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dip [decrease]Senkung {f}
dip [dipping tobacco, moist snuff, a smokeless tobacco product] Dip-Kautabak {m}
dip [dye bath] Farbbad {n}
dip [female] [archaic]Taschendiebin {f}
dip [glance]flüchtiger Blick {m}
dip [immersion bath]Tauchbad {n}
dip [in a surface, road]Senke {f}
dip [in terrain]Bodensenke {f}
dip [incline]Gefälle {n}
dip [incline]Neigung {f} [Schiefe]
dip [of a hem] Zipfel {m} [am Saum]
dip [sag] Durchhang {m}
dip [short swim] kurzes Bad {n} [zum Schwimmen]
dip [sl.] Depp {m} [ugs.]
dip angle Einfallswinkel {m} [Bodensenke]
dip brazingTauchlöten {n}
dip coating Tauchbeschichtung {f}
dip degreaser Tauchentfetter {m}
dip dyeingTauchfärben {n}
dip dyeing Tauchfärbung {f}
dip dyeing Dip-Dye-Verfahren {n} [Dip Dyeing]
dip galvanizingFeuerverzinken {n}
dip hem dress Vokuhila-Kleid {n}
dip in form Formkrise {f}
dip in formFormabfall {m}
dip needleInklinationsnadel {f}
dip net Kescher {m}
dip net Käscher {m}
dip pen Federhalter {m}
dip phenomenon Dip-Phänomen {n}
dip roller Schöpfwalze {f}
dip skirt Zipfelrock {m}
dip soldering Tauchlöten {n}
dip switchAbblendschalter {m}
DIP switchMäuseklavier {n} [hum.]
dip tank Tauchbehälter {m}
dip tank Tauchgefäß {n}
dip tankTauchtank {m}
dip tankTauchbecken {n}
dip tube Tauchrohr {n}
dip tube [e.g. aerosol spray]Eintauchschlauch {m} [z. B. bei Sprühdose]
dip-dye waterprint Wassertauchdruck {m}
dip-dyeingWassertauchdruck {m} [Färbetechnik im Dip-Dye-Verfahren]
dipeptidase Dipeptidase {f}
dipeptide Dipeptid {n}
dipeptidesDipeptide {pl}
dipeptidyl aminopeptidaseDipeptidylaminopeptidase {f}
dipeptidyl peptidase-4 <DPP-4> inhibitors Dipeptidyl-Peptidase-4 <DPP-4> -Inhibitoren {pl}
diphallia Diphallie {f}
diphead [sl.] [pej.]Schwachkopf {m} [pej.]
diphenamid [C16H17NO] [also: diphenamide] Diphenamid {n}
diphenhydramine <DPH> [C17H21NO]Diphenhydramin {n} <DPH, DHM>
diphenyl [E-230] Diphenyl {n}
diphenyl sulfone [also: diphenyl-sulfone, diphenylsulfone]Diphenylsulfon {n}
diphenylchlorarsinBlaukreuz {n} [Diphenylarsinchlorid]
diphenylcyanarsineDiphenylarsincyanid {n}
diphenylmethaneDiphenylmethan {n}
diphenylmethanol [C13H12O, (C6H5)2CHOH] Diphenylmethanol {n} [Benzhydrol]
diphonia Diplophonie {f}
diphoniaDiplofonie {f} [Rsv.]
diphonic diphonisch
diphonic singing diphonisches Singen {n}
diphosphane [also: diphosphine] [P2H4] Diphosphan {n} [auch: Diphosphin]
diphosphateDiphosphat {n}
diphosphates [E-450] Diphosphate {pl}
diphosphonate Bisphosphonat {n}
diphosphonates Diphosphonate {pl}
diphosphopyridine nucleotide <DPN>Diphosphopyridinnukleotid {n} <DPN>
diphosphorus tetraiodide [P2I4]Diphosphortetraiodid {n}
diphotonDiphoton {n}
diphthamide Diphthamid {n}
diphtheria Rachenbräune {f} [Diphtherie]
diphtheria <diph> Diphtherie {f}
diphtheria <diph>Diphtheritis {f} [ugs.]
diphtheria anatoxid [diphtheria toxoid] Diphtherieanatoxid {n}
diphtheria antitoxin Diphtherieantitoxin {n}
diphtheria formol toxoid Diphtherieformoltoxoid {n}
diphtheria toxin <DT> Diphtherietoxin {n} <DT>
diphtheria toxin receptor <DTR> Diphtherietoxin-Rezeptor {m} <DTR>
diphtheria toxoid <DT> Diphtherietoxoid {n} <DT>
diphtheria vaccination Diphtherieimpfung {f}
diphtheria vaccine Diphtherieimpfstoff {m}
diphtherial diphtherisch
diphtheroid diphtheroid
diphthongZwielaut {m}
diphthong Diphthong {m}
diphthongDoppellaut {m} [Zwielaut]
diphthongia Diplophonie {f}
diphthongia Diplofonie {f} [Rsv.]
diphthongisation [Br.] Diphthongierung {f}
diphthongisation [Br.]Diphthongisierung {f}
diphthongizationDiphthongierung {f}
diphycercal diphyzerk
diphycercal diphycerk
diphycercyDiphyzerkie {f}
diphyly Diphylie {f}
diphyodont diphyodont
« din-dingdinndinodioedip[diphdipldippdiredire »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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