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discussions Diskussionen {pl}
discussionsBesprechungen {pl}
disc-winged bats [family Thyropteridae, genus Thyroptera] Amerikanische Haftscheibenfledermäuse {pl}
Discworld [Terry Pratchett] Scheibenwelt {f}
Discworld II: Missing Presumed...!?Discworld II – Vermutlich vermisst...!?
Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! Discworld II – Vermutlich vermisst...!?
disdain Verachtung {f}
disdain Geringschätzung {f}
disdainMissachtung {f} [Verachtung]
disdainful verächtlich
disdainfully verachtungsvoll
disdainfully verächtlich
disdainfully schnöde
disdainfully überheblich
disdainfully abschätzig
disdainfully hochmütig
disdainfulness Verachtung {f}
disdaining verschmähend
disdemeanour [Br.] [rare] Vergehen {n}
disdrometerDistrometer {n}
disdyakis triacontahedron Hexakisikosaeder {m}
diseaseKrankheit {f}
disease Leiden {n}
disease Malum {n} [geh.]
disease Gebresten {n} [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet] [Leiden, Gebrechen]
disease <Dz>Erkrankung {f} <Erkr.> [Krankheit]
disease agent Krankheitserreger {m}
disease at an advanced stage Krankheit {f} im fortgeschrittenen Stadium
disease burden Krankheitslast {f}
disease carrierKrankheitsträger {m}
disease categoryKrankheitskategorie {f}
disease caused by stress Stresserkrankung {f}
disease classification Krankheitsklassifikation {f}
disease clusterKrankheitscluster {n}
disease concept Krankheitsbegriff {m}
disease control Krankheitsbekämpfung {f}
disease control Seuchenbekämpfung {f}
disease controlKrankheitskontrolle {f}
disease control Seuchenkontrolle {f}
disease control center [Am.] Seuchenschutzbehörde {f}
disease control centre [Br.] Seuchenschutzbehörde {f}
disease detection Krankheitserkennung {f}
disease development Krankheitsentwicklung {f}
disease entity Krankheitsentität {f}
disease entityKrankheitseinheit {f}
disease environmentKrankheitsumfeld {n}
disease event [occurrence of a disease]Krankheitsereignis {n}
disease factorKrankheitsfaktor {m}
disease frequency Krankheitshäufigkeit {f}
disease germKrankheitserreger {m}
disease identification Krankheitserkennung {f}
disease information {sg}Krankheitsinformationen {pl}
disease management Krankheitsmanagement {n}
disease management program [Am.] <DMP>Chronikerprogramm {n} [Bezeichnung im Bereich der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung]
disease management program [Am.] <DMP>strukturiertes Behandlungsprogramm {n} [Chronikerprogramm]
disease management program <DMP> [Am.] Disease-Management-Programm {n} <DMP>
disease modelKrankheitsmodell {n}
disease mongeringPathologisierung {f} gesundheitlicher Zustände
disease mongering Krankheitserfindung {f}
disease name Krankheitsbezeichnung {f}
disease name [name of a / the disease] Krankheitsname {m}
disease of affluenceWohlstandskrankheit {f}
disease of civilisation [Br.]Zivilisationskrankheit {f}
disease of civilizationZivilisationskrankheit {f}
disease of the bloodBlutkrankheit {f}
disease of the blood Hämophilie {f} [Blutkrankheit]
disease of the jaw Kiefererkrankung {f}
disease of the kidneys Nierenerkrankung {f}
disease of the male [e.g. prostatitis] Männerleiden {n} [z. B. Prostatitis]
disease of the male [e.g. prostatitis]Männerkrankheit {f} [z. B. Prostatitis]
disease of the poor Armenkrankheit {f}
disease of the poor [poverty-associated disease] Armutskrankheit {f}
disease of the skinHauterkrankung {f}
disease of the skin Hautkrankheit {f}
disease of (the) ear Ohrenkrankheit {f}
disease of (the) thyroid gland Schilddrüsenerkrankung {f}
disease onset Krankheitsausbruch {m} [Erkrankungsbeginn]
disease outbreakKrankheitsausbruch {m}
disease pathogenesis [redundant] [pathogenesis]Krankheitsentstehung {f}
disease pattern Krankheitsbild {n}
disease phenotype Krankheitsphänotyp {m}
disease picture Krankheitsbild {n}
disease prevention Krankheitsprävention {f}
disease preventionKrankheitsverhütung {f}
disease prevention Krankheitsvorbeugung {f}
disease prevention Krankheitsvorsorge {f}
disease prevention [of epidemic diseases, plagues] Seuchenprävention {f}
disease process Krankheitsverlauf {m}
disease process Krankheitsprozess {m}
disease process Krankheitsgeschehen {n}
disease process Erkrankungsprozess {m}
disease processes Krankheitsprozesse {pl}
disease progressionKrankheitsprogression {f}
« discdiscdiscdiscdiscdiscdisedisedisgdisgdish »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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