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Dissonance QuartetDissonanzenquartett {n} [Mozart, Streichquartett in C-Dur, KV 465]
dissonance theory Dissonanztheorie {f}
dissonant abweichend
dissonant dissonant
dissonant unstimmig [auch fig.]
dissonant chord dissonanter Akkord {m}
dissonant intervalDissonanz {f}
dissonantly abweichend
dissuaded fromabgeraten
dissuading abbringend
dissuading abratend
dissuading from abratend
dissuasionAbraten {n}
dissuasive abratend
dissuasive abschreckend
dissuasively abratend
dissuasivenessAbmahnung {f}
dissuasivenessAbraten {n}
dissyllabic zweisilbig
distaffSpinnrocken {m}
distaffRocken {m}
distaff Wocken {m} [nordd.] [Spinnrocken]
distaffKunkel {f} [südd.] [Spinnrocken]
distaff [female] weiblich
distaff spindle [Fusinus colus, syn.: F. longicauda, F. toreuma, Buccinum toreuma, Colus longicauda, Fusus colus, F. longicauda, F. toreuma, Murex colus] Weberspindel {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
distal fern von
distal Fern-
distalin der Ferne [nachgestellt]
distal in Richtung von der Mittellinie weg
distal [vom Körperstamm nach außen gerichtet oder von der Körpermitte weg gerichtet]
distalrumpffern [distal]
distalim Zahnbogen nach hinten gelegen
distalvon der Mitte / Kiefermitte weg
distal von der Körpermitte entfernt (liegend)
distal [distalis]körperfern [bezogen auf die Teile der Gliedmaßen]
distal convoluted tubule <DCT> [Tubulus contortus distalis, Pars convoluta distalis] distales Konvolut {n}
distal convoluted tubule <DCT> [Tubulus contortus distalis, Pars convoluta distalis] distaler Tubulus {m}
distal deixisdistale Deixis {f}
distal edge (of the nail) [free edge] freier Nagelrand {m} [Fingernagel]
distal fibula fracture distale Fibulafraktur {f}
distal humeral fracturedistale Humerusfraktur {f}
distal humerus fracture distale Humerusfraktur {f}
distal humerus fracturedistale Oberarmfraktur {f}
distal interphalangeal joint Hufgelenk {n}
distal interphalangeal joint <DIP, DIP joint> distales Interphalangealgelenk {n} <DIP, DIP-Gelenk>
distal occlusionDistalokklusion {f}
distal occlusionDistalbiss {m}
distal phalanx Endglied {n} [Finger, Zehen]
distal phalanx [Os ungulare, Os phalanx distale] Klauenbein {m} [Wiederkäuer, Schwein]
distal phalanx [Os ungulare, Phalanx distalis] Hufbein {n} [bei Equiden]
distal phalanx [Phalanx distalis] Endphalanx {f}
distal phalanx of the fingerFingerendglied {n}
distal phalanx of the thumb Daumenendglied {n}
distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis]körperfernes Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n}
distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis]distales Radioulnargelenk {n} <DRUG>
distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis] körperfernes Radioulnargelenk {n}
distal radioulnar articulation [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis] distales Speichen-Ellen-Gelenk {n}
distal radioulnar joint [Articulatio radioulnaris distalis] distales Radioulnargelenk {n} <DRUG>
distal radius fracture distale Radiusfraktur {f}
distal radius fracturedistaler Speichenbruch {m}
distal sesamoid (bone) [Os sesamoideum distale] Strahlbein {n}
distal surface [tooth] Distalfläche {f}
distality [being situated away from the torso] Rumpfferne {f}
distalization of molars Distalisation {f} der / von Molaren
distance Abstand {m}
distanceEntfernung {f}
distance Distanz {f}
distanceFerne {f}
distance Strecke {f}
distanceWeg {m}
distanceWegstrecke {f}
distance alert Abstandswarner {m}
distance analysis Distanzanalyse {f}
distance as the crow fliesLuftliniendistanz {f}
distance as the crow flies [coll.]Luftlinie {f}
distance between Abstand {m} zwischen
distance between drilled holes Bohrungsabstand {m}
distance between holes Lochabstand {m}
distance between ropesSeilabstand {m}
distance between signals Signalabstand {m}
distance between supports Abstand {m} zwischen Auflagen [Spannweite]
distance between the crotch and the soles of the feet Abstand {m} zwischen dem Schritt und den Fußsohlen [innere Beinlänge]
distance between the eyes Augenabstand {m} [zwischen den Augen]
distance between the teeth Zahnabstand {m}
distance between (the) joints Fugenabstand {m}
distance boltAbstandsbolzen {m}
distance bracket Abstandsbügel {m}
distance by roadStraßenentfernung {f}
distance circleEntfernungskreis {m}
distance circle Distanzkreis {m}
distance columnDistanzsäule {f}
distance contract Fernabsatzvertrag {m}
distance contracts [in the names of Acts and Directives]Fernabsatzverträge {pl}
« disrdisrdissdissdissDissdistdistdistdistdist »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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