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Darwinian [female] Darwinistin {f}
Darwinian Demondarwinischer Dämon {m}
Darwinian Demon darwinscher Dämon {m} [auch: Darwinscher oder Darwin'scher Dämon]
Darwinism Darwinismus {m}
Darwinist Darwinist {m}
Darwinist darwinistisch
Darwinistic darwinistisch
Darwinite Darwinist {m}
Darwinius [Darwinius masillae]Darwinius {m}
Darwin's barberry [Berberis darwinii] Darwins Berberitze {f}
Darwin's barberry [Berberis darwinii] Darwins Sauerdorn {m}
Darwin's crake [Coturnicops notatus] Darwinralle {f}
Darwin's finches [subfamily Geospizinae] Darwinfinken {pl}
Darwin's fox [Pseudalopex fulvipes, Lycalopex fulvipes]Darwin-Fuchs {m}
Darwin's frog [Rhinoderma darwinii]Darwin-Nasenfrosch {m}
Darwin's Galápagos mouse [Nesoryzomys darwini] [extinct] Darwin-Reisratte {f} [ausgestorben]
Darwin's ground finch [Geospiza magnirostris] Großgrundfink {m} [auch: Groß-Grundfink]
Darwin's koklass pheasant [Pucrasia macrolopha darwini] Darwin-Koklassfasan {m}
Darwin's nesoryzomys [Nesoryzomys darwini] [extinct] Darwin-Reisratte {f} [ausgestorben]
Darwin's Nightmare Darwins Alptraum [Hubert Sauper]
Darwin's nothura [Nothura darwinii] Darwinsteißhuhn {n}
Darwin's paradox darwinsches Paradoxon {n}
Darwin's rhea [Pterocnemia pennata]Darwin-Nandu {m}
Darwin's ringed lizard [Amphisbaena darwinii, syn.: Amphisbaena darwini] Darwins Doppelschleiche {f}
Darwin's (ringed) worm lizard [Amphisbaena darwinii, syn.: Amphisbaena darwini] Darwins Doppelschleiche {f}
Darwin's theory of evolution Darwin'sche Evolutionstheorie {f}
Darwin's theory of evolution darwinsche Evolutionstheorie {f}
Darwin's theory of evolution Darwins Evolutionstheorie {f}
Darwin's tinamou [Nothura darwinii, syn.: N. darwini] Darwinsteißhuhn {n} [auch: Darwin-Steißhuhn]
Darwin's zorro [Lycalopex fulvipes, syn.: Pseudalopex fulvipes] Darwin-Fuchs {m}
D.A.R.Y.L. [Simon Wincer]D.A.R.Y.L. - Der Außergewöhnliche
Dary's burrowing snake [Adelphicos daryi] Darys Grabennatter {f}
Darzee's Chaunt / Chant [Rudyard Kipling] Darzees Preislied
Das Boot Das Boot (Eine Reise ans Ende des Verstandes) [Wolfgang Petersen]
Das Boot (When The Hunters Become The Hunted) Das Boot (Wenn Jäger zu Gejagten werden) [Wolfgang Petersen]
das Mystische [Wittgenstein: that which is mystical] das Mystische {n}
DA's office [Am.] [coll.] [District Attorney] Staatsanwaltschaft {f}
dasatinib [C22H26ClN7O2S]Dasatinib {n}
dascyllus (species) [genus Dascyllus] Preußenfische {pl}
Dascylus Daskylos {m}
daseian notation {sg} [also: Daseian notation]Dasia-Zeichen {pl} [Dasia-Notation]
DaseinDasein {n}
Daseinsanalysis Daseinsanalyse {f}
daseinsanalytic daseinsanalytisch
dashQuerstrich {m}
dash Aufklatschen {n}
dash Aufschlag {m}
dash Energie {f}
dash kurzer Strich {m}
dashStrich {m}
dashSchuss {m} [einer Flüssigkeit]
dash [a small splash as in making a drink]Spritzer {m}
dash [also fig.] Schmiß {m} [alt] [veraltet für: Hieb, auch fig. für: Elan]
dash [brio]Elan {m}
dash [brio] Schwung {m} [Elan]
dash [-character in e-mail addresses or URLs]Bindestrich {m} [-Zeichen in E-Mail- oder Web-Adressen]
dash [coll.] [dashboard] Armaturenbrett {n}
dash [courage] Schneid {m} [österr., bayer. {f}]
dash [fig.] Schmiss {m} [fig.] [Elan]
dash [forcefulness, brashness] Forschheit {f}
dash [hurry] Hetze {f} [Eile]
dash [of ink, paint etc.] Tupfen {m} [Spritzer]
dash [of paint] Farbspritzer {m}
dash [short fast race]Sprint {m} [Kurzstreckenlauf]
dash [small addition of sth., esp. in cooking] kleine Beimischung {f} [Spur, Spritzer]
dash [sprint]Kurzstreckenlauf {m}
dash [sudden movement]Sprung {m} [schnelle Bewegung]
dash [sudden rush] Jagd {f} [Sturm auf etw., Hektik]
dash [sudden start, movement]Blitzstart {m}
dash <–> Gedankenstrich {m} <–>
dash board Armaturenbrett {n}
dash bottleBitterflasche {f}
dash bottleSpritzflasche {f}
dash clock [Am.] [coll.]Armaturenbrettuhr {f}
DASH diet [dietary approaches to stop hypertension] DASH-Diät {f} [diätetischer Ansatz zum Senken von Bluthochdruck]
Dash it all!Zur Hölle!
Dash it! Zum Kuckuck!
Dash it! Zum Teufel!
Dash it! [euph.] [Damn it!] Verdammt! [salopp pej.]
dash key Zündschlüssel {m}
dash of brandySchuss {m} Branntwein
dash of colour [Br.] Farbspritzer {m}
dash of colour [Br.] Farbtupfer {m}
dash of rain Spritzer {m} Regen
dash of redSpritzer {m} Rot
dash of sadness Anflug {m} von Traurigkeit
dash of saltPrise {f} Salz
dash of water Schuss {m} Wasser
dash of wineSchuss {m} Wein
dash panel Trennwand {f}
dash pot Windkessel {m}
dash vault [parkour & freerunning]Diebsprung {m} [Parkour & Freerunning]
dash-and-dot goatfish [Parupeneus barberinus] Strich-Punkt-Meerbarbe {f}
dashboardArmaturenbrett {n}
dashboard Armaturentafel {f}
dashboardInstrumententafel {f}
dashboard Dashboard {n}
dashboard Übersichtsseite {f}
dashboard clock Uhr {f} am Armaturenbrett
« darkdarkdarkdarkdarnDarwdashdatadatadatadata »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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