschluchten {pl}
dingo [Canis lupus dingo]Dingo {m}
dingo [Canis lupus dingo]Australischer Dingo {m}
Dingo Fence [Aus.] Dingozaun {m} [auch: Hundezaun] [5320 km langer Schutzzaun in Australien]
dingoesDingos {pl}
dingos Dingos {pl}
dingus [Am.] [sl.]Dings {n} [ugs.]
dingy [dirty] schmutzig
dingy [dirty] schmuddelig [ugs.] [pej.]
dingy [dirty]schmuddlig [ugs.] [pej.]
dingy [disreputable]zweifelhaft [anrüchig]
dingy [drab, dull, dismal] trüb [düster, trist]
dingy [drab, dull, dismal] trübe [düster, trist]
dingy [drab] düster
dingy [shabby] schäbig
dingy [sl.] [stupid] dumm
dingy [sleazy]anrüchig
dingy agaric [Tricholoma portentosum] Schwarzfaseriger Ritterling {m}
dingy flat-body (moth) [Depressaria daucella, syn.: D. nervosa, Schistodepressaria nervosa]Kümmelmotte {f}
dingy flat-body (moth) [Depressaria daucella, syn.: D. nervosa, Schistodepressaria nervosa] Kümmelpfeifer {m} [Kümmelmotte]
dingy flat-body (moth) [Depressaria daucella, syn.: D. nervosa, Schistodepressaria nervosa] Möhrenschabe {f}
dingy footman [Collita griseola, syn.: Eilema griseola] [moth]Bleigraues Flechtenbärchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
dingy footman [Collita griseola, syn.: Eilema griseola] [moth] Bleigrauer Gelbsaumflechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
dingy footman [Eilema griseola] [moth]Erlenflechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
dingy mocha [Cyclophora pendularia] Grauer Gürtelpuppenspanner {m} [Nachtfalter]
« dilidiludimedimidimmdin-dingdinndinodioedip[ »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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