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doctor on duty [female] Bereitschaftsärztin {f}
doctor on emergency callNotarzt {m}
doctor on the panel Kassenarzt {m}
doctor rollDosierwalze {f}
Doctor said I shouldn't lift anything heavy. Der Arzt sagt, ich darf nichts Schweres heben.
doctor shopping [coll.] [double doctoring]Ärztehopping {n} [ugs.] [auch: Ärzte-Hopping]
Doctor Sleep [2002] [Nick Willing] [also: Close Your Eyes] Doctor Sleep [Alternativtitel: Blutmord - Das letzte Kind]
Doctor Sleep [2013] [Stephen King]Doctor Sleep
Doctor Sleep [2019] [Mike Flanagan]Doctor Sleeps Erwachen
doctor team Ärzteteam {n}
doctor test [test for presence of mercaptans (thiols)] Doktor-Test {m} [um Schwefelwasserstoff oder Mercaptane nachzuweisen]
doctor visit Arztbesuch {m} [Besuch beim Arzt]
doctor visit Doktorbesuch {m} [Besuch beim Doktor, ugs. für Arzt]
Doctor WhoDoctor Who
Doctor X [Michael Curtiz]Doktor X
Doctor Zhivago [novel: Boris Pasternak, film: David Lean] Doktor Schiwago
doctoralDoktor {m}
doctoral adviser Doktorvater {m}
doctoral candidate Doktorand {m}
doctoral candidate Promovend {m}
doctoral candidate [female] Doktorandin {f}
doctoral candidate [female] Promovendin {f}
doctoral certificate Promotionsurkunde {f}
doctoral certificate Doktorurkunde {f}
doctoral degree Doktortitel {m}
doctoral degree Doktorgrad {m}
doctoral (degree) regulations {pl} Promotionsordnung {f}
doctoral dissertationDoktorarbeit {f}
doctoral dissertation Dissertation {f}
doctoral examinationDoktorprüfung {f}
doctoral examination [oral] [dissertaton defense]Promotionskolloquium {n}
doctoral guidelines {pl} Promotionsordnung {f}
doctoral program Doktorandenprogramm {n}
doctoral program [Am.] Doktoratsstudium {n}
doctoral programme [Br.]Doktoratsstudium {n}
doctoral (research) study Doktorarbeit {f} [ugs.]
doctoral studentDoktorand {m}
doctoral student [female]Doktorandin {f}
doctoral studies {pl} Promotion {f} [Universität]
doctoral studies {pl} Promotionsstudium {n}
doctoral study programme [Br.] Promotionsstudium {n}
doctoral study programme [Br.] Doktoratsprogramm {n} [schweiz.]
doctoral thesisDoktorarbeit {f}
doctoral thesisPromotionsschrift {f}
doctoral thesisInauguraldissertation {f} [offizielle Bezeichnung der Dissertation/Doktorarbeit]
doctoral thesis Promotionsarbeit {f}
doctoral thesis Doktorschrift {f} [selten] [Doktorarbeit]
doctoral viva [Br.]Rigorosum {n} [geh.] [mündliches Examen bei der Promotion]
(doctoral) dissertation schriftliche Promotionsleistung {f}
(doctoral) theses Doktorarbeiten {pl}
doctorand Doktorand {m}
doctorand [female]Doktorandin {f}
doctorate Doktorat {n}
doctoratePromotion {f} [Universität]
doctorate Doktortitel {m}
doctorate Doktorwürde {f}
doctorate Doktorhut {m} [fig.]
doctorateDoktorgrad {m}
doctorate degreeDoktortitel {m}
doctorate supervisorDoktorvater {m}
doctored [Br.] [sterilized] sterilisiert [Tier]
doctored [coll.]frisiert [ugs.] [Bilanz, Statistik etc.]
doctored [figures, results, etc.]getürkt [ugs.]
doctored [altered deceptively] manipuliert
Doctored Evidence [Donna Leon] Beweise, dass es böse ist. Commissario Brunettis dreizehnter Fall
doctored mileage geschönter Tachostand {m}
doctores Doktoren {pl} <Dres.>
doctorfish [Anarrhichthys ocellatus, syn.: Anarhichas ocellatus] Pazifischer Seewolf {m}
doctorfish tang [Acanthurus chirurgus]Streifen-Doktorfisch {m}
doctoring verarztend
doctoring cup Rakeltopf {m}
doctoring of accountsFälschung {f} von Konten
doctoring of balancesBilanzverschleierung {f}
doctorless ohne Arzt [nachgestellt]
doctor-patient confidentiality ärztliche Schweigepflicht {f}
doctor-patient talk [coll.]Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch {n}
doctorsDoktoren {pl} <Dres.>
doctors Ärzte {pl}
Doctors [Erich Segal] Die Ärzte [auch: Die das Leben lieben]
doctors [female]Ärztinnen {pl}
doctor's appointmentArzttermin {m}
doctor's assistant [female] Arzthelferin {f}
doctor's assistant [male] Arzthelfer {m}
doctor's bag Bereitschaftstasche {f}
doctor's bagArzttasche {f}
doctor's bill Arztrechnung {f}
doctor's case Arztkoffer {m}
doctor's certificate ärztliches Zeugnis {n}
doctor's certificate ärztliches Attest {n}
doctor's certificate [for school / work absence] Krankschreibung {f}
doctors' choir Ärztechor {m}
doctor's consultationSprechstunde {f}
doctor's couchArztliege {f}
doctor's degree Doktorwürde {f}
doctor's degree Doktortitel {m}
doctor's entrance [Br.]Einfahrt {f} zu einer Arztpraxis
doctor's equipment ärztliche Ausrüstung {f}
doctor's eye glasses {pl} Doktorbrille {f} [ugs.]
doctor's family Arztfamilie {f}
doctor's feeHonorar {n} des Arztes
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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