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English-German Dictionary

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dipping lacquerTauchlack {m}
dipping mirror abblendbarer Innenspiegel {m}
dipping of the flag Flaggendippen {n}
dipping rear view mirrorabblendbarer Rückspiegel {m}
dipping sauce Eintauchsoße {f}
dipping sauceTunke {f}
dipping shot [UEFA term] Bogenlampe {f}
dipping tobacco Dip-Kautabak {m}
dip-plateau phenomenon Dip-Plateau-Phänomen {n}
dippy [coll.] verdreht [ugs.]
dippy [coll.] übergeschnappt [ugs.]
diprophylline [C10H14N4O4] Diprophyllin {n}
dipropyl methaneHeptan {n}
diprotic zweibasig
diprotodont diprotodont
diprotodont dentition diprotodonte Bezahnung {f}
diprotodonts [order Diprotodontia] Diprotodontia {pl} [Ordnung der Beuteltiere]
dipsBarrenstütze {pl}
dipshit [vulg.] [pej.] Volldepp {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dipshit [vulg.] [pej.] Depp {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dipshit [vulg.] [pej.] Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
dipso [coll.] [dipsomaniac] versoffener Typ {m} [ugs.]
dipso [short for: dipsomaniac] [coll.]Gewohnheitssäufer {m}
dipso [short for: dipsomaniac] [coll.] [female] Gewohnheitssäuferin {f}
dip-solder contact Tauchlötkontakt {m}
dip-soldered tauchgelötet
dipsomaniaDipsomanie {f}
dipsomania Trunksucht {f}
dipsomaniaAlkoholsucht {f}
dipsomaniac alkoholsüchtig
dipsomaniac Dipsomane {m}
dipsomaniac Trunksüchtiger {m}
dipsomaniac [female]Dipsomanin {f}
dipsopathy [archaic] [alcoholism]Alkoholismus {m}
dipsophobiaDipsophobie {f}
dipstick Messstab {m} [Ölmessstab, Tauchstab]
dipstick Peilstab {m}
dipstick Ölpeilstab {m}
dipstick Messstäbchen {n}
dipstick [coll.] [pej.] Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dipstick [coll.] [pej.] Dummbeutel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dipstick method Dipstick-Methode {f} [z. B. mittels Teststreifen]
dipsticks [coll.] [pej.] Dummbeutel {pl} [ugs.] [pej.]
diptail pencilfish [Nannostomus eques]Spitzmaul-Ziersalmler {m}
diptail pencilfish [Nannostomus eques]Schrägsteher {m}
diptera {pl} [order Diptera] Zweiflügler {pl}
diptera {pl} [order Diptera]Dipteren {pl}
Diptera collection Dipterensammlung {f}
Diptera collection Zweiflüglersammlung {f} [auch: Zweiflügler-Sammlung]
Diptera fauna Dipterenfauna {f}
Diptera fauna Zweiflüglerfauna {f}
dipteran familyDipterenfamilie {f}
dipteran family Zweiflüglerfamilie {f}
dipteran genus Dipterengattung {f}
dipteran genus Zweiflügler-Gattung {f}
dipteran species Dipteren-Art {f} [auch: Dipterenart] [fachspr.]
dipteran species Zweiflüglerart {f}
dipterologically dipterologisch
dipterologist Dipterologe {m}
dipterologist [female] Dipterologin {f}
dipterologyDipterologie {f}
dipteros Dipteros {m}
dipterous insect [order Diptera] Zweiflügler {m}
diptychDiptychon {n}
diptychs Diptychen {pl}
dipwad [sl.] [pej.] [loser, idiot] Nullpeiler {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
dipyridamole [C24H40N8O4] Dipyridamol {n}
Dirac delta function <δ function> Dirac'sche Deltafunktion {f} <δ-Funktion>
Dirac delta function <δ function> Delta-Distribution {f}
Dirac delta function <δ function> Einheitsimpulsfunktion {f}
Dirac delta function <δ function> Dirac-Impuls {m}
Dirac delta function <δ function>Dirac-Puls {m}
Dirac delta function <δ function>Dirac-Stoß {m}
Dirac delta function <δ function>Stoßfunktion {f}
Dirac delta function <δ function>Impulsfunktion {f}
Dirac (delta) function <δ function> Dirac-Funktion {f} <δ-Funktion>
Dirac equation Dirac-Gleichung {f}
Dirac matrices Dirac-Matrizen {pl}
Dirac operatorDirac-Operator {m}
Dirac particle Dirac-Teilchen {n}
Dirac theory Dirac-Theorie {f} [auch: Diractheorie]
(Dirac) delta distribution Delta-Distribution {f} [Dirac-Verteilung]
Dirac's constant [also: Dirac constant]diracsche Konstante {f}
dire gräßlich [alt]
dire schlimm
dire schrecklich
direfatal [verhängnisvoll]
dire furchtbar
dire conditions schlimme Zustände {pl}
dire consequencesschwerwiegende Folgen {pl}
dire consequences böse Folgen {pl}
dire finances {pl}schlimme finanzielle Lage {f}
dire living conditions trostlose Lebensbedingungen {pl}
dire need (of sth.) dringender Bedarf {m} (an etw. [Dat.])
dire revenge fürchterliche Rache {f}
« dinodioedip[diphdipldippdirediredirediredire »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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