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English-German Dictionary

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dividends not yet collectednoch nicht abgehobene Dividenden {pl}
divider Teiler {m}
divider Trennwand {f}
divider Verteiler {m}
divider Steg {m} [zur Raumaufteilung, z. B. in Verpackungen]
dividerTrennstrich {m} [fig.]
dividerDividierer {m}
divider [e.g. for drawer]Trennschied {n}
divider line [coll.] [vertical bar] <|> senkrechter Strich {m} <|>
divider probe Tastteiler {m}
dividers Spitzzirkel {m}
dividers Steckzirkel {m}
dividersTrennstreifen {pl}
dividers {pl} [divider caliper] Zirkel {m} [Stechzirkel]
dividers {pl} [one pair]Stechzirkel {m}
dividing abteilend
dividing teilend
dividing attachment Teilapparat {m} [für Fräse / Drehmaschine]
dividing dominant [Schenker] Oberquint-Teiler {m}
dividing engine Teilmaschine {f}
dividing factorTeilerfaktor {m}
dividing grille [e.g. as safety partition] [also: dividing grill]Trenngitter {n} [z. B. für Tiere]
dividing headTeilapparat {m}
dividing head Teilkopf {m}
dividing ineinteilend
dividing layer Trennschicht {f}
dividing lineTrennungslinie {f}
dividing linetrennende Linie {f}
dividing line Trennlinie {f}
dividing line Scheidegrenze {f}
dividing line [fig.]Scheidelinie {f} [fig.]
dividing machine Teilmaschine {f}
dividing machine Teilungsmaschine {f}
dividing ruleTrennlinie {f}
dividing ruleSpaltenlinie {f}
dividing seam Teilungsnaht {f}
dividing stitchTeilungsnaht {f}
dividing wallTrennwand {f}
divi-divi [Caesalpinia bonduc, syn.: C. bonducella, C. crista, Guilandina bonduc, G. bonducella]Kugelstrauch {m}
divi-divi [Caesalpinia bonduc, syn.: C. bonducella, C. crista, Guilandina bonduc, G. bonducella] Molukkenbohne {f}
divi-divi [Caesalpinia coriaria] Divi-Divi-Baum {m}
divi-divi (tree) [Caesalpinia coriaria, syn.: Libidibia coriaria, Poinciana coriaria] Dividivibaum {m}
divil [dialectal variant of devil] Teufel {m}
divination Weissagung {f}
divination Hellsehen {n}
divinationWahrsagung {f}
divinationProphezeiung {f}
divination Mantik {f}
divination Divination {f}
divination Zeichendeutung {f}
divination by lotLosorakel {n}
divinatorydivinatorisch [geh.]
divine himmlisch
divine [services, objects, etc., but not people] religiös
divine [cleric]Gottesmann {m} [veraltet] [Geistlicher]
divine [cleric] Theologe {m}
divine [coll.] [delightful] traumhaft
divine [superhumanly, excellent]überragend
divine [theologian] Geistlicher {m}
divine afflatusgöttliche Eingebung {f}
divine attribute Gottesattribut {n}
divine being Gottesfigur {f}
divine bliss [human bliss in God]Gottseligkeit {f} [veraltend]
divine command göttliches Gebot {n}
divine conch [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Chank {f}
divine conch [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Hinduglocke {f}
divine conch [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Echte Birnschnecke {f}
divine conch [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Birn-Wirbelschnecke {f}
divine concourseMitwirkung {f} Gottes
divine couple Götterpaar {n}
divine covenant Bund {m} Gottes
divine dispensation göttliche Fügung {f}
divine drinkhimmlisches Getränk {n}
Divine Ephemerality of Tone [Lubo Kristek] Die göttliche Vergänglichkeit des Tones
divine event Gottesereignis {n}
divine flower [Dianthus caryophyllus] Land-Nelke / Landnelke {f}
divine flower [Dianthus caryophyllus] Nelke {f}
divine flower [Dianthus caryophyllus]Chabaud-Nelke {f}
divine flower [Dianthus caryophyllus]Edelnelke / Edel-Nelke {f}
divine flower [Dianthus caryophyllus]Gartennelke {f}
divine flower [Dianthus caryophyllus] Hängenelke {f}
divine formGöttergestalt {f}
divine fulfillment [Am.] göttliche Erfüllung {f}
divine fulfilment [Br.]göttliche Erfüllung {f}
divine grace göttliche Gnade {f}
divine images Götterbilder {pl}
divine infant Jesuskind {n}
divine knowledgeGotteserkenntnis {f}
divine lawgöttliches Recht {n}
divine law Gottesrecht {n}
divine name Gottesname {m}
divine nature göttliche Natur {f}
Divine Office Chorgebet {n}
Divine OfficeOffizium {n} [Messe]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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