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disreputable in Misskredit geraten
disreputable in schlechtem Ruf stehend
disreputable schändlich
disreputable unehrbar
disreputable verrucht
disreputableübel beleumdet
disreputable anrüchig
disreputable ehrlos
disreputable [clothes] schäbig
disreputable [conduct] unehrenhaft
disreputable woman leichtes Mädchen {n}
disreputablenessGemeinheit {f}
disreputably verrufen
disreputably übel
disreputably gemein
disreputably [not respectably] anstößig
disrepute Schande {f}
disrepute Misskredit {m}
disreputeschlechter Ruf {m}
disrespect Nichtachtung {f}
disrespectMissachtung {f}
disrespect for natureNaturverachtung {f}
disrespect (for)Respektlosigkeit {f} (gegenüber)
disrespectful despektierlich [geh.]
disrespectful respektlos
disrespectful unhöflich
disrespectfully respektlos
disrespectfully despektierlich [geh.]
disrespectfully unehrerbietig [geh.]
disrespectfulnessUnehrerbietigkeit {f}
disrespectfulnessDespektierlichkeit {f} [veraltend]
disrobed entkleidet
disrobement Ablegen {n} [von Kleidung]
disrooting entwurzelnd
disrupted zertrennt
disrupted thoughts Gedankenabbrechen {n}
disrupting zerreißend
disruptionZerrüttung {f}
disruptionUnterbrechung {f}
disruption Zusammenbruch {m}
disruption Belästigung {f} [Störung]
disruption Bruch {m} [auch fig.]
disruptionRiss {m}
disruptionDisruption {f}
disruptionDiskontinuität {f}
disruption [interference in some activity]Behinderung {f} [Störung, Unterbrechung]
disruption [of class, meeting]Störung {f}
disruption of continuity Kontinuitätstrennung {f}
disruption of venous drainagevenöse Abflussstörung {f}
disruptive zerreißend
disruptive zerstörend
disruptive störend
disruptiveden Durchschlag herbeiführend
disruptive disruptiv
disruptive [innovative, groundbreaking] revolutionär
disruptive action Störmanöver {n}
disruptive actionStöraktion {f}
disruptive behaviour [Br.] Störverhalten {n}
disruptive breakdown Durchschlag {m}
disruptive discharge voltage Durchschlagsspannung {f}
disruptive element Störenfried {m}
disruptive element Störfaktor {m}
disruptive factor Störungsfaktor {m} [selten] [Störfaktor]
disruptive factorStörfaktor {m}
disruptive forces Kräfte {pl} der Zerstörung
disruptive forceszerstörerische Kräfte {pl}
Disruptive Incident Commission [Germany] [obs.]Störfall-Kommission {f} <SFK> [veraltet]
disruptive pupilsaufmuckende Schüler {pl} [ugs.]
disruptive selectiondisruptive Selektion {f}
disruptive strength Durchschlagfestigkeit {f}
disruptive technology [Am.] revolutionäre / umwälzende Technologie {f}
disruptively zerreißend
disruptively störend
disruptivenessZersetzung {f}
disruptivityDisruptivität {f}
disruptorDisruptor {m}
dissakisite-(Ce) [Ca(Ce,La)(Mg,Fe)(Al,Fe)2Si3O12(OH)]Dissakisit-(Ce) {m}
dissatisfaction Unzufriedenheit {f}
dissatisfaction Unwille {m}
dissatisfaction Unmut {m}
dissatisfactionUngenügen {n} [geh.] [selten] [Unzufriedenheit]
dissatisfactions Unzufriedenheiten {pl}
dissatisfactory unbefriedigend
dissatisfied frustriert
dissatisfied customer unzufriedener Kunde {m}
dissatisfied customer [female] unzufriedene Kundin {f}
dissatisfied guest unzufriedener Gast {m}
dissatisfied with one's salarymit dem Gehalt nicht zufrieden
dissatisfied with sb./sth. mit jdm./etw. unzufrieden
dissatisfied with the shipment [postpos.] mit der Sendung unzufrieden
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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